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Everything posted by Malc

  1. £200 labour sounds great value for money ............. it's probably nigh on a full days job ! Malc
  2. Full Service History ? is it Lexus FSH ? If so then Lexus should have a record of the cambelt changes for you, just ask ! Malc
  3. A sad day .......... hope your circumstances change before it sells. Malc
  4. Hi, is the " grey " really Aspen Green ...... like mine I wonder ! Malc
  5. Your decision BUT if all these further costs are @£1k what else would you get for the money that you KNOW would be as good and as trouble and expense free for the future ! I wouldn't hesitate to spend the dosh ..... if you've got it to spend and have to otherwise have a car. You know the tyres will last say 30,0000 miles and the wishbones won't ever need replacing again, nor the alternator, nor the ................. whatever else it is you've had done ! And you do of course love the car to bits. Malc
  6. OMG I had a Wolseley 6/110 too.............. about 30 years ago now and for a few short months before I blew the engine going to Wales on the M4. And I actually learnt to drive on one ( my father's ) back in 1967 ! Doubt one would learn on a 3 litre monster these days eh ! Malc sorry, I digress from the body of the LS400 theme
  7. I have an " oirdinary " DVLA phone number if it's of any use ! 01792 782341 Malc
  8. Might be that the springs were broken for many years and have just been noticed ! Not the same MOT station presumably ? Malc
  9. Really odd, but the MK1 and Mk2 LS400s fog lamps are separate and when looking at the MK 3 I thought how dopey NOT to have foglights ! BUT, reading the manual, they are integral within the headlamps themselves Wonder why they changed them back to external on the Mk4 ......... maybe no-one believed the Mk 3 had them ! Malc
  10. Coil springs from Benfur then and the Advisories won't have changed next year I guess ! Just get a new tyre maybe or is the spare anygood ! Must be worth sorting out to give you a further 5 years trouble free motoring. Malc
  11. My 9 years of driving a LS400 out of some 44 years driving ( am I that old ! ) and still driving other cars and having driven lots of prestige cars too, evidences to me quite clearly, that my time with the LS400 has been the happiest, most comfortable, confidence boosting and trouble free and least expensive overall motoring that I have ever had. And I so hope it may continue. Malc
  12. Hang on a minute .... I'd have thought a 94 car was a Mk2 ! Mine certainly was, August 94. Malc
  13. Hi, I loved my MK1 and then my MK2 and now, since June my MK3. The MK3 is the best technologically and economy wise too. The MK1 I drove for 5 years and loved it to bits. Parted company after 189000 miles and due its 3rd cambelt change etc. body getting abit " scabby too " and a host of tiddly niggles to boot ! The failing with the MK1, that I found when really comparing, is the smaller wheels / tyres / brakes. Otherwise, well, the MK1 is a fabulous car if you can find one that's been cherished and I'm quite sure there is one out there and available ...... you just got to find it. Tried really hard to convince my g/f that I should be buying her a LS400 too ......... but she's not moving from her 1994 Mazda 323f with poppy-up headlights ...... ever. Bit like me and the LS400 I guess. Malc
  14. I think I'm going to live with my Mk3 forever BUT if I don't, there's all sorts can happen, I would probably go straight for a LS460. One reads of some issues with the LS430 ! Malc
  15. Try ACLex on here maybe ! Malc
  16. Just a thought here: As there are heaps more LS400s in the USA might there be merit in asking their forums specifically ? Malc
  17. So many, and as I'm very old, impossible to remember apart from the Lexus LS400 MK1 then the MK2 now my MK3 and all over 9 years ........... WOT FABULOUS CARS also own my g/fs Mazda323f ( 1994, pop-up headlights ) and my classic Triumph Southern Cross Sports Tourer 1932 for sale and had it 8 years I think. Also a 1997 Renault Mobility Van, Brotherwood conversion ( for wheelchair carrying ) ....... and also for sale now. I don't intend hanging on to it until I need it either !!! and of course when I had my secondhand car sales business I owned probably more different cars than almost anyone else on here, some Classics too. Malc
  18. Could you I wonder, just lay the LS up for a while, go hire a Yaris for a week or two and then make a more informed decision without having burnt your boats and lost your beloved LS ? Could be expensive I know but it might prevent you making a goddamd awful mistake Malc
  19. Co-incidentally I had a jouirney in a friend's wife's 09 plate Yaris on Tuesday evening in the wind and driving rain. Thought we was going to be all over the motorway, and we were ! His wife's previous Yaris was 8 years old and had never cost a bean apart from servicing and the usual regular culprits, tyres I guess My LS400 would have been my preferred mode of transport. NOTHING like a LS400 for a good and safe and comfortable and reliable journey methinks. Just keep it. Malc
  20. Corsa stealing scumbags are maybe akin to the Insurance Premium stealing Scumbags too. These " professionals " as they call themselves no doubt, need a great big kick up the arse to get themselves into the realms of ethics and the like. I, like all of us, hate being ripped of and we just KNOW that's what's happening to us right now ...... they should be criminalised. Malc
  21. Methinks they make it up as they go along !! Totally incomprehensible and that's the way they want to keep it ...... bit like bankers and their bonuses, especially with the banks owned by us, Joe Public ! We are destined NEVER to be able to understand what is going on with any of this. Malc
  22. As one never hears of a engine or transmission fault in these dear old ladies does that mean you will be keeping it for ever ? Malc
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