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Everything posted by Linas.P

  1. it was probably vertical acceleration.. or the speed of rust spreading 😀
  2. Well, clearly my car is now approaching 13 years and 186k miles. As previously said, the calipers have been completely "re-manufactured" - meaning all new seals, boots, slider pins etc. You are right, perhaps they haven't used right grease and that could be the reason, but as everything was "like" brand new I did not bother to take everything apart and re-grease again. Looking back to service history, first time calipers have been replaced on my car was 40k service at just over 3 years old.
  3. I probably did not survive that long... yes your right he does that... which is good. Yet we haven't established what speed does 60MPH indicated means on his car. If he would have done 1 more step and compared indicated versus GPS speeds and then reached GPS speed using same "frame counting" method... I woudl be happy enough.
  4. Yes calipers are what they consider "unit" and is not repairable, service bulletin simply tells to replace it. Obviously, if they would include greasing pins during every service those calipers would last much longer. As for preventative maintenance, you kind of need to grease them not every 2 years, but twice every year e.g. my calipers have been rebuilt and fitted last year, yet rear ones are totally stuck again. I am going to try to unstuck, clean and grease them again, but they really need new slider pins to really solve the issue and frequent maintenance. Brakes on IS250 is kind of poor design overall, undersized front and particularly poor design in the rear.
  5. Not only hybrids, most of petrol cars meets that as well e.g. 2005 IS250. The additional charge mostly affected diesel car, which is kind of fair, but kind of not in the same time.
  6. Well I guess, he did not claim RC-F does 0-60 in 4.17s "all day everyday", but even then failed to prove the point it does that "ever". When it comes to 0-60 acceleration I think having any decimal places is kind of pointless.. Yes probably there is difference between 4.1s and 4.9s even for rough guide to compare, but as you said every car, every single time will make different speed based on environment. 4.17.. lets just call it 4.2.. or as Lexus now doing with new 2020 RC-F track edition - 3.96s... that sounds too desperate to be "under 4s club"... just call it 4s.
  7. the bumper and rear exhaust section is direct fit... indeed. As they say - "bolt on"!
  8. You sure it wasn't IS220d with quod-pipes?
  9. Even if I am wrong (which I am not) it does not matter.. UNECE is part of UNESC, which is part of UN... I call them all UN, because they all part of same organisation. UNECE in this case set the standard for how speedometer should be adjusted, known as directive 39.. again none of that matter in this case. The only point I was making - when the speedometer displayed 60MPH in the video nobody knows what was actual speed at that time, because whoever recorded and posted the video have not checked how much their speedometer over reads. The real speed could have been 56MPH, 54MPH or even actually 60MPH - we don't know!.. and that is why this video was pointless, because it has proven nothing. What you 2 are trying to argue is the legislature in place for speedometer calibration... which makes no difference here.
  10. Few issues you doesn't seems to understand (I am not even sure why you trying to argue about it): 1. as long as actual speed is adjusted for (which is not the case in this video), speedometer is not an issue here (seems like you primarily worried about that), 2. he did not say he has used frames to count acceleration, it is my assumption he could have done that and it would have been somewhat accurate. Your questions in itself is pointless - UN is international organisation which defines the standards (beyond many other things) ... I mean things like how long is the meter... you know that little pesky little thing we base all our calculations on? If they have directive on how speedometer should work, then it is how it should work. Go ahead and argue with UN that physical contact of meter is not correct... good luck! And finally, UN directive is the law, because of EU directive, which UK is part of as well. This is most strict rule worldwide so by complying with it you have good chances you would comply with any other rules worldwide. I do not know if Toyota varies their equipment in different regions and frankly I don't care. It is true that they need to homologate their cars in different regions, but it does not mean they need to change equipment if it exceed the specifications in that region. I do not know if they do it or they don't and again I don't care, because in the end this is not the point here!
  11. How do you know that and why you insist on posting something which does not matter? If they not made to UN standards, then at least in theory they should. ...and anyway - how does that matter in this case where inaccuracy is in the method and not in the speedometer itself?
  12. I feel that the only advantage of M3 for me is that you can get coupe, wheres IS-F is sadly only saloon. But if you going for 4 doors M3... honestly IS-F is better in any way. The engine bearing issue on S65 and S85 engines is well known, however it wasn't much to do with revving cold engine (which is bad for any engine, never-mind one with 10W oil and 8500rpm). The actual fault was with too tight bearing fitment - it is very tight by design, but some cars had it even tighter. Basically, it was manufacturing defect on some bearings which would manifest itself before ~30k miles, if car has more than that and still going then it is fine. As preventative measure it is always good to replace bearings on these cars to avoid any issues in future... ideally using some specialist bearings, but even BMW replacement would work. BMW has discovered this problem and new replacement bearings have higher tolerances as well. Secondary using different grade oil can help i.e. 0w50, or if car is not specifically tracked and used as a daily even 0w40, thirdly change oil frequently ~3-5k miles max - all these multi-grade oils with large difference for cold/hot viscosity degrade extremely quickly. The first biggest issue for me when it comes to E92 M3 is the options list - I was looking to buy one, but was amazed how poor was the equipment. 2009 car which originally was £69,000+ didn't even have electric folding mirrors or heated seats (being convertible that is an issue). Everything that we take for granted in standard equipment for Lexus are options on BMW.
