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Everything posted by Niraj

  1. All the more reason to go and see this film :D
  2. I just can't wait for this to be out... only another 9 days :) :D yay!
  3. and there is a third about 200 yards further which is for the M11 trafic, thats like 3 in less than a mile It's such a wide road that bit... mind you, it was easy to catch some speed down there... i guess that won't be happening again anytime soon.
  4. get your parents to find a girl from deepest darkest have had enuff fun!! grow up!! I bet I sound just like your parents.... hell no!
  5. If i was still at university, I would hand this in for my final year dissertation. It's an outstanding piece of analysis... written by a man or a woman, i dont know! Absolutely amazing nevertheless! My whole life, i've been in pretty much one of the above roles, at some point in my relationships... There are 17 myths listed, and i've had 10 gfs... of which a minimum of one myth has now been identified with each one of those girls! So now... how exactly do I find that special someone?!
  6. just found the thread... not sure what to say. infact in this instance, your pictures do say it all... and it was silver... just like mine... the best of all the colours!
  7. Spotted: a replacement and additional digital one on the A406 between Angel and Redbridge. Just before the M11 junctions. First one is just after you come up out from under the bridge, and the second is about quarter of a mile on.
  8. The nitty gritty details. The PCN notice defined I was caught contrevening traffic law by Operator 1591!!!! If i find him i'll be sure to let him know my deepest thoughts! Steve: The ticket came through roughly 10 working days after the incident. Since then, i have noticed MANY camera's that work in town centre's. (My driving has considerably improved ) The road opens onto a bigger road (i wouldn't say a "major" road, but definately bigger than the one i was on). The road rules from my memory appear to have changed within the last 18 months. I used to turn right at the junction regularly.... not anymore though. Pip: pics of motoring offences only please.... :P lol hahaha... Am i the only accidental law breaker here? Surely you guys must have some driving law stories with pics... ?
  9. the only reason i posted this, was because i knew i got lucky. and as a warning to other road users, beware of crafty town centre camera's. what annoyed me, was 18 months ago... that road was did not open onto a "Left Turn Only". It's a "new" change to the road layout, and i've been extremely used to turning right there, many times in the past. Live and learn i guess. My first ticket, in 6 years of driving. Noel: i didn't have my indicator on, but that's because i knew i was about to be doing something wrong... i hold my hands up to that. Mr Singh: sunroof was not open. But the moonroof was :P ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On a different note... does anyone care to share their "BUSTED (with pics)" moments with us?
  10. £50 for 4 photos.... expensive photo shoot! One thing's for certain though.... i bet none of you guys can get a pic of your car from that angle! :P
  11. Unlucky day for me... Yes it's me... i didn't mean to do it... honest £50 fine for turning right in a left turn ONLY zone :( Hampstead... NW3
  12. yup :) that's the direction i mounted mine... notice the difference compared to the pics above... i dont see the relay mounting on your pic though?
  13. Nope, no scrapes at all mate, there was a fixing bracket in the kit for relay box. i thought there might be something to hold it properly, it looks a bit tacky with the relay box hanging off... i'll have to get Dave to send me one. As for the scraping... it's wafer thin... barely noticable... just wondered if anyone did check though, cos the clearance between the strut and box is miniscule. Also just noticed, i followed the instructions in the kit, which show the L shape bracket mounted in the engine bay to be opposite way rount to the ones in the pics above. Which brings the strut in a little closer and hence why mine may scrape. The instructions were for US spec IS's and i noticed, that they don't have the alluminium brake cylinder box, in the engine bay where we do?!?!
  14. I fitted mine a couple weeks ago :) Does the job really well, aside from a very slight slight scrape of the driver side strut slightly grazing the aluminium brake fluid (master cylinder box) i think it is?! not sure if anyone else noticed it. i didn't secure down my relay box... will have to think up something to get it looking OEM again.
  15. happy birthday dude.... what party where?!?! :D
  16. i like it very much. in my religion, the colour car you have is very lucky. :) so enjoy it. i love the interior... so jealous of that screen! :P the stearing wheel looks lush too. great photo's would love to see some more :)
  17. i have a few rattles in the spare wheel well, where i keep my additional tools... that reminds me... i must put them in bag tomorrow :D hehehe... no rattles dude... 5 years old, 40mm lowered all round on TTE coils, pretty stiff suspension. :)
  18. are you saying you've got an extra cigarette plug power socket in the back....!!! No fair! I want one! btw: any chance you could direct me over to the eBay seller for that blanket... i have been looking for one for a while, but at a good price. :D cheers matey...
  19. done :) took 14 minutes... do i get a job? i had to restart 3 times. :D
  20. lol... brilliant, because its true...
  21. have you guys heard about school kids now having in-built bullet/stab proof vests as part of the school uniform? not to mention the alteration of the nursery rhyme "bah bah black sheep" to "bah bah rainbow sheep"??
  22. i think they look very nice... definately make you want to look at them more than twice :) i like the way they make the discs look really clean... or is it, they just ARE clean! :D
  23. wow you got them :D have you got any close up pics...
  24. I've seen a Maroon GS between M1 J4- J9. :) The blue lights are hidden behind a tinted window / shelf for the rear.... very smart i thought. :)
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