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Harrier Man

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Everything posted by Harrier Man

  1. Yesterday, after charging my NX overnight and running the Climate Control from the App, I went out to my car to find the hazard flashers on. There was nothing I could do to turn them off. Eventually, I set off to pick up a friend thinking they might stop. I reached his house, switched off, on again but they were still flashing. I drove back to my house and switched off, flashers still going. Whilst waiting for him to pick me up, they did stop. I reckon, in all, they were flashing continuously for 10-15 minutes. This is a new one on me. Anybody else had anything similar or got any suggestions?
  2. Sadly, there have been several thefts of the NX and other Lexus/Toyota vehicles this way. It's called a Can-bus attack and the thieves get access to the bus using the left-hand headlight wiring.
  3. Commenting on Mr Vlad's post, "As for ice cars polluting cities. Poppycock. The percentage of pollution caused by cars is miniscule compared to what the buildings in the cities produce.", I would agree up to a point. Modern petrol cars are very clean and pollution from homes and business is significantly greater but I remember a news item a while back showing a mum pushing her daughter, in her pushchair, along a busy London street and you could physically see the exhaust fumes washing over the child's face. Made me feel very sad and sick for the little girl. Of course, I know that the most harmful pollution was coming from HGVs and diesel vehicles in general, and not from today's petrol engines, but it did confirm in my mind that something needed to be done to protect people. Encouragement should be the key: for example, free parking, parking that comes with charging points - thousands of them, etc. Let the people use their judgement and do what many have done, BEV for the cities, petrol for the long journeys, towing and non-HGV deliveries. Government should spend massively on researching solutions and creating appropriate infrastructure before introducing legislation. Response is always better and swifter with the carrot than the stick. Just my opinion.
  4. My suggestion David is to watch the You Tube NX Deep Dive Tutorial Part One at /watch?v=k7s8vzKnaU8 22 minutes 18 seconds in, it describes how to connect the NX to the App. This is an American video so be aware that there are some differences. I watched it several times to familiarise myself with what's involved. Next, I would set up as much as you can from the Lexus Portal, not the App. There seems to be some additional options here and better descriptions; I find it easier to work with a big screen too! Make sure you have things like your VIN entered and that the Connected Services are active. If you get the option, set the location of your car by following the on-screen instructions (I was only offered this once during the process but my 'Find my Car' location is always accurate. No idea if setting the location at this early stage has made the difference but it must surely be worth a try and doing if you can). On your phone, I would have bluetooth switched on and 'discoverable', your data package switched on but I would switch wifi OFF (temporarily of course). Keep your second key well out the way (preferably switched off). Now go through the procedure outlined in the video to set up your profile. Good luck! I wish there was more info on the software and the links and connections to help users diagnose the problems being experienced but there isn't so it feels very hit and miss at times. I don't have a secret insight into the system either so I can only suggest the procedure that has worked for me. My location is accurate, all my journeys appear to be recorded and I have never once in 3 months (touch wood) had a message saying that my profile could not be synched. I would add though that I am the sole driver, my second key is off and in a drawer in the house and no second profile has ever been added so I might have an advantage there (in terms of the software, not my love life!!). The video does say to switch wifi on; my thinking is that if any connection to the internet is required, it will go through your data package so wifi could, maybe, possibly confuse the system; hence my recommendation to switch it off. However, if you do have a problem creating your profile, do try it again with wifi on. If anybody who knows about these things suggests that I'm talking rubbish, then they are probably right! I have tried not to use techie jargon but I have made some assumptions so if you have any questions, please feel free to PM (Private Message) me or ask on this forum.
