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Mark - You brought the subject up so enlighten everyone.

Your statement infers that either Adrian is taking me(prolex-uk) to court or I (prolex-uk) am taking Adrian to court.

I feel you,as you made the statement so presumably have some knowledge of the facts, should make it clear who is the defendant in this court case.

However if you don't know either way perhaps you would like to apologise to both Adrian and myself for any slight on either of our characters caused by your disingenuious statement

If you care to look up the meaning of disengenuous you will find that it does not apply to anything I have said

Regardless of the fact that you have not answered any of the points I raised with you yesterday therefore I am legitimised in ignoring you. It is not my position to answer your question and I respect Adies concern over the potential prejudice of the court hearing so will remain silent on this issue.

If you feel the need to boast about anything before the court hearing - go right ahead

What one would expect from you Mark.

For the avoidance of doubt Prolex-UK is not the defendant.

@ Any mod thinking of deleting this post Mark made a statement which could be read that Prolex-UK was being taken to court by Adrian. Mark has refused to shed light on exactly what he meant so I am within my rights to make this statement.

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Mark, have to admit I've never seen those posts, don't go onto Dave's forums much, don't get chance, but seeing as most here have never seen them why don't you just reply directly over there so we don't have to see all the agro crossposted over here, like the guys have said it's boring nowadays, Dave's been banned once already because of it, don't want to see that happening to either of you all over again!

I've seen good and bad stuff about TDi over on the MKIV forums but never see you posting over on there in your defense?

Hiya, sorry for the late rely to you.

We were fully active in one of the Supra forums but left when it became clear that it was owned and moderated by a team that we wanted to become disassociated with. Most of the sensible people left at the same time and went to this Supra club who we still support.

We actively seek to disengage ourselves from any hostile or childish environments unless it to resolve any real issues with any of our clients, which is why you won't see us on certain forums.

If LOC goes the same way (which is unlikely), you won't see us here either.

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A number of links contained within this thread have been removed

It is not the policy of LOC to use these forums to advertise links to other forums which contain defamatory, slanderous, unfounded, inpudent and/or inappropriate comments regarding members and staff of this forum

Any further direct links will be deleted without notice

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A number of links contained within this thread have been removed

It is not the policy of LOC to use these forums to advertise links to other forums which contain defamatory, slanderous, unfounded, inpudent and/or inappropriate comments regarding members and staff of this forum

Any further direct links will be deleted without notice

It may be sensible to remove the whole thread then Barrie as its very existance was based on the links to the "other" websites.

Doesnt make much sense to leave it as it is.

I'm sure the majority of people on here would agree :winky:

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A number of links contained within this thread have been removed

It is not the policy of LOC to use these forums to advertise links to other forums which contain defamatory, slanderous, unfounded, inpudent and/or inappropriate comments regarding members and staff of this forum

Any further direct links will be deleted without notice

It may be sensible to remove the whole thread then Barrie as its very existance was based on the links to the "other" websites.

Doesnt make much sense to leave it as it is.

I'm sure the majority of people on here would agree :winky:

ultimately that decision lays with the original author of this thread

as the thread still remains within the terms and conditions

I duly note your response :winky:

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I'm sure the majority of people on here would agree :winky:

One of the reasons your arguments always fall apart is due to your reliance on belief and supposition. Although you made the statement above, if you seriously stop to think about what you have just said, you should realise that you can't be "sure" because you have not canvassed "the majority of people on here" for their opinion.

In your forum, you have boasted about purchasing the domain name, and have fantasized about what you would like to do with it. Personally I would have expected anyone who engages in such activities to have the intelligence or common sense to secure their own domain names before boasting about it. Yesterday afternoon I was easily able to purchase the following domain names:




In your forum you made the following statement about Adies car yesterday :

"having thought about doesnt add up.

if the head lifts due to the 1.4 bar boost pressure where will the water/oil go ? Surely it will go where there is least pressure which is to atmosphere (out of the engine) the head will drop down the plugs (which are now damaged) would have been OK................

Not scientific but commonsense me thinks"

I did offer you some education earlier in the thread which you declined. The reason "it doesn't add up" is because you are unqualified and completely clueless on automotive technical issues. Again, you have relied on belief and supposition to make an incorrect public statement.

