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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/31/2016 in Posts

  1. I'm not sure that the dealer can simply evade responsibility under the law. I would be inclined to contact Trading Standards/CAB and see what your rights are. Also, may be worth contacting Honest John as his advice is normally pretty accurate and fair. Also, I would consider if you can cancel the AA warranty (not as described) and look into getting a Lexus warranty instead. Good luck with getting sorted out in any case.
    2 points
  2. The price sounds about right for a dealer. However, I dont think it takes 3 hours, I thought it was disk based on the 400h? Im sure some people have had luck with getting new maps on ebay for like £60
    2 points
  3. Spotted this the other day, looks very nice with some subtle modifications, presently at £3400!
    1 point
  4. Look on YouTube, trillions of videos
    1 point
  5. Apologies for the long absence, change of job/house etc etc. For those that are interested the issue was quite straightforward: A blown fuel pump relay, cost £25,00. (Well done ChrisKaye). Sadly, this wasn't discovered until a completely new battery had been put in, at which time I thought, well if I'm going to do this then I might as well do that.... etc etc. The three lessons learnt were: 1) The car will run on battery alone if the fuel pump relay fails, (or at the least mine did). 2) Lexus Tunbridge Wells told me they had tried to charge the battery and this had not worked, (the diagnostic report on the battery that Toytec showed me proved this to be a complete fabrication). I'm can't even be sure they did the inverter as per the recall. I was still charged £150 for the pleasure. To fail to notice a failed relay shows that either they are entirely incompetent or just didn't want to know but I wouldn't have expected to be lied to. The myth of the wonderful Lexus dealership is just that and I will never frequent one again. 3) Toytec in Crawley are excellent however their chief mechanic is a major perfectionist and if you are also this way inclined, (as I am) you may well come out with half your car being replaced and £6k lighter! Still, 20k miles later without so much as a murmur and I'm a very happy owner. Tom
    1 point
  6. Bob is spot on Derkins. 1.The Trader has a Statutory responsibility to correct at his expense any significant fault which occurs within 6 months of your purchase. You do not have to prove anything as the fault is deemed to have been present when you bought the vehicle.The fact that he is 300 miles away is irrelevant and he should pay for a reputable local to you repair/replacement part(s). 2. The AA Warranty is irrelevant and should never have been purchased. Explain to AA and seek to cancel.. 3. Honest John at is simply the best motoring journalist this side of Alpha Centauri and you should email him pronto. 4. Yes, when the problems have been sorted you simply must try for a Lexus Warranty. All the very best to you in your endeavors. Regards John John
    1 point
  7. Hey everyone, I have recently bought a Lexus IS300h Sport (not F Sport) and have had it now for about 2 weeks. I have to say the car is amazing. The hybrid system is really cool and when you drive it right you easily get in the 50's MPG, the ride is smooth quiet and refined yet it has some decent power if you need it. I had a BMW before and the Lexus is better in pretty much every way which is why I didnt get another 3 series, but oh my god is the infotainment system in the Lexus the worst I have ever seen or what. I dont know if you guys feel the same or if there is something I will find out on this forum that allows me to make it better, but the stock Infotainment in the IS300h is years behind. Everything else about the car is absolutely amazing. I am taking it on its first 3 hour or so drive tomorrow to the beach and I cant wait. If anyone has any hints tips or whatever to do with the infotainment I would be interested to hear it. Looking forward to spending some time on the forum and getting to know people a little
    1 point
  8. I have a 09 450H SE-L Premier HDD based with gracenote. 3 hours does seem OTT especially if they pre-download the update it is simply applying a usb stick and letting it upload/apply to the car. I would have thought an hour tops myself...
