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Harrier Man

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Everything posted by Harrier Man

  1. First, congratulations on your new car. I'm sure you'll love it, once you get these teething snags sorted out! My suggestion is to look at my suggestions in the thread "Profile Help Please" that I posted on 20 Jan 23. Come back on this thread if you need more help.
  2. Interesting that Lexus have the tazuna design concept to locate the main switches and controls so that they are easily accessed but the same isn't true of the software. The app is probably the worst example of a non intuitive layout but I don't rate the driver profile setup, the instrument display or the other software controlled layouts that highly either. Perhaps that's because the layouts and options are regionalised (USA, Europe, etc) and therefore not part of the rigorous design and quality control that the rest of the car receives.
  3. With acknowledgement to Dave (dts439) and all the excellent contributions to the "NX 450h+ electric and petrol range" thread, I thought I would start this new one just on the predicted EV range. Aim is to collect a bunch of stats to see how range varies with the seasons and how individual cars differ. If you would like to contribute, please include the predicted EV range without Air/Con and the predicted range with Air/Con. For consistency, please ensure the results are for a car that is 100% charged and the charging is complete. Around November, my range (without A/C) was over 47 miles but dropped in December. There appears to be a small recovery lately. My most recent 4 charges have returned the following: 45.6/41.0 - 46.2/42.5 - 46.3/42.6 - 46.5/43.7 (most recent) I'll plot the returns and periodically publish a summary. Thanks for your help.
  4. We've seen this all too often, from Microsoft to so called 'smart' appliances. It's not the engineers, it's the marketing department. They love the bells and whistles features because that's how they sell products/cars. Sadly, I am still as seduced by this as most human beings are, even though I have come to realise that most are just 5 minute wonders that are of little real value. TBH, I can live with that but what really gets my goat is that the software engineers are always being tasked with dreaming up the next set of bells and whistles rather than sorting out the problems with the core, useful bits of the software.
  5. Message on the App this morning reads, "Warning, we are having some issues, you might encounter some problems wile using the app. OK" I take that as positive; one Lexus are acknowledging the problem, two there are (hopefully) changes going on in the background that will give us a better app going forward.
  6. Update to my last paragraph. Missing trips listed above never appeared in the logs, missing for 24 hour period, but next day it seemed okay. However, first trip today was not recorded but the subsequent two were. Is this perhaps due to a central server upgrade? I've completed just over 7,300km according to the odometer and when I sum all the individual trips, it is 300km less so, whilst I am having some problems, they don't appear as bad as some are experiencing.
  7. Note there are warnings about using an extension cable. There are others on this forum better qualified than me but my understanding is that a typical extension lead from B&Q and the like is potentially dangerous to use as it does not have the current carrying capacity for car charging. Specialist extension cables are available if essential and when you see the price, you'll know why they are different to a household cable. I got one from (£20 indoor only cable, £26 for outdoor use cable). They also have a page that explains the issues better than I have.
  8. Following on from Richard's comment, I assume that the relevant permissions have been granted to allow the car, app and central servers to communicate with each other? Potentially, these include: Connected Services Master Data Consent; Service Connect Communication (might be optional); WiFi Connect (optional); External Vehicle Video Capture (optional). I took these permissions from the Deep Dive tutorial so, being a US video, they might be different in UK. As there is no detailed description of the system, I don't know which are optional, I have just guessed from the description. It may also be the case that opting in to a particular consent could cause a problem by overloading the bandwidth with, say, video data, that is then preventing the timely transmission of other data, such as location and/or trip details. Just to show me that I am not immune from the problems being experienced by many, since 6 o'clock last night, my location (4 places) has been accurate but the journey information is not (yet) showing in the app or in the portal log (3 journeys).
  9. Update. My car has been fine since the problem on Saturday. Fingers crossed this was just a one-off. I did contact my dealer on Saturday but no technician was available. I phoned again on Monday and was told a technician would phone me back. I'm still waiting.
  10. Whilst we have every right to expect the app to work (and be better than it is), I do think it is a bit gimicky. I can remember where I parked my car and the hybrid coaching only tells me what I already know, if I brake or accelerate hard, My fuel consumption/electric range will be reduced. It is mildly interesting to know what electric range I have remaining but it doesn't tell me the range for the amount of petrol in the tank and I've never craved to know that information whilst sitting on my sofa. In truth, the only truly useful function that I rely on the app for is to schedule charging so that the car will be ready when I leave for work at 8 o'clock in the morning.
  11. Stranger still. I am on version 4.14.0 of the App and have been for a while. If you are on the same version, it doesn't make sense that all 4 of my journeys today have recorded correctly whilst your app is reporting that it is having issues.
  12. Ask your dealer and they will/should tell you which ship it's on. Then use one of the marine traffic apps (good free ones are available) to track your ship. Use the Portbury docks website to find out when it's due to dock.
  13. Strange. On the front page of the App, is the Last Trip recorded every time? (It does on mine, albeit it can take up to a couple of hours to appear)
  14. This probably doesn't help much in your case as a 2019 car will have had just one mot but you can check the mot history and mileage details on the DVLA website at:
  15. If you go into the portal and look at your journeys there, is everything recorded correctly or are they not being recorded there either?
  16. Both cables that come with the car are 5m long; this needs to be borne in mind when siting the charger. You don't need to buy a cable with the charger but you may feel it worth buying a charger that has a cable permanently attached (can't remember the name for that, 'tethered' maybe?) I say this because the car's fast charging cable is quite heavy and awkward to keep plugging in and unplugging.