On your forum you have started a thread called "Email from Toda Racing" which appears to be a "straw clutching" excercise n your hate campaign against TDI.

You have commited the cardinal sin of publishing a confidential commercial email, which clearly demonstrates the level of your integrity. Hayashi San has seen your post and is disappointed by your behaviour. Clearly, I cannot publish the email I received from Hayashi but I can tell you that he has raised concerns about your mental health. You are welcome to see the email at our premises at any time.

By the way, regarding your post entitled "Toda Racing and Camcon at Jaw Dropping Prices". I notice that it was dated prior to your email to Hayashi asking if you can buy Toda parts, and him telling you that you have to buy them from us. The obvious question is whether your post was a complete lie, as I have still not seen any Toda racing parts on sale at Prolex over a year later.

For your future benefit it may be worth while studying and trying to understand the concepts of "cause and effect" and "actions and reactions".

Have a nice day :)

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I'm sure the majority of people on here would agree :winky:

One of the reasons your arguments always fall apart is due to your reliance on belief and supposition. Although you made the statement above, if you seriously stop to think about what you have just said, you should realise that you can't be "sure" because you have not canvassed "the majority of people on here" for their opinion.

In your forum, you have boasted about purchasing the domain name, and have fantasized about what you would like to do with it. Personally I would have expected anyone who engages in such activities to have the intelligence or common sense to secure their own domain names before boasting about it. Yesterday afternoon I was easily able to purchase the following domain names:




In your forum you made the following statement about Adies car yesterday :

"having thought about doesnt add up.

if the head lifts due to the 1.4 bar boost pressure where will the water/oil go ? Surely it will go where there is least pressure which is to atmosphere (out of the engine) the head will drop down the plugs (which are now damaged) would have been OK................

Not scientific but commonsense me thinks"

I did offer you some education earlier in the thread which you declined. The reason "it doesn't add up" is because you are unqualified and completely clueless on automotive technical issues. Again, you have relied on belief and supposition to make an incorrect public statement.

On your forum you have started a thread called "Email from Toda Racing" which appears to be a "straw clutching" excercise n your hate campaign against TDI.

You have commited the cardinal sin of publishing a confidential commercial email, which clearly demonstrates the level of your integrity. Hayashi San has seen your post and is disappointed by your behaviour. Clearly, I cannot publish the email I received from Hayashi but I can tell you that he has raised concerns about your mental health. You are welcome to see the email at our premises at any time.

By the way, regarding your post entitled "Toda Racing and Camcon at Jaw Dropping Prices". I notice that it was dated prior to your email to Hayashi asking if you can buy Toda parts, and him telling you that you have to buy them from us. The obvious question is whether your post was a complete lie, as I have still not seen any Toda racing parts on sale at Prolex over a year later.

For your future benefit it may be worth while studying and trying to understand the concepts of "cause and effect" and "actions and reactions".

Have a nice day :)

I'm having a wonderful day thank you and will no doubt continue to do so.

It amuses me and a few others that you spend so much time and effort making these posts.

With regard to Toda Racing one of my other suppliers in japan offered me parts from Toda which is why I posted. He then let me down in actually getting the parts I wanted hence my request to Toda. I doubt very much if Hayashi would have said anything about my mental health as all I did was briefly tell him about my own experience with Tdi...this experience must have had some grounding in fact as you have paid me a substantial sum of money in compensation.

Fact is people have been complaining to Toda about you :winky:

Turning to your buying the prolex type domain names I fell honoured that you felt the need to do so and hope you enjoy owning them.

On my laymans explanation this was culled from 3 other people in the trade and seemed sensible to me at the time and still does. I've no doubt you disagree as it would not suit you to agree.

Anyway off to count my superchargers :winky:

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It amuses me and a few others that you spend so much time and effort making these posts.

That's another one of your problems right there. It's not amusing - it's tedius. We have a duty to protect our business so unfotunately have to address people like you now and then.

With regard to Toda Racing one of my other suppliers in japan offered me parts from Toda which is why I posted. He then let me down in actually getting the parts I wanted hence my request to Toda.

So where in your thread does it say that you can't get Toda parts at jaw dropping prices?

