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Everything posted by Niraj

  1. maneeeeeeeeeeeshhhhhh!!!!!
  2. lol.... i'm sure these girls have boyfriends, and i'm sure they will all tell you they have excellent personalities, lol, leave them alone... it's not like we're a bunch of dashing, handsome young men anyway.
  3. Hehehehe... you put my name, and ahmets name before your own..... WE MUST BE SPECIAL Thanks dude :D
  4. hey maneesh you forgot my plate :( N12AJ X
  5. finally the post i was waiting for.... lol just had a re-scan.... was hoping for something a bit more...well...attractive?!
  6. Nick: it says so at the top of the page, in the list of people... as you can see, i'm...well... just me really, lol.... for those who know me.... that's more than enough said, lol.
  7. Can i add my name please? Nick!!! you're not greek?!?!
  8. My opinion: not everyone modifies there cars with the intention of squeezing more power out of it. Of course it's nice to have power, but where exactly is the average person going to be able to exploit it. I think most mods, are aimed at the car enthusiast who wants something slightly different and unique, to change the appearance, aesthetics, design or feel of a car. The car manufacturers build and design cars that will sell to large audiences, with good profits, within certain criteria. As a modern day car modifier, i know my car is now slower than when i first bought it, but i also know, that to my eye, it looks better than standard versions of my car. It's a compromise that some have to make. :)
  9. looks like it was a fantastic weekend... can't wait to see more pics :D
  10. as i've always understood it to be is: first press = alarm activated, sensors activated. second press = sensors deactivated, deadlocks activated. on single press, the siren sounds when: door is unlocked with key, unlocked from inside, ignition started, or movement in cabin. on double press, the siren sounds when : door is unlocked with key, (cannot unlock from inside), or ignition is started.
  11. Excellent :D and bloody well deserved... photo pointed out above is also my favourite. :D
  12. This is a nice and simple one but thought i'd post up just to add to the guide. All 4 of my doors started squeaking / creaking recently, not sure if it was coincidence or the fact that i cleaned the car inside and out. Anyway, the solution is simple: Open the doors wide open, and find the hinge about half way down connected to the car. Squirt 2 shots of spray grease or a couple drops of lube on the pin, and swing the door a few times for the lube to get around the entire hinge. Voila :D noise all gone. B)
  13. that just sucks ... sounds like a bunch of kids, that didn't know the lcd cannot be used for anything else. hope all gets sorted mate.
  14. LOL sounds like somebodies been on a recent 'stag do'
  15. The Yonex MP is a very good range of rackets especially the MP99... infact some would say it's on a par with the NS8000, especially as the more common MP99 comes with the same grip size and same weight... it is an advanced players racket :) would love to give you a game or two some time, i play at the Hatfield Sports Village (De Havilland) every Thursday, pop down if you're in the area :) I'm moving from a varied range of rackets and recently played with the Isometric 62 MF, which felt like an amazing defensive racket, but i'm more of the attacking player.
  16. @Pip : lol i've been happily single since the start of this year... as for this racket the NS8000 is worth getting excited about... i can't wait to get out on the court and start using it :D... so is it true what Boosha says, are you regular squash players and not badminton? I would've thought Badminton relates better to Lexus Owners being agile, nippy, exciting, the only sport to produce a droplet of sweat... Squash just sounds a bit sluggish and an anger release sport, us Lexus Owners surely don't have any anger... do we?.... @ Purvs : dude i'm so calm, i don't get angry, and i doubt i will ever be forced into a fit of rage, lol So where have i been??? I've been tied down to work, and ive finally realised that it's not the "be all and end all" of my life :) There are other more important things like friends, and family and having a social life, lol....
  17. Sounds like it's a safe deal :D resolution sounds like it should be high enough too :) i'd recommend you take a few backups of the file, and have it printed at a photo shop (obtain a receipt) as a small proof of the date and perhaps somehow that this image belongs to you :) sorry if i'm sounding very pedantic, but it's oh so easy for people to claim others work as their own, and i wouldn't want you to be a victim of fraud in the future, and not be compensated for your photography :)
  18. did you see Jessica at the MTV awards thing... dammmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnnn she was SEXY!!!!
  19. before payment or cash changes hands, be sure to confirm WHERE the photo will be used, whether it will be REFERENCED, and it will be in its ORIGINAL format. If the 3rd party also wishes to use it other than the places stated, be sure that he knows you MUST be informed. I don't know the contents of the photo, but better to be safe and covered than being sued for it's use, incase of the contents depicted in the photo. Not sure if i make sense. :duh: But WELL DONE :D i wish i could get my photo's sold.... if anyone's interested i can supply a linky. :D
  20. i haven't seen any monetary benefits of this hot weather. :( oh except the leather in my car smells super duper nice :D
  21. don't know what the start of this thread was about but i have two lovely ladies i would like to tell you about. Firstly my dearest Jennifer Love Hewitt, and secondly my fairest Kristen Kreuk....
  22. Hi guys, haven't been on here in a while, but nice to see familiar faces around. Firstly, many apologies as i will not be able to attend JAE... but i hope you guys will take loads of snaps for me. My cousin recently bought a 2.5l V6 Galant, so if anyone goes over to the mitsubishi stand, any pics of the VR4s and such like would be a great treat too :) So anyway onto the subject of this thread. BADMINTON! I've been a huge badminton enthusiast for quite some time, and have been recovering from a re-occuring tricep injury for many years. Yesterday i purchased a new racket and i'm REALLY REALLY excited about getting it :D it's a Yonex Nanospeed 8000. So as a discussion for today the topic is badminton, the sport & the equipment for whoever enjoys it :) any comments regarding the NS8000 i would love to hear. :)
  23. hey maneesh how did you do the ignition barrell? looks nice...
  24. i added that spoiler to my car... i think its absolutely lovely, and good quality spoiler too. if yours is bolted on like mine, there are 2 holes either end, and one in the middle :)
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