  13. I think when it comes to MOT front lights are where you can get it wrong. Rear lights - as long as all indicators work there isn't much to check.
  14. So if Lexus says that RC-F does 0-60 in 4.4s and this guy got his RC-F to do it in 4.17s, but is within 0.3s... doesn't it make it 4.4s then? I mean isn't it pointless to say you recorded 0.3s quicker time when your accuracy is within 0.3s? I would argue that his results are accurate to closest second, which really becomes hilerious when he puts the end result with 2 decimal places. He is in US, so I would expect him to use US measurements and not UK. Secondly, even his video states 0-60, so I reckon that is what he was measuring. Even in UK it is easier to measure to 60, not to 62 if you going speedometer. And finally when it comes to standards - most cars are made to UN standard (+10% +4km max), same applies to cars in US, EU an anywhere else. It doesn't mean every car/manufacturer will use maximum allowance and then it again changes based on the car spec e.g. same speedometer is fitted to RC200t, 300h, 350 and RC-F - I ten to believe the margin on speedometer will be the same, but because all cars have different engine, gearbox and whee sizes the actual difference on road will be different. Most cars I had were always ~10% over-reading. Again as I said, it is possible to improve the accuracy of his results, but it is not even worth it. The only real way to get somewhat accurate results is to get somewhere even and straight like airfield and do say 3-5 runs using GPS and then average the results. Ideally using dedicated device, but even app on the phone would be 10 times more accurate than his approach (and I mean it - GPS is accurate to 0.2m provided good circumstances).
  15. That is not actually true, in US they indeed provide 0-60. In countries using metric they provide 0-100KM/h or like UK translates that to miles which makes it 0-62. The rest is true it is important to note whenever quoted speed is 0-60 or 0-62, because as you said it does make a difference. In this particular case it does not matter which official speed he is quoting - maybe he is quoting american 0-60 in 4.4s, or 0-62 in 4.5s - my point was that when his speedometer displayed 60MPH, it wasn't actually 60MPH... it was certainly less. What he could have done was to drive the car and compare speedo vs. gps and then factor the difference out... Anyway, I don't think there is any point to argue - there are much more accurate ways to measure acceleration and one in the video is not once of them. Basically pointless video...
  16. Not "car lobby" - but capable drivers who not spending money just for the sake of having 200mph car parked in garage. Why would anyone want to spend 2 hours on the same trip whereas it could be done in 1 hour? Environment groups - that is synonym for "most ignorant people on earth". They don't find an issue with 45% of pollution caused by consumerism and blind consumtion, 25% of power generation... noo that is not the problem. Problem is this 2.4% caused by private vehicles.. that is the reason to limit personal freedoms and bring all the roads to standstill. Equally they don't have problem as it seems with traffic jams caused by inadequate road infrastructure, because surely that is an issue when cars travelling at 120MPH burns 15% more fuel, but not an issue when cars stuck in traffic burns 50% more fuel... In short either these groups are ignorant or the total hypocrites. For police unions is the same case as for speed cameras in UK, this would mean a lot of extra income - why wouldn't they? General public... well that is none of their business. If you want to ask about roads - you ask drivers, if you want to ask about public transport - as commuters. "general" public just cannot have a valid opinion because they do depend on those autobahns or speeds. It is like you asking me what I think about trains and commuting to London... I don't care I drive. Do I wan't goverment to spend extra money on trains?! - no because I don't use them. Same here - if you not the one driving on autobahn you won't support it. So if you ask "general public" you will obviously get wrong answer, because you asking wrong people. Drivers are paying extra in most countries, hence deserves more in terms of infrastructure. People can feel whatever they like, nobody's problem. If they are not capable of driving and do not posses the skill - that is their problem, not the drivers driving fast. Everything is very simple - there are rules and discipline on the roads, if you follow it, you won't have a problem. Even in Germany if you driving on the first lanes the speeds will be 80-90MPH, and even those travelling fast rarely go more than 120MPH for prolonged periods of time. On the other hand - are they feeling "attacked" or simply jealous? Generally, I think (and that is just my opinion) there is direct relation between driver skill and support for unlimited speeds. More skilful and experience the driver is (excluding seniors, who probably shouldn't be on the road anyway) more likely they support higher speed limits, the less experienced the drivers are the more intimidated they feel. There is other exception - women are much more likely to support higher limits, I would not want to speculate why. Funny enough they are speeding just as much as men, but when it comes to outright speed you will always find women advocating for limits. For last few decades more and more women started driving so obviously there is pressure from gender side as well. The truth is that some people are just better drivers than the other, but then we have fundamental questions - should we raise the bar and only allow those capable of driving on the roads, or should we make it more inclusive and allow everyone on the roads. Britain clearly chosen latter - allow anyone to drive as they wish, but reduce the speeds to walking pace, Germany so far seems to have higher standard and higher speeds. It is quite clear which one I would support...