  5. My NX is going great thanks Chris. I haven't had the problems with the App that some have experienced (location always appears spot on, as does the record of journeys for example) but that isn't to say that the App doesn't need work, it does. However, the App is secondary to the vehicle, it's comfort and the way it drives. I am disappointed with the poor turning circle and some of the winter problems should have been sorted during design and testing (there are a couple of threads running on these issues). Some of the bells & whistles and so-called safety features are of dubious value; simplicity is a great safety feature often overlooked and I much prefer driving with awareness rather than abdicating this responsibility by handing some of this over to the car as I fear it leads to complacency (hopeful not in me but I can see it happening). Enough of the negatives. The car is fantastic to drive. Not only is it quiet and refined but it also goes round corners better than many Japanese vehicles in the past. The engine/transmission is engineering art, beautiful. I believe any car purchase should be for a vehicle that suits your needs; journalists impressions (or mine!) are secondary. To that end, the NX450h+ suits me very well and is a far better choice for me than a BEV (especially after reading the "Research shows it costs more to run an EV on long journeys" thread currently running in the Lexus General Discussions forum). I can get to and from work on electric only but still have the ability to the travel long distances I undertake several times a year without worrying about range anxiety. If my circumstances were different, a different vehicle might suit me better but, for now, I love my NX and rate it 9/10. Once the App is improved and with improvements to the multimedia software, I can see this rising to 9.5/10.
  6. The dealer did send me information about Lexus' Total asset protection (gap) insurance. I can't find the details; I think it was around £450, but for only 3 years cover. With Ala, I have 4 years cover.
  7. I read the same too and considered 4 companies (in Aug 22). Motor Easy and Gap Insurance both asked too many questions when trying to get an online quote so I didn't go any further. Direct Gap wanted £399 and Ala £395, both for 4 years cover. I went with Ala, not for the £4 saving but because they had more positive customer service reviews.
  8. Pretty fair report with plenty of statistics to digest. Makes me feel very happy with my decision to buy the excellent Lexus NX 450h+
  9. Utter claptrap that is 10 years too late, says little and will achieve even less. These people think that if they include the word 'smart' in front of their drivel that we we all jump up and down with joy with a big smile on our face.
  10. I don't know about your model specifically but my NX450h+ can be remote started through the US version of the App but not the UK version; that option isn't available. However, from the App, I can defrost the front and rear screens and warm the steering wheel before I get into the car. There are limitations but it is a nice, useful feature.
  11. I suggest checking the schedule when you wake up in the morning to ensure it is still active. A couple of times, my schedule has dropped out.
  12. I worry too that most politicians live in cities and have very little understanding of rural living. Edinburgh has an excellent bus service but up here in the North, the service is abysmal. Private transport is essential. Covid rules stated that people couldn't travel more than 5 miles from home; fine if if you are a politician living in Edinburgh and have a choice of half a dozen supermarkets in a 5 mile radius but it was unworkable in rural areas where, in some areas, you cannot even reach a corner shop in 5 miles. I don't know whether our politicians are thick or just choose to bury their hands in the sand. Either way, they do a poor job and entrusting them on the future of transport is likely to cause chaos for us all in the future. I really cannot get my head around why so many supposedly intelligent people can be leading us up this potentially disastrous path. Or is it me that has got is so wrong?
  13. There are many points of interest in Scotty's video that are of concern. The infrastructure in the US is not as robust as we have in Europe and we charge at 230V, roughly half the charge time of the 110v used in USA. However, I remain concerned because roughly 5 years ago I was in the dentist's waiting room reading an article in the New Scientist on electricity consumption, where they had calculated that if all the cars on today's roads were electric and all fossil fuel heating systems were heat pumps, then we would need another 4-5 power stations in the UK! How many are in the pipeline? None? Maybe 1? The New Scientist is a very well respected magazine and has a lot of credibility. I photographed the article but, unfortunately, cannot find it so my fallible memory has probably mis-quoted the article's facts. Nevertheless, the sentiment is close enough to be a cause of concern and Scotty's video reinforces those concerns.
  14. I would always put tyre performance over looks but in my humble opinion, I think an SUV looks better on chunkier tyres than the more rounded summer tyres.
  15. The Car Care Nut on You Tube has a review of the new model (/watch?v=KVsyJE5nSz4) and I think there was one a few months ago on the old V6. He also has a technical review of the new NX. Of course they are the US model specs but all are worth watching in my opinion, if you are still undecided.
