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Best Mate Hit's My Lexus :(

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Alright so not sure why I'm posting this but thought it'd be a little bit amusing to some of you...

Basically I went to meet a friend at my local superstore to pick up our lunch for the following day, as we came out and sat in the cars for around about 5-10 minutes, we decided to pull off. Now at this point he had already parked like an absolute K*$* so I was little worried that he do his usual take off and hit me, now I was stationary, lights on and my engine still switched off. As he pulled off like he does every-time in his little ugly green 1997 Renault Clio 1.2 he goes (as predicted) straight in to my drivers side wing panel, tail lights, rear wheel, arch, bumper skirt the lot causing £600 - £800 worth of repair damage. I was furious, I had got out of my car trying to contain my anger, but what really ticked me off even f*&$ing more was the fact he got out and said:

'S&%t, I couldn't even see your car it's so black'

That's a joke right? Shouldn't of parked there like an idiot, besides he knew I was sitting there. Anyway he's given me the money FINALLY to get my pride and joy fixed after he offered to fix it himself which I was not agreeing to, never bodge job a Lexus. Ever.

So yeah pointless story but thought I'd share. :)


P.S. I can upload some pictures if people would like to see the damage lol

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So how does he take off every time in his 1.2 Clio?

Since youve fixed it, yeah ill see before and after :)

He just rags it off the line, doesn't go very fast just he always puts his foot to floor lmao

It's booked in for next Tuesday so will post some before's up tomorrow! :)

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LOL. Yeah same with my work colleague with his 1.5 Clio. thrashes it all the time even out of work when the engine is cold, and looks like a idiot doing it, pretty funny tho cus even though its been thrashed it hardly shifts lol except he rolled it last week so maybe he'll finally grow up and learn

btw do you have HIDs or LEDs in your fogs?

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LOL. Yeah same with my work colleague with his 1.5 Clio. thrashes it all the time even out of work when the engine is cold, and looks like a idiot doing it, pretty funny tho cus even though its been thrashed it hardly shifts lol except he rolled it last week so maybe he'll finally grow up and learn

btw do you have HIDs or LEDs in your fogs?

Lmao!! My mate rags his so much he has slight negative camber on his rear passenger wheel and slight positive camber on his driver side, from all that handbrakeing :L He's also screwed his wheel bearing in the front left wheel :L

I have 8k HID's :)

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