I doubt very much if Hayashi would have said anything about my mental health as all I did was briefly tell him about my own experience with Tdi...

Come and see the email for yourself.

this experience must have had some grounding in fact as you have paid me a substantial sum of money in compensation.

There you go again making assumptions. I made a commercial decision to refund you a small (not substantial) sum of money, which is something many businesses do to deal with emotionally unstable or unreasonable people.

Fact is people have been complaining to Toda about you :winky:

There you go again making assumptions. Come and have a look at our email from Hayashi to see for yourself how you were "played".

Turning to your buying the prolex type domain names I fell honoured that you felt the need to do so and hope you enjoy owning them.

I certainly won't enjoy owning them. In fact if you care to look at the companies that we chose to associate ourselve with you will see that they are all highly respectable so I don't see where the prolex url's will fit in. The only reason I bought them was to highlight your mistake and to demonstrate the concept of "cause and effect" to you.

On my laymans explanation this was culled from 3 other people in the trade and seemed sensible to me at the time and still does. I've no doubt you disagree as it would not suit you to agree.

There you go again relying on belief and supposition. Please bear in mind that the only people in posession of the facts are the TDI technicians and Adies Independant Engineer, therefore your unqualified and uneducated statements are entirely valueless.

Anyway off to count my superchargers :winky:

Enjoy yourself.

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to be honest i know nothing about this topic only what has been posted in this thread but, it does seem that dave is avoiding answering a few questions!!

ive never bought anything from either companies and have only had experiance from prolex (asked if he would do an item cheaper being a loc member, and being refused). but i would probably buy from tdi as prolex seems to have a problem with over pricing!!

really all we care about is getting good cheap products and a friendly person to deal with!!! well imo anyway.

i reckon u should have a price war battle to settle this!! lol who goes out of business first loses!!!

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That's a strange one mate as Prolex do seem to undercut TDi on a lot of things judging by posts that have been made on here recently, can't comment personally as I haven't looked at buying anything for ages!

You'll normally find that companies will give you a discount for being a LOC Gold member - you're not mate, bit cheeky expecting the Gold discount if you're not gonna pay for it imho. Think Mark would tell you to stuff off too :P

That last statement is a bit scary though!

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to be honest i know nothing about this topic only what has been posted in this thread but, it does seem that dave is avoiding answering a few questions!!

ive never bought anything from either companies and have only had experiance from prolex (asked if he would do an item cheaper being a loc member, and being refused). but i would probably buy from tdi as prolex seems to have a problem with over pricing!!

really all we care about is getting good cheap products and a friendly person to deal with!!! well imo anyway.

i reckon u should have a price war battle to settle this!! lol who goes out of business first loses!!!

I'm not avoiding answering questions....I've not blown anyones car up :winky:

On prices feel free to go wherever you want.. I find I tend to undercut most companies ....furthermore I have it in stock and dont rely on using the direct drop method ....where you say you have something when you don' then rely on a third party having it to send on to the customer without actually ever had it. works well until the third party company doesnt have it then poor customer is fooked.

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to be honest i know nothing about this topic only what has been posted in this thread but, it does seem that dave is avoiding answering a few questions!!

ive never bought anything from either companies and have only had experiance from prolex (asked if he would do an item cheaper being a loc member, and being refused). but i would probably buy from tdi as prolex seems to have a problem with over pricing!!

really all we care about is getting good cheap products and a friendly person to deal with!!! well imo anyway.

i reckon u should have a price war battle to settle this!! lol who goes out of business first loses!!!

Lets hope you dont want s supercharger then :o TdI DONT DO THEM ANYMORE :winky:

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I haven't bothered to read this thread as it appears to be like all the rest on this subject.

But is there any need for all of these threads to turn into slagging matches between Prolex and there followers and TDI and theirs?

I'm sure we all understand by now that you both don't get on but surely you don't need to keep bringing it onto the public forum?

I'm sorry if you think i'm butting in but it's just my 2p worth.

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I haven't bothered to read this thread as it appears to be like all the rest on this subject.

But is there any need for all of these threads to turn into slagging matches between Prolex and there followers and TDI and theirs?

I'm sure we all understand by now that you both don't get on but surely you don't need to keep bringing it onto the public forum?

I'm sorry if you think i'm butting in but it's just my 2p worth.

