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Everything posted by crazylex

  1. Sorry mate but I reconthey are to far gone. But I could be wrong. Hopefully.
  2. Ordered. Thanks guys - Gone for standard 3d llettering though
  3. Just ordered a new reg Its got 777 in it, which I want to look a bit like an M Wheres the best place to get plates from - Fancy plates ? Obviously looking for something that may make the 7's look more like an M but without the hasle of being pulled over all the time.
  4. No its not leaking, but when I had a bump 18 months ago it started making this odd noise at 4k revs +. Eventually a year after the bump Lexus leeds said their must be something thats trapped in the heater matrix. they clamped the hose and then the noise stopped. When its not clamped and you rev it with your head next to the matrix you can definately here it coming from there. I got a new one from ebay for £30. (although I had at £11.50 - but I reckon I got bid up by the seller using an alias - thats another story though) I undid the pipe clamps inside the car where they come through the bulk head and it seems like it might just slide out. But that just seems to easy. I wondered if it is actually clamped in the houing.
  5. Offside Robbi we called him at Leeds :D :D or we do now.
  6. Anyone ever changed a Heater Matrix in an IS ? Or maybe someone has a work shop manual (like then CD's on Ebay) they can fax me the relevant page over.
  7. Best is technical info. Worst - maybe my car is not the cleanest Lexus about.
  8. Yeah but are Leeds still stumping up £20K a week towards his salary ? Its cost us £3m so far
  9. Yup... was going to put up a web page with it all in, but ICBA So, looking at the IS200 AUTO BP SUL v BP UL - you paid 10.84% more for the SUL, but got 11.82% more miles. :D So I get better response, better sound and better MPG by sticking with BP Ultimate :D :D Thought so. But then, as we have a Shell depo in Leeds, am I realy putting BP in or is it Shell SUL ?
  10. :winky: Not been called a lad for a bit though :D :D
  11. :winky: Just washed mine.... again. When its clean and shiney its the best colour, but you have to be prepared to wash it a lot in this weather.
  12. Ditto ! If you try Meguiar's I promise you will not go back to Autoglym. But I have just stocked up ! Any free samples ? :D
  13. Can't wait to get home and tell the kids :D
  14. Dont know about your GS300, but I would put money on it that it will be OK. In my IS200 it makes it more responsive and sounds better. :D Apparently BP ultimate is the best for performance improvement Worth the extra cash - some say it gets more MPG but I have not compared oh yeah - welcome to the club
  15. Its seems to be a lottery as to which gets the pink slip. I had to buy the Lambo, have improoved it a little - but my IS is a mm off the top level of everything - it kicks my Lambos' but, although it still only does 189mph, my daughter said the Lambo managed 200 before I scuffed a wall. When trying to beat BL4 last night the cops had what looked like Vipers - or some sort of GT car. The helicopter crashed into one of those doughnuts - but I did not hang about to see if it actually crashed to the ground. I'm on game cube - so dont know about X360
  16. How are you guys doing on this now ? I beat Blacklist 4 last night, after struggle to get away from the cops. I managed to do all the Milestones and get £3.5m bounty in one run. It was mad. Took twenty odd minutes. I start on number 3 tonight - but I have no social life now.
  17. Tell me about that ! Slightly off topic - I got in a mates RS1600 SPORT and took off TWO HT leads, offered him a race without him knowing. He still left me like I was parked. This started a month or two of moving or altering each others cars. Rhumour had it Ford only made ten keys - and when worn "one fits all". Back to the Lex saga - That is funny - but something I would have expected more from the missus :D
  18. Welcome to the club m8. I was thinking about you when an A3 blew past me last night Well it was an S3 actually.
  19. These are great - especially on a black one like Mr Morse's
  20. dunno mate, i never fitted them. is this something that i could get a garage to do now??? (i'm owed a favour so won't be paying for it :D ) 10 mins each side - including getting the wheels off ! If your owed a favour - save it for a bigger job :D
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