    1 point
  9. Had mine for 3 years now without any problems.Still on original brake pads and discs and it wafts along in dreamlike silence. Had 60,000 mile (6 years ) service yesterday with odometer showing 40,000 miles covered. Nothing required apart from oils, plugs and filters and it sailed through its MOT without any advisories..The GS is a stunning motor car. Treat it with the utmost respect Steven for it is a wolf in sheep`s clothing. Enjoy motoring pleasure. Regards John
    1 point
  10. Not really. Lets say an IS300H was £30k when bought with 80% business use and 20% personal use. Due to its emissions it goes into the 18% main rate pool. 0.18 x 30k = £5400 Take out personal use so 0.8 x 5400 = 4320 Then you take out £5400 from the cars value = 24600 (this figure is used next calendar year as the value of the car) With the £4320, it'll get taken out of your income, so essentially, you dont pay tax on the £4320 I believe, after the value of the car dips below 15k the accountant keeps nagging me to change my car as he cant claim anything back. Ive been doing this for years, thought it was common knowledge! Anyhow, the new Volvo XC90 is seriously enticing me, especially the T8 hybrid, I can claim 100% back in the first year, then just sell it in the second year and actually make a profit! lol Oh and should also mention that you can write down 18% each year for as long as you own the car considering its over a certain value, I think that value is £15k but will probably have to check.
    1 point
  11. Hello and welcome to the LOC. My Lexus is so old it used to have a cassette tape player in it The paint and wheel combination look great on yours.
    1 point
  12. Solved problem of finding wood kit by, A returning the Ls400 and B purchasing a Ls430 with simply EVERYTHING. What a great car, heated and cooled deats,cool box, enough wood to build a boat, air supension etc etc. Its top of range with premium pack.
    1 point
  13. I seem to get bombarded with emails to test drive the new Lexus cars so I thought why not give the new RX450H a test drive. i currently drive the older model GS450h so I thought it would be an interesting comparison. obviously the first thing is the size, it's huge and imposing but in a very satisfying way. Let's be honest, anyone driving one of these beasts is not shy. it says look at me all over it. I had the F-sport models which I think is the best looking externally and of course has the biggest front grille in the land. i should think as I pull up behind lesser mortals they must feel they are about to be swallowed. to drive it felt a completely natural transition from my own car. It has ample power when required and although not quite as nippy as the GS equivilant was certainly no slouch. I did however find my self driving mostly in sport + , mode as this transforms the response and just makes the whole vehicle feel much more nimble. Eco was fine for pottering around but I preferred to have the extra go on tap. one of the first things I noticed was that the exhaust note was much louder than my car. At first I felt this was intrusive but by the end of my test drive I actually started to enjoy the sportier note. This might be a love hate thing as to most absolute quite is the most important Lexus trait . The Rx, despite its huge wheels had very little road noise. On the worst road surfaces it was slightly better dampened than my own GS450h on 18" wheels. I travelled on some particularly bad concrete surfaces near Swindon which are dreadful no matter what you drive. The RX done a very good job over this surface travelling at motorway speeds. handling again was compatible to a saloon. Models of old were a bit sloppy around the corners and under brakng but not so anymore with these new Rx. The smaller details within the cabin also impressed me. The new media system controls can be a bit fiddly to navigate but that just takes a bit of practice and I found it quite intuitive after a bit of playing. i love the electric Windows, they are extremely quiet and the way they slow just before reaching the top just feels so well engineered. It sounds silly but these details just add to the refinement. The seats are very supportive although I'd like slightly more padding in the bases if I'm honest but this is a minor gripe. to be honest after my 24 hour drive I really could not fault much with the Rx other than its has a larger turning circle than most saloons and washing that roof is going to require a step ladder. oh, economy, I was driving this at a decent pace, in he same manner that I would my own GS, and I was achieving around 29mpg compared to nearer 27mpg in my GS. given the size of this vehicle I thought that was pretty acceptable. I'm sure if I had driven more carefully in Eco mode I could easily achieve over 30's around town. unfortunately for me at over £50,000 this car is a little out of my price range but who knows, give it 2-3 years and let depreciation do its thing and maybe I will be considering one of these myself. carl
    1 point
  14. You drill holes into your boot lid if you want to. You asked me how I fixed mine and I have told you!! This kind of stuff
    1 point
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