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Everything posted by MacRS200

  1. Red 1.1 Mk2 Escort van (ASN 685N), shag pile carpet in the back, 2 x 6" speakers in custom made panels made of hardboard and covered in mock leather, wired into the AM radio (mono), no 8 track couldn't afford one Front had a custom made centre console made of, yes you guessed, hardboard covered in mock leather housing a Smiths analogue clock (luxury) and thought it was the nads. Oh forgot about the RS Mexico steel wheels :D Back drivers seat mounts went through the floor going down the motorway but managed to squeeze another 6 months out of it till one of the McPhearson struts went through the inner wing and the front end was then held up by the bonnet catch Off to the scrappies it went
  2. Hello and welcome to THE club :D
  3. i am determeined to do this myself i like the satisfaction you get from knowing you did the job yourself ← I figured it this way, by the time a spent the dosh on compressors to do the job i'd prob be 1/2 way to paying for someone else to do it. Then there was the agro of messing about on a trolley jack, witness Mr Morse and his mishap. So take a day out and save a trip into orbit :D
  4. I paid £25 a corner to get mine fitted
  5. It's not the limits or being caught speeding that bugs me it's being treated like a 5 year old by the authorities. We are only doing it because of Safety, bricks they are, it's about money. So come clean Camera Safety Partnerships and tell us the truth. Do you really think that if you say it enough people will actually believe you. Then you get some t****er in Thames Valley coming up that a points scoring system for the police, where IIRC one speeder equals 1/2 a rapist. Course not but one speeder is a net profit, one rapist isn't. Also I think many people feel that a disproportionate amount of resource is put into catching people speeding, it is after all considered a minor offence. Not having a go at the police officers on the ground, it's the faceless powers that be that set the policy that are to blame for all this madness. If some little oik knicks a car he/she will get a slap on the wrists, fined £30 and banned for a further year to run after his/her current 5 year disqual is over. Do 80 in a 70 you get £60 and 3 points. Are the offences equivalent Anyway off the soap box
  6. Yeh I remembered it too, was thinking about getting one. This kind of put me off
  7. Bit late but perverting the course of justice is being used against people with laser diffusers. Would have thought that the same would apply to camera blocking spray. ← So has Regina -vs- motorist won any of these cases based on PCJ? Be tough luck on Johnny motorist as it carries maximum life imprisonment ← Stand corrected Mr Morse a motorist was charged with Perverting the course of justice but the CPS withdrew before it got to court. However it appears that Obstructing the police is an alternative. Bit more info Here
  8. Back on Topic Did a 350 mile round trip yesterday, not at granny speed, about 50 miles A roads 300 motorway and dual + half hour traffic jam crawl for a couple of miles. Got 27 to the gallon :D
  9. Bit late but perverting the course of justice is being used against people with laser diffusers. Would have thought that the same would apply to camera blocking spray.
  10. Yeh dead give away, speed logging first then out come the guns if the data justifies it. Also I don't mind speed cameras/guns in residential streets that's where the should be. What hacks me off is motorways and dual carriageways. I picked up 3 points just over a year ago, 2 miles of dead straight motorway, no junctions, hardly any traffic. Van half way down sitting on a bridge got me at 87, saw him and was slowing down. Safety my a**e.
  11. Go for one of these at £ 1.08 and you can "dial in" as much power as you want It is not a con honest :D
  12. Usually a little white pair of tweezer things in the box to get the fuses out
  13. You can always trust the older man to apply a bit of philosophy to the convo :o
  14. Tis the way of madness. ← That I know having reached the ripe old age of 44, but do you continue on the great search fo understanding, or retire from the field confused and accept defeat :duh:
  15. Why is the Rally Gear so far away from 6th? Seems weird that they put it way over the other side of the box. Oh well, I'll give it a go next time I'm doing in excess of 160 on the gravel... ← Decided on a static practice from 6 to "rally" and it "beeped" at me, thought must be warp drive so won't try with TRC off
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