No important fact though........twas Catchpole who started this latest waste of bandwidth by referring to comments made on my own forum.

I can say nothing and people assume what he says is correct or rebut and be accused of causing trouble.

Facts are Catchpole in his post has breached the T & C's by bad mouthing Prolex-uk and myself personally..he has also threatened me................when the links he posted up were removed by bazza as they contravened LOC's policy (be that in barries head or written down in some obscure tome) up pops Catchpole and starts off again............this time alleging I'm mentally ill........

After the farce before Christmas where I was removed from LOC as a trader because I threatened to sue LOC for allowing slanderous comments to be made against Prolex-UK I undertook, volunatrily, not to provoke Tdi in any way on my reinstatement on LOC. I asked Mat Clawley to ask Tdi to do the same my logic being if we both let each other alone the club would be a better place.

I kept to that.

Catchpole did not.............there is this example and when Pip posted up asking about Nico's car a week or so ago............ Catchpole said "I believe Nico has passed the matter over to trading standards" which to the average LOCer would mean Prolex-uk is being investigated for poor workmanship/overcharging. fact is nothing has been done but the seed of doubt is sown !

On this thread Catchpole brings up ongoing court action between adie and prolex again insinuating that prolex-uk is being sued by adrian......when tackled catchpole refuses to answer............because he knows who is sueing who............and he could not upset his customer could he..........

if i was a cynic I'd say tdi must be desparate for business to have to resort to such hysterical behaviour on a public forum .

So sparky there you have it..............

For everyones else please dont assume my silence means I'm "guilty" as means I'm working on getting new,cheaper sources of parts for fellow LOCers not reading Catchpoles drivel

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to be honest i havent looked recently at the prices. i was so put off by them when i first got my lexus. supercharger seems a good price, but i do remember seeing that u was selling a sticker for around the £70 mark. something that id sell for alot cheaper. i know it was advertised as genuine sticker but once its on the car its exactly the same as one that i would cut!!

nah at the end of the day i couldnt care less. they are there for my convienience and to give me a service. as long as there friendly and offer good prices i couldnt care who the product came from.

the thing is tho aido, he didnt know i wasnt a gold member. he didnt know my user name and i just asked if it would be cheaper if i was a member. didnt even mention gold. it was when he was banned from the site/didnt come on here, and got slightly funny about it.

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to be honest i havent looked recently at the prices. i was so put off by them when i first got my lexus. supercharger seems a good price, but i do remember seeing that u was selling a sticker for around the £70 mark. something that id sell for alot cheaper. i know it was advertised as genuine sticker but once its on the car its exactly the same as one that i would cut!!

nah at the end of the day i couldnt care less. they are there for my convienience and to give me a service. as long as there friendly and offer good prices i couldnt care who the product came from.

the thing is tho aido, he didnt know i wasnt a gold member. he didnt know my user name and i just asked if it would be cheaper if i was a member. didnt even mention gold. it was when he was banned from the site/didnt come on here, and got slightly funny about it.

I can see your status from looking at your profile...............

On stickers....its genuine from japan & comes at a price.....BTW think its £55 and they are sold out :winky:

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No important fact though........twas Catchpole who started this latest waste of bandwidth by referring to comments made on my own forum.

dave, i believe marks objections were regarding the comments made by you and members of your forum which are at the very least unsubstantiated and insulting a fair few people, mainly members of this forum, your comments about adies car and tdi workmanship were unfounded

for the small amount of bandwidth that this thread has taken up, i dont think its too much of a worry

I can say nothing and people assume what he says is correct or rebut and be accused of causing trouble.

you have every right to defend or have your say as has any other member

Facts are Catchpole in his post has breached the T & C's by bad mouthing Prolex-uk and myself personally..he has also threatened me................when the links he posted up were removed by bazza as they contravened LOC's policy (be that in barries head or written down in some obscure tome) up pops Catchpole and starts off again............this time alleging I'm mentally ill........

dave, where has mark threatened you ?

yes i have the tome here.....up to chapter 5 now :)

After the farce before Christmas where I was removed from LOC as a trader because I threatened to sue LOC for allowing slanderous comments to be made against Prolex-UK I undertook, volunatrily, not to provoke Tdi in any way on my reinstatement on LOC. I asked Mat Clawley to ask Tdi to do the same my logic being if we both let each other alone the club would be a better place.

