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Fix For Half-Lit Instrument Needles (10 Years Too Late)

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Hi guys,

I believe I've found an effective fix for this, which restores their performance and does not involve the use of conductive paint (with its inherent problems).

With some care, it's doable. (And you don't even have to take the instrument cluster out!)

I have to say I was mighty p****d off when a Club member, who I thought was an authority on this subject, told me it was a "trade secret". So much for club "spirit" which I thought included the free exchange of information!

Therefore, I set about doing a bit of research, and when I thought I had a pretty good chance of a result I gave it a go. Fortunately it worked.

I'm thinking of writing up a tutorial and sending it to the lexls guy, but is there now enough interest to make it worth doing? I mean, most people on here have moved on to 430s or 460s haven't they?

P.S: Anyone else with a UK-spec '94 care to tell me if I have any warning lights missing? (I don't have the correct handbook :))

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I agree share both ways i have mrk 4 work shop manual and will email it to any that needs it , have done alrready.

and there is loads of Ls400s on here.still the one. i am looking at the prospect of importing a LX , just doing my homework at mo , it will be a year or two , if at all posible

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Hi, ,just checked my warning lights and yours seem all ok ,the ABS one next to the rad one only stays on for a few seconds after you turn the key to light everthing up .There is a rear fog indicator between the brake wear and oil level only lit if the rear fogs are on ,and a traction one between the rear light fail and the malfunction indicator if fitted. Cannot see the far right of dash in your pic so cannot say if anything missing there.

I have the end of my fuel gauge needle dying so if you can post your fix for this somewhere it would be much appreciated.

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There are still a lot of Lexus ls400s knocking about and the flourescent clock lighting is common to the whole range,with regards to lexls in the USA there are thousands more Lexus ls400s there as well as in the Antipedes and Japan, but as celsiors.You go ahead and write your tutorial you will make a lot of people happy as well as yourself.

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I have a Mk 3 1996 LS 400 and I would certainly appreciate your tutorial, Cleverdick.

David, I also live in Sussex. Who is the Toyota dealer that knows more about Lexuses than Toyotas?

Many thanks to you both.

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Hi, ,just checked my warning lights and yours seem all ok ,the ABS one next to the rad one only stays on for a few seconds after you turn the key to light everthing up .There is a rear fog indicator between the brake wear and oil level only lit if the rear fogs are on ,and a traction one between the rear light fail and the malfunction indicator if fitted. Cannot see the far right of dash in your pic so cannot say if anything missing there.

I have the end of my fuel gauge needle dying so if you can post your fix for this somewhere it would be much appreciated.

Thanks guys for all your replies so far. Looks like I'll have to start writing! Just give me a few days... :)

Rupert - I did post two full-width pictures of the binacle, but I think it depends what browser you're using as to whether you can see all of it. (It doesn't display full-width in Firefox at 1024 x 768.)



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Hi Rich ,well you learn something everyday ,just fired up that other browser from microcrap and full width picture displayed.

Looking at the full picture it would appear that all the lights that should be there after a few seconds are .The pwr one is also popular on here I keep mine in that mode all the time ,seems to run better and uses the same amount of fuel.

Look forward to your failing instrument light tutorial .



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