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Everything posted by BarneyTT

  1. Welcome back Ian, had to look up dupuytrens as I wasn't sure what it was, best of luck with a speedy recovery anyway.
  2. After a trip to Lexus Bristol today and just over £400 lighter the pesky self leveling headlight sensor warning light and knackered sensor/assembly are no more.
  3. Not sure if the noise was there before the alternator belt was changed but It might be worth checking the belt isn't too tight. As far garage costs, if you have one you use regularly I'm sure they would look at it free of charge, obviously anything needs doing it would be their hourly rate plus parts. Non franchised garages rates vary but your looking at £35.00 an hour upward. I'm not sure what Lexus hourly rate is but I'm sure someone will be along shortly with the answer.
  4. After three attempts at fixing the sensor with no luck it's time to put my hand in my pocket and take it to Lexus for a new assembly and sensor :(
  5. I will do Ashar, will probably start on this early part of the new year. Likewise if you have any progress let us know.
  6. It seems as though some IS's suffer from a variety of noises whilst for some strange reason others don't, annoyingly there is no hard and fast rule as to the cause(s). Lexus told me that some IS's had a knocking from the suspension struts which even though they replaced them the noise remained. After having both Lexus and my mate who runs his own garage, look at the car, it's clear that suspension bushes, ball joints etc don't seem to be the cause, my first port of call will be brake caliper slide pins changed and brake pads greased. The discs are fairly new and the pads are fine, will see where I go from there. I'm almost in the same position as you Ashar as it seems to come down to how much we are willing to throw at the problem. Really annoying as it spoils an otherwise perfect drive.
  7. I did start a topic on this subject recently but think it got swallowed up in the recent forum issues, apologies if that is not the case. Basically my warning light on the dash for the auto headlight leveling system has been coming on intermittently, searched on here and the web and found a lot of useful information on the subject. Had the car in Lexus on Monday for a service and asked them to look into it, seems like the rear sensor & assembly is supply, fit inc. VAT £450 Using the information I found I've had two attempt's at repair without success, will have one last go over the Xmas break but due to the fact that the associated ball joints in the assembly are poor I think I'm on a hiding to nothing. It's a shed load of money for what is a pretty cheap looking sensor, granted it comes with the assembly and wiring harness but not a happiest of bunnies right now :(
  8. Thanks for the input, I'm having to put this on the back burner until the New Year as it looks likely I'm going to have to get a new rear automatic headlight leveling sensor/assembly (£450 fitted inc VAT :( ) as despite two attempts to repair it myself seems unlikely I'm going to fix it, going to have one last look at over the Xmas period just to satisfy myself I have done all I can before coughing up. Bit of a set back to say the least :o
  9. I'm going to possibly look at the simple things first such as the caliper slide pins, copper slip to the brake pads etc. Drop links were checked and no problems noted, would have thought a wheel bearing to make a different noise but can't rule anything out!
  10. Your not kidding Stuart, not really sure of my next move. Don't really want to throw money at it without a better understanding of possible causes. I suppose at least I know it's more of an annoying issue rather than a problem or fault, just spoils an otherwise lovely drive.
  11. Well after the car has been into Lexus for it's service and suspension noise investigation I am none the wiser because whilst they can also hear the noise they cannot find any fault or detect where it's coming from, clean bill of health basically. Hmmmmm, the head scratching continues
  12. Thanks again Chris. At least I know it's a do-able option now, downside is the rarity and cost of the TTE wheels, will do a bit of investigating regardless.
  13. Cheers Chris, that's good, does anyone have suggestions regarding suitable tyre sizes?
  14. Sorry to resurrect this topic but I'm in the process of looking at possibly getting my standard wheels refurbished or going for something different and I have to say I love the GS Sport wheels on the IS200. Assuming the car the picture has 8.5 GS rims all round can anyone confirm they fit straight on without mods/issues and what size tyres would be best?
  15. Is it me or is there a problem viewing the Sportcross spec sheet?
  16. Cheers Dave. Yes, checked just about everything at my mates garage, between us we couldn't find anything that was obvious or even suspect so as mentioned it's going into Lexus for a service on Monday and they are going to have a look as well. Will post any findings. Thanks for your input.
  17. Good find Brendon. Mods: This fix might be worth pinning in a suitable section?
  18. If you didn't have this problem before installing the HID's then it would point to an error in the fitting. Might be worth checking everything a second time just to make sure all is as it should be.
  19. Your the one having the last laugh as they obviously don't understand..........they need educating in the joys of an LS400.
  20. Hi Clive.........Personally I would establish the part/part number you require from your Local Lexus dealer then if you want to go non OEM route use that information to search for the required part online or ring a few suppliers.
  21. I know this may sound obvious but it may be worth checking all your wheels nuts are correctly tightened, beyond that I'd be surprised if it's your wheel hubs that are the cause unless the corrosion is so bad the wheels are not seating correctly. Where is the vibration coming from, front or rear, any noises?
  22. Hi Dave and welcome on board, hope you enjoy you new car.
  23. Looks and sounds like a great car, shame about the sensor problem but I'm sure you'll get it sorted. Never having driven a 2.0 IS it's hard to comment in the jump in power but would imagine it's significant, superb engine though........enjoy :winky:
  24. Just curious.........would 8.5 inch TTE alloys all round (as fitted to some GS300 Sport models) fit an IS300 Sportcross without any problems. Does anyone have any pictures?
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