I kept to that

Catchpole did not.............there is this example and when Pip posted up asking about Nico's car a week or so ago............ Catchpole said "I believe Nico has passed the matter over to trading standards" which to the average LOCer would mean Prolex-uk is being investigated for poor workmanship/overcharging. fact is nothing has been done but the seed of doubt is sown !.

dave ! your comments on your forum say different,

with a direct link from LOC to your forum, its an open view for anyone to see, not only have you bad mouthed tdi but also a fair amount of loc members including me

On this thread Catchpole brings up ongoing court action between adie and prolex again insinuating that prolex-uk is being sued by adrian......when tackled catchpole refuses to answer............because he knows who is sueing who............and he could not upset his customer could he..........

if i was a cynic I'd say tdi must be desparate for business to have to resort to such hysterical behaviour on a public forum .

So sparky there you have it..............

For everyones else please dont assume my silence means I'm "guilty" as means I'm working on getting new,cheaper sources of parts for fellow LOCers not reading Catchpoles drivel

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TDI: you are like an internet warrior / queen. Why don't you do some work and do us all a favour instead of trying to argue with prolex and then blaming him for replying?!

Very sad and extremely petty.

Hello TNM.

Nice to speak with you for the 1st time.

I have to partly agree with you. The two projects I am currently working on have a combined value of £44m, and if successful will transform the lives of hundreds of families, so to divert my resources to deal with purnicious unpleasantness on the Prolex and Ultrajap forums is indeed very sad. I don't agree this is petty though, because we are an established business and we need to deal with sort of thing now and then.

By the way, you have the same name and avatar as the Forum Admisnistrator on the Ultrajap forum which is owned by Mike Morse. Is that you, and are you a close relative of Mike (Son)?

The reason I ask is because the ultrajap and prolex forums are the 2 primary playgrounds of a small handful of people that post hateful and incorrect statements. If you are anything to do with that, may I ask why that happens please?

Thanks for your interest :)

I'm not avoiding answering questions....I've not blown anyones car up :winky:

Not answering questions is generally known as "avoiding questions". Please read the thread to count how many issues you have avoided. If you want me to have a sensible and factual conversation with you regarding "blowing up cars", I am happy to do that providing you don't start avoiding the issues again.

No important fact though........twas Catchpole who started this latest waste of bandwidth by referring to comments made on my own forum.

I am sorry to say that you are factually incorrect again. Please look at the dates of your posts on your forum, and then look at the date of my 1st post. Then I would urge you to consider and try and understand the concept of "cause and affect".

I can say nothing and people assume what he says is correct or rebut and be accused of causing trouble.

I don't think anybody woud mind if you based your statements on fact rather than belief and hope. In fact I believe that would be a very good thing and will heartily welcome that.

Facts are Catchpole in his post has breached the T & C's by bad mouthing Prolex-uk and myself personally..he has also threatened me................when the links he posted up were removed by bazza as they contravened LOC's policy (be that in barries head or written down in some obscure tome) up pops Catchpole and starts off again............this time alleging I'm mentally ill........

Please let me break this down into the separate issues:

1. Please advise me where I have bad mounthed Prolex and yourself

2. Please direct me to where I have threatened you.

3. Bazza can answer for hmself on the issue where he was invoked

4. I am sorry to say that your actions are classic symptoms of a psychotic fixation disorder. Go look it up for yourself and see.

After the farce before Christmas where I was removed from LOC as a trader because I threatened to sue LOC for allowing slanderous comments to be made against Prolex-UK I undertook, volunatrily, not to provoke Tdi in any way on my reinstatement on LOC. I asked Mat Clawley to ask Tdi to do the same my logic being if we both let each other alone the club would be a better place.

I kept to that.

You didn't keep to that at all. You coudn't help making incidious, hateful and provactive statements in the Prolex and Ultrajap forums.

there is this example and when Pip posted up asking about Nico's car a week or so ago............ Catchpole said "I believe Nico has passed the matter over to trading standards" which to the average LOCer would mean Prolex-uk is being investigated for poor workmanship/overcharging. fact is nothing has been done but the seed of doubt is sown !

