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Everything posted by Malc

  1. Hey, I had a few quotes prior and they ranged from a few £00 with a company in Rochester to £1600 with lexus ! I decided to go down to see Chris for a day out and he just quickly removed the dash, popped it on his workbench and an hour or so later it was like new, then a 10 min job putting it back in the car. Really nice guy too and he's done lots of them he tells me. Good luck with it. Malc
  2. Hi, just wondered what the mileage is ? And ACLex might have some good and useful input for you ( hopes ). Maybe ask him specifically if he's not picking up on this thread. Malc
  3. Hi, it would be really good for all members to be kept up-to-date on your progress with all of this. We are always interested in solutions ! Thanks. Malc
  4. Excellent news ....... I'll bear that in mind if my Mk3 ever needs the same treatment .............. only I'll make sure I drink the Fosters first ! Malc
  5. Yep, happens with the Mk1 and Mk11 with age. Surprised yours has lasted