  17. Like Paul, I was lucky enough to get the charger paid for by Lexus (actually, it was a deal clincher; without the offer, I would have ended up with a RAV4 PHEV). I use it about 20% of the time, 75% of chargers are from a so-called granny charger, the remainder is from the public charging network. How you use the car will largely determine the best set-up for you. For me, most of the time, an overnight charge is fine but a couple of times a week, I get home from work and want a fast charge before going out again. Lexus battery management is good and well designed so I wouldn't worry about always using the fast charger (7kW) but, generally, I think slow charging is better for battery life; hence why I use the domestic charger most of the time.
  18. I agree with Peter (NemesisUK) and John (Las Palmas). One of the few (only?) advantages of having to wait 7 months for my NX was that I had plenty of time to read the roughly 1,300 pages of the pdf manual. However, it had limited impact as I couldn't relate what I was reading to the real car. It isn't well written either, compounding the problem, and I don't understand why, in this age of word processors, it hasn't been fully and specifically updated for the UK market.
  19. Mirrors my experience of the website not working and staff unable to help with a quote (see thread Lexus Insurance on Newish Vehicle posted 2 Dec 22. I've come to expect lousy customer service from companies (in general) when I need support but usually these companies are helpful enough when it comes to selling me something.
  20. Quite a few people have reported being woken by a loud bang (caused by the wheel arch liner being broken away and/or the bumper, depending on the model and the thieves) but have gone back to bed falsely thinking all is well as their car is still on the drive. Later, if the scene is quiet, the thieves can come back and steal the car without making much additional noise. I suspect it takes quite a lot of initial force, hence the alarm going off and the load bang. personally, I wouldn't araldite the liner in, could cause more problems in the future.
  21. That went through my mind too but car was parked in usual place, no wind, animals, people or anything else to suggest the alarm had or would be triggered. They also flashed for much longer than I would expect if the alarm had been triggered and didn't turn off by unlocking/locking doors, starting/stopping engine, etc.
  22. Yesterday, after charging my NX overnight and running the Climate Control from the App, I went out to my car to find the hazard flashers on. There was nothing I could do to turn them off. Eventually, I set off to pick up a friend thinking they might stop. I reached his house, switched off, on again but they were still flashing. I drove back to my house and switched off, flashers still going. Whilst waiting for him to pick me up, they did stop. I reckon, in all, they were flashing continuously for 10-15 minutes. This is a new one on me. Anybody else had anything similar or got any suggestions?
  23. Sadly, there have been several thefts of the NX and other Lexus/Toyota vehicles this way. It's called a Can-bus attack and the thieves get access to the bus using the left-hand headlight wiring.
  24. Commenting on Mr Vlad's post, "As for ice cars polluting cities. Poppycock. The percentage of pollution caused by cars is miniscule compared to what the buildings in the cities produce.", I would agree up to a point. Modern petrol cars are very clean and pollution from homes and business is significantly greater but I remember a news item a while back showing a mum pushing her daughter, in her pushchair, along a busy London street and you could physically see the exhaust fumes washing over the child's face. Made me feel very sad and sick for the little girl. Of course, I know that the most harmful pollution was coming from HGVs and diesel vehicles in general, and not from today's petrol engines, but it did confirm in my mind that something needed to be done to protect people. Encouragement should be the key: for example, free parking, parking that comes with charging points - thousands of them, etc. Let the people use their judgement and do what many have done, BEV for the cities, petrol for the long journeys, towing and non-HGV deliveries. Government should spend massively on researching solutions and creating appropriate infrastructure before introducing legislation. Response is always better and swifter with the carrot than the stick. Just my opinion.
  25. My suggestion David is to watch the You Tube NX Deep Dive Tutorial Part One at /watch?v=k7s8vzKnaU8 22 minutes 18 seconds in, it describes how to connect the NX to the App. This is an American video so be aware that there are some differences. I watched it several times to familiarise myself with what's involved. Next, I would set up as much as you can from the Lexus Portal, not the App. There seems to be some additional options here and better descriptions; I find it easier to work with a big screen too! Make sure you have things like your VIN entered and that the Connected Services are active. If you get the option, set the location of your car by following the on-screen instructions (I was only offered this once during the process but my 'Find my Car' location is always accurate. No idea if setting the location at this early stage has made the difference but it must surely be worth a try and doing if you can). On your phone, I would have bluetooth switched on and 'discoverable', your data package switched on but I would switch wifi OFF (temporarily of course). Keep your second key well out the way (preferably switched off). Now go through the procedure outlined in the video to set up your profile. Good luck! I wish there was more info on the software and the links and connections to help users diagnose the problems being experienced but there isn't so it feels very hit and miss at times. I don't have a secret insight into the system either so I can only suggest the procedure that has worked for me. My location is accurate, all my journeys appear to be recorded and I have never once in 3 months (touch wood) had a message saying that my profile could not be synched. I would add though that I am the sole driver, my second key is off and in a drawer in the house and no second profile has ever been added so I might have an advantage there (in terms of the software, not my love life!!). The video does say to switch wifi on; my thinking is that if any connection to the internet is required, it will go through your data package so wifi could, maybe, possibly confuse the system; hence my recommendation to switch it off. However, if you do have a problem creating your profile, do try it again with wifi on. If anybody who knows about these things suggests that I'm talking rubbish, then they are probably right! I have tried not to use techie jargon but I have made some assumptions so if you have any questions, please feel free to PM (Private Message) me or ask on this forum.
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