  17. It is kind of sad as this car had quite a story behind it, I didn't realise it straight away when it turned-up damaged.
  18. it was... And as well passed few hands on the forum:
  19. Or simply not connected/properly connected the mirror, or replaced only the housing whereas the mirror inner parts/loom was damaged as well. When I had broken mirror I only replaced the glass and outer shell as well. Could not be bothered to split entire door... at least in my case everything works.
  20. ok sorry, misunderstood that - so are you just basically pull the gear leaver into S-mode which limits range to 4th gear (or 5th) by default. I think that is very limited use of S-mode, not criticising - just saying there is much more in it. Just to correct myself, S-mode - doesn't change anything at all in terms of throttle response, nor gear changes. It is literally just "range limiter". There is one condition - you cannot select too low range to "shift-lock" or over-rev, apart from that you have full range of 1-6 to select. 1 and 2 gears are fully manual in pre-2010 models (generally pre-facelift), meaning it won't up-shift in those gears and you will hit rev-limiter, on other gears it will "blip rev-limiter" and then up-shift to prevent damage (overrides the range limiter). Regardless of the limit you selected it would downshift to select what it deems more suitable gear i.e. you stop at traffic lights - put it in S and it says 4th, but it will start from 1st from the lights. However, if you limit it to 4th on twisty roads it literally makes no difference, apart from it not shifting to 5th or 6th. I use this limiter to mimic sequential all the time. If you get off the motorway into the slip road @~70 it will actually default to 5th. Because IS250 has relatively long gear ranges and engine breaking is somewhat limited due to torque converter, I don't think 4th is very useful on British twistiest (i.e. rather tight ones). I would only use 4th for 60MPH+, 3rd for 40MPH+ and most of the other time 2nd. So imagine standard A-road bend, you doing presumably 60MPH but you want to have 40MPH into the bend and be in 3rd out of the bend. What I would do - I would put-it into S, then flip paddles twice into second (~2s before I actually need to brake for the bend), by the time it shifts into 2nd it already ideal time for some engine breaking (it is not phenomenal, but does work), by mid corner I would be ~40MPH, flip 1 one up to 3rd (by the time I shifts you already on the exit) and your right on the power for exit ~40MPH in 3rd. On the tighter turns/slower speeds I would probably leave it in second, but as mentioned - if you forgot to up-shift from 2nd you will hit limiter hard. On face-lifted models you can actually use paddle shifters straight from D, however it is kind of lottery - sometimes it decides to go back to D in mid corner and it does up-shift in any gear regardless of what you have selected.
  21. Don't worry about shims, but you need to get your calipers replaced or refurbished. Although, it is much more common for rear calipers to be seized, not front... are you sure? As for little black clip which goes there - same story here, quoted me £128 for whole washer pump/jet assembly - got these ones instead (you can buy x1 as well): The washer cap is £22, comes colour coded so you don't need to worry about painting it.
  22. And only provides differentiation of annoying rattle-whinge on twisty roads, never-mind it never has right power regardless of the ratio... no thank you. As lovely as it is... RC interior, driving position and road holding... doesn't cover for god awful rattle can 300h engine is... @johnatg S-mode literally only changes throttle response and keeps gears for longer before changing. As you mentioned - it doesn't decrease shifting times (especially on downshifts), so kind of makes no sense on twisty roads. However, I got used to paddle-shifters now and using them quite a lot - it requires little bit of planning ahead (of ~0.5s), but it does provide some engine breaking into the corners and allows to be in "right" gear out of the corners nearly as good as manual.
  23. I though he was overall quite positive about LC, not for the reasons important for Europeans, but still positive..
  24. I have whole spare mirror, less glass (because it was broken). As I the passenger door mirror works, I doubt it is fuse (but there might be separate ones). Even if relay is bad for heater it should not affect the mirror controls, as well if mirror taps the glass I reckon it is broken mechanically as well, that should not happen. Anyway if you need spare mirror let me know.
  25. Well... it is kind of obvious LC-F is squarely on M8, not even sure there is reason to speculate.
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