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Everything posted by Ravstar

  1. But it's not shiny any more! The first things girls notice when they get into the car is the gearknob, and they go straight for it! Maybe I just keep interesting company..... Bloody mail order brides
  2. Hello aido! Haha sweet, what a lucky git! I was actually going to pick up a skyline Gt-R before I got my IS200, until I checked up the insurance group......20
  3. But where do you plug the headphones in? And it doesn't really look like you could fit that in your shirt pocket either. I don't know....
  4. Sod the cossie/lancers etc, its all about the Skyline GT-R Nismo!
  5. I'll tell you what needs a heating element- that bloody freezing gearknob in the winter! Anyone got any clever ideas?...
  6. Unless its an Aston Martin DBR9
  7. I think it be one of them flashy music players, like mp3 but better quality. perhaps.
  8. The pimp look is when you have big fluffy dice on the mirror, leopard skin seat covers (fake of course), and snoop dogg playing on the sound system. Oh, and hydraulics.
  9. Whatever it is, it isn't as terrible as everyone is making it out to be methinks. Give it some time, you may like it. All new cars these days are increasingly odd-shaped and all futuristic and stuff so this is probably the way it's going to be (hell it could get a lot worse!).
  10. Lighten up mate (geddit?!), its all in good humour- I am sure they will look quite nice. The pic on the first page of the show car is amazing (well done to the dude who owns that car- do u wana swap?). Just watch out for the popo, as from what I understand they are completely illegal in the UK.
  11. My rear wheel is also curbed like a m*f*. What is this chips away place? And how do I get in touch with them?
  12. Also don't forget to put neons on your: Wipers Tyres Gearstick Steering Wheel Hat Passengers
  13. I hear it has missile launchers and a pole dancing pole in the back too, but don't quote me on that...
  14. hehe, I think we should merge this thread with the one on Drifting.
  15. I'll tell you what I will do for you: Since it is Christmas and all, if you tell me where you have parked your car, I will keep an eye on it and make sure it doesn't fall into the wrong hands. No need to thank me, honest.
  16. Hmm, this all sounds a bit dodgy....Is the IS200 particularly bad during snow? Or are all cars equally bad? I had a civic before, and that used to love the snow- used to take over driving whilst I used to sit back close my eyes and skate straight into the middle of busy junctions. And does the snow mode actually work or is it one of those pretty buttons like all the flashing ones in the star trek space ships? I think I need some sleep/drugs.
  17. Cheers for the brilliant input so far lads, it's got the brain cells fired up (all 3 of them). The aux input thing is a big issue, and as for the software I reckon within the next few months there should be some good reliable stuff out, as the whole satnav 'scene' is really kicking off since tomtom go came out a while back- everyone is getting on the bandwagon, which can only be a good thing. I too don't want to tear my IS200 to shreds (as it will prolly invalidate my dealer warranty), therefore I'm looking for the most conservative route possible. Is the tape adaptor really bad?
  18. LOL! Pure comedy genius, love it!
  19. That sounds very decent! I think the screens have come down now quite a bit to around the 100-200 quid mark, which is a good thing! I was also thinking the cassette adaptor is the way forward for the time being, although a more discrete solution would also be nice. I like what you did with the drive under the seat heater buttons, very slick idea B) I would love to see what it all looks like set up in the car, do you have any pics?
  20. Hi mate, We need to talk! Looking at your signature it sounds like you have a sweet setup. I was just wondering how much it cost you in total, and what the spec are? Also, was it difficult to set up in the car? (the pc side of things is taken care of). Cheers :D
  21. Hi all, Hope everyone is good etc etc. Myself and woggledog (Paul) are really up for building a PC system for our cars, which will have GPS and all the usual media software you can find on a computer. Now before you all start laughing and fall off your chairs, it seems like a pretty simple (and relatively cheap at about £500 on average) option compared to most aftermarket GPS systems, and we have been looking into various hardware to use. Here is a link that Paul posted on one of the earlier forum threads, which shows how a guy made a system for his B*W 3-series: BMW PC Now if anyone is interested in setting up a similar system for their cars, feel free to post a reply and let us know any ideas you have etc, as we need to overcome just a few little things (such as audio input on the lexus factory sound system) before the system can be perfect. Take it easy, Rav (Mega-Geek and part time LOC Wheel cleaner)
  22. B*gger me with a cat and call me sally! 80 quid for a scratch :duh: I think I will take the bus from this day forth...
  23. Haha do I detect a subtle hint in there somewhere? Naah, must be imagining it! I will deffo go gold in next few days, just need to get some money in (I'm a poor student with a lexus petrol tank to fill regularly due to my fondness of driving :P ) . The varnish thing sounds interesting, but just curious as to how much it would cost to get the pro refurb done? The word professional makes me think it's going to cost more than a few quid :duh:
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