  16. According to Car & Driver (a US magazine), it came out in June 2021, not much ahead of the European market. That didn't give much time for general consumer winter experience before the UK launch. However, I don't think this lets Lexus off the hook. Pre-launch testing, both in environmental test facilities and real world testing would, I believe, have revealed some of the issues being experienced.
  17. With the reported problems, I have been testing my filler cap every week. Touch wood, so far with no problems. Filled up today and thought I would put in Esso Supreme as I do believe it is beneficial, especially over the winter and with my 450h+ where I am not getting through a tank-full every week (I last filled up in November!). The garage was advertising unleaded for 141.9p/l so I thought Supreme would be sensibly priced. Not so, it was 169.9p/l. I put in £30 worth and then went to Asda and topped up with E10 unleaded at 137.7p/l - a massive 32p/l difference. I still prefer Esso Supreme but I cannot see that there is that much benefit in it so I will be checking and thinking very carefully before my next fill.
  18. Ah, clearer now. I have had an error message, about one time in 10. The defrost system has to work within certain parameters, so I get a message if I try to defrost when not plugged into the charger and there is not enough charge in the battery (don't know the figure but it appears to be quite high). I also get a message if I have gone through one defrost cycle and try a second cycle. Obviously after a period it will let me have a second go, but again, I don't know how long; however, it appears to be a relatively long time. There is a long and detailed explanation on YT (/watch?v=mXFipAaMEQI) about the system. I get from this that battery heating system is not up to the job in the coldest situations and that's where I believe remote engine starting (to answer Paul's question) could come into play. On the coldest of days this winter, a single 20 minute cycle was not enough to fully defrost my windows. On the coldest day, the wipers were still firmly frozen to the windscreen. Disappointing. Aside from bring out the old fashioned ice scraper (which I'm not adverse to), my solution was to jump in, start the ICE and wait for a proper defrost. You may have noticed that on cold days with the heating set to 'Hi', the car will put itself into ICE mode because only that can generate the heat to reach the desired temperatures. I don't know how full BEVs get around the problem but of course they don't have the (luxury?) of an engine to fall back on so their design needs to be more robust. Overall, winter performance is an area where I am least happy with my car. From my frozen charging point door, to difficulties with the e-latch, to no heating strip for the wipers, to the inability to fully defrost the windows from electric power alone. One wonders if Lexus ever tested the car in one of the giant fridges designed for such testing? If they did, surely they would have changed some of the design?
  19. In a similar post a while back, I replied saying I thought the remote engine start was a US only function so I'm intrigued by your question. I have version 4.14.0 of the Lexus App on my mobile and I can't even find an option to remote start. Since you have been told that a fix is available, I'm even more intrigued that I might be missing out!
  20. I asked my dealer. Much easier than my first attempt to look at all the ships leaving the area at the time!
  21. A friend of mine got one from for their Golf. Looks a good fit to me and they are pleased with it. Hatchbag's website shows one for the old NX but unfortunately not the new model. Might be worth giving them a call?
  22. Nigel, do you mean a boot liner, as Stephen linked to, or the soft plastic type that goes all the way up the back of the seats and sides to stop that pesky dog hair and reduce the 'wet dog' smell from impregnating the carpeted areas?
  23. A simple 'tin box' might not be enough. I bought a cheap one that I think had a few sewing bits in because it was about the right size. Despite the lid being a good fit, when I tested it, it didn't work! Faraday pouches also degrade over time. Moral is, regularly check so that you don't end up with a false sense of security. My preference is to put the key fobs to sleep, as I described yesterday in this thread, to prevent relay thefts; and use a Stoplock or similar to deter CANbus thefts. Decent immobilisers/trackers are good but generally expensive. A simple tracker is more affordable and may help with recovering a stolen car but doesn't prevent the theft in the first place. Someone (Herbie I think) recommended one from although I haven't tried this myself.
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