Nico told me that he has reported you to Trading Standards so I take that as being factual.

On this thread Catchpole brings up ongoing court action between adie and prolex again insinuating that prolex-uk is being sued by adrian......when tackled catchpole refuses to answer............because he knows who is sueing who............and he could not upset his customer could he..........

The fact that you posted on Adies thread whilst engaged in litigation with him is entirely inappropriate at best. At no point was there any insinuation or reference to who the Claimant was. In fact it doesn't matter who the Claimant is anyway as you will probably find out in due course.

if i was a cynic I'd say tdi must be desparate for business to have to resort to such hysterical behaviour on a public forum .

There you again relying on belief and supposition. If you can just stop and consider for a monent, and I do mean seriously think about it, you may find that you have brought all this upon yourself by your own words and actions.

Please let me know where you have seen evidence of my "hysterical behaviour"

Thank you :)

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TDi: Thank you for taking time out to reply. Your projects do sound interesting. I personally have met Dave of Prolex once but don’t really remember meeting him.

I am not biased in any way. I hope my first reply reflected this.

I know Mike but am not related.

I do know lots of other LOC members :) and they are bored and sick of the child like bickering. I have been members of lots of other forums where this sort of thing has happened in the past and the best way to sort it out is a mud wrestling match :D I mean banning people! Works a treat.

I know you and David and both respected (by different groups of followers) on this forum and maybe others.

Why don’t you both for once and for all let it drop. Keep out of each other way and not bite when a thread about some one else is posted.

If Aide's engine has blown up (not saying it has) then it is up to him to come on here and say what the issue is and for TDi to say it is or isn’t their fault with the reasons behind it.

This is the internet people :)

TDi im sure we will meet at JAE if you are attending and I can show you my Chuck Norris Round House Kick :D :D

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TDi: Thank you for taking time out to reply. Your projects do sound interesting. I personally have met Dave of Prolex once but don’t really remember meeting him.

I am not biased in any way. I hope my first reply reflected this.

I know Mike but am not related.

I do know lots of other LOC members :) and they are bored and sick of the child like bickering. I have been members of lots of other forums where this sort of thing has happened in the past and the best way to sort it out is a mud wrestling match :D I mean banning people! Works a treat.

I know you and David and both respected (by different groups of followers) on this forum and maybe others.

Why don’t you both for once and for all let it drop. Keep out of each other way and not bite when a thread about some one else is posted.

If Aide's engine has blown up (not saying it has) then it is up to him to come on here and say what the issue is and for TDi to say it is or isn’t their fault with the reasons behind it.

This is the internet people :)

TDi im sure we will meet at JAE if you are attending and I can show you my Chuck Norris Round House Kick :D :D

There are some wise words there - thank you for that :). I too am completely bored with it but have a duty of care to TDI to deal with it.

I wouldn't say your first post appeared unbiased, because you acused me of blaming prolex for replying. It is clear that none of my statements blamed him for replying, in fact I actively invited substantive replies (which didn't come).

I hope you would agrre that it is right and proper for people to state facts, not supposition, belief , hope etc stating them as facts. I don't know whether you saw it on the original thread, but Adie did indeed post up the facts.

The older members may recall that I offered the olive branch to prolex on several occasions but it was not accepted for some reason.

If your intentions are unbiased - I say good on you - because any form of dogma is a clear indication of stupidity. I would not encourage anyone to dogmatically support TDi, but hope they choose to use our services for professional and fully considered reasons.

All the best :)

oh and i dont have the same name as Mike :lol:

Thanks for that. Are you the Forum Administrator or in anyway connected with Ultrajap?

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Please let me break this down into the separate issues:

1. Please advise me where I have bad mounthed Prolex and yourself

2. Please direct me to where I have threatened you.

3. Bazza can answer for hmself on the issue where he was invoked

4. I am sorry to say that your actions are classic symptoms of a psychotic fixation disorder. Go look it up for yourself and see.


Finally, I have to say that your constant childish negativity towards TDi and our clients indicate a psychological fixation disorder, which I think you should seek professional help for.


Fifthly, do not forget that I am coming looking for you to see if you are man enough to mock my name when I am standing in front of you (instead of behind a key board).
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