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Everything posted by tHomBleached

  1. What if it was in the middle of the day "One tic good fellow...just need to turn the headlights on...and....bugger that's auto....ahah there we go, headlights to turn the washers on...oh...oh I see you're dragging me out of my car.... splendid"
  2. I know relatively little about about the system in the IS as I replaced it as soon as I bought the car. But my 2p: Has anyone ever tried "pot tweaking" the CD lens when they've got err3? (i've done it with old xbox's..... :arrrggg-matey: ) all you need is a small phillips head, a multimeter, and some common sense....oh and patience :) Anywho, just a thought and I doubt cd lens cleaners will do much for avoiding the dreaded err3....'s coming.......and it bites EDIT: here's a link to someone pot tweaking a thompson drive:
  3. Sorry to say I think the spoilers a bit vulgar...But if that's the intention then go for it! Rest of it looks pretty smart though
  4. That's shocking :tsktsk: I think a stern talking to the management of that gym is in order!
  5. Strangely in the past 2-3 weeks I've seen loads more than usual, weird... But prior to that it was rare to see one.
  6. Oh and let us know how you get on with the dealer/private sell that sold you the car. They really should of told you about the err3 when you handed the cash over.
  7. Were do i purchase the surround to replace the radio?? sorry for ball busting Sorry don't understand, the surround? If you mean the fascia, ebay's probably the best bet (or ask your local car audio fitters) If you mean the bypass lead, again ebay. See Wozza's guide for more info:- Oh...and good luck!
  8. 1) It's not the hardest thing to do, but yes it's much more of a pain in the backside any other headunit swap you've probably done in the past 2) yep, they're very easy to get hold of, check ebay out or ask at your local car audio shop (the one I had didnt quite match so needed wet n drying, then spraying matt black) You'll also need the amp bybass lead (which can be found on ebay aswell) or you'll have to fully remove the amp (which is what I did) Don't worry though, most modern headunits have a pre-amp which matches (if not exceeds) the power that you'll loose from the amp. Either woz or stav put together some pics showing how they did theirs, which should help.
  9. Hi John, It's possible to dummy the unit, see here: If it were me, I'd replace the unit, you'll get some ££ on ebay for your existing unit/amp as they are prone to failing eventually (another reason to get rid!)
  10. Crackin job! Looks bloomin lovely B) What have you used?
  11. This government are notoriously hating of the motorist. If I could only go back in time to '97 and tell people what would happen! The fact that only 6-8% is it? (stats from quentin wilson) of "road tax" goes back into the road network is shocking. Shame the tories have taken the green position now (a u-turn to attract motorists would be disastrous to their image) I've been thinking about moving to oz for years, I'm only 26 but If we leave it any longer we'll never move, the ways things are heading economically as well as socially, I know where I'll be seeing my son grow up.
  12. QUITE FRANKLY MY FRIENDS I AM ASTONISHED THAT NO-ONE SAW THE ENTRY FOR A GAY JOKE AT THE "Bending over for brown" BIT , DON'T LOOK AT ME , I'M JUST DISAPOINTED TUT TUT!! I'm shocked it took this long for someone to notice!
  13. Looks exactly like mine, so I say, it's gorgeous Same with the wheels, keep them as is I say!
  14. It's to try and encourage people to drive more economical cars that emit less CO2. I know, I was being flippant :winky: What I object to is the premise of paying zero raod tax, when a prius does similiar damage to the roads than any other car. It's just me being pedantic about the vanacular used, our "road tax" should be in proportion to the charges levied against road maintenance. By all means have a "green tax" .....but that would mean transparency, something our present government aren't really into! Even in a situation such as a the above, the prius still puts out 104 g/km doesn't it?(not to mention the crazy ammount of c02 that goes into making the thing!) I know thats F all, but still, for you to be paying ZERO road tax I'd expect a fully electric car putting out ZERO c02 emissions. (but then, when does your electricity come's hardly innocent of c02 is it!) I'm not having a go! I too have considered ditching the lex (it was a fleeting thought!) but I'm far to stubborn to bend over for brown thank you!
  15. I'm sure we'll agree we have fantastic road maintenance
  16. In short, get rid of your stereo and get an aftermarket one. It'll throw up and err3 eventually anyway...
  17. Slightly off topic but....If one gets in a smash with someone, is there anything you can do to minimise the chances of the other party lying later on? Is it best to ring the police to come out and compile an accident report? would they even do this if asked? I've never been in a smash myself, but I'm terrified that the decency of other people have deteriorated over the years, and I've grown quite atached to my NCB!
  18. Personally I think the new IS looks middle of the road, whereas the old shape looks funky, has great lines, and looks more modern than modern cars! For a car that was designed in the late 90's it looks absolutely beautifull, I always give a few glances back when I'm walking away at a car park :)
  19. new record for me: 430 before the light came on :) I swear the ecu is learning better and better :) ...oh and that was with me raggin the engine a few times (although mostly motorway)
  20. 3 Series is the drivers car, has always been, and always will. sorry! Take solice in the fact that the IS200 is a car keepers car!
  21. quick question, why should car's like the prius pay ZERO road tax? Do they float on the roads? If we all drove prius's, who the hell would pay for road maintenence?
  22. Definately sounds like windscreen, get lexus to look at it if I were you
  23. +1 Ultimately, the snow button is (I guess) great at lowering your revs thus making your IS a touch more economical. But did you really purchase your IS with the intention of being economical?? Have a bit of fun FFS!!
  24. My first guess is that it's your ipod! When thinking which is more buggy; a piece of software designed on/for a quality piece of engineering, or something built by apple that takes x ammount a resets a week to get to work....I know which my money's on :)
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