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New Is Owner + Interesting (Maybe) Trinket...


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Hi, just entered the realm of IS ownership, having bought my first Lexus today - a 52 plate IS200 Sport

A (possibly) interesting thing came with it - a ridiculously heavy key-fob, that turns out to be a railroad-style pocket watch



Just wondered if these were common, rare, worth anything to a collector, etc? Not saying I'm going to sell it, cos it seems like a cool little item, just curious is all

Anyway, the IS I came home with today;



Just need to sort out some new keys for it. It came with three (2x black three-button, and a single grey two-button; the master key?) and the two black ones have cracked and broken casings. One has completely separated (is just a "fob" and a key blade now) and the other is beginning to crack, and probably won't be long before it splits apart. But other than that, it all seems good to me!

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Hi and Welcome.

I've never seen one of those pocket watches, very nice! I done think it came with the car.

As for your keys, the black 3 button keys are the masters and you won't be able to code any other keys without one of these. The 2 button grey key is a valet key, you won't be able to remotely open the boot with this key. Also when you put the black 3 button master key in the ignition the security light on the dash will go out immediately, the valet key when put in the ignition will keep the security light on for 2-3 seconds. Don't break/lose both your master keys cos without them your bang in trouble!

And by the way a new key from Lexus is £200 and without a master to code it it's useless!

All the best



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Thanks for the welcome

I'd done a bit of googling regarding the keys (including some threads on here) and saw they are pretty expensive! Seems the general consensus is to get a blank key and casing off eBay, transfer the electrical gubbins inside my broken keys, and then get a (decent) locksmith/key cutter to cut the blank - which is certainly cheaper than £400 for two keys!!!

Strangely, the grey valet key works fine in the ignition, but doesn't fit the boot and door locks. None of the locks (boot, doors, ignition) have been changed, and the other two (black) keys fit all fine - just the grey one won't slide into the door or boot lock! Odd?

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This is normal mate, only the master will fit the boot, glovebox and manual door locks :)

Yes you can get them off Flea bay and get then cut them at a locksmith and code them yourself. It is imperative that you have a fully functioning master key at all times so put your good master somewhere safe and use your valet key!

To code a new key you need to put the master in the ignition and then the peddle dance routine to code the immobiliser into the blank key and then the door dance to do the door locks.

Quite complicated and you might not be succesful first time but keep at it! Both routines are on this forum.

There's also two different lengths of blade on IS200 keys depending in the year of your car so make sure you get the right size :)

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Ah, ok! Thanks!

So if I just got two blanks (like these : - obviously checking for the correct blade length) and swapped the insides and buttons over from the two broken keys (one of which is the master), then got the blades cut, I wouldn't need to do any coding or anything, right? It'd still be the same internals

They even do the VW/Audi style flick keys, which might be nice (less space taken up in the pocket, and less chance of "bending" the key blade, which probably leads to cracking/breaking the cases...

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Yeah I don't see why that wouldn't work :)

Might even get one of those flip ones myself!

Have a read of some of the horror stories on here about losing all keys to an IS200! Lexus will charge you £2000 for a new ECU, door locks and ignition barrel!

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Not having much luck - after Timpsons saying they couldn't do it, and the mobile guy letting me down, I tried another local cutters today who looked at it and said they could do it, and duly did - for it to work in the door, boot and glovebox, but not turn in the ignition. Felt a bit "notchy" sliding into the ignition, but wouldn't turn, took it back in, he ran it through again, same thing. Then tried tapering the edges off the end (to match how mine have worn) and no luck, ran it through a 4th time, and still the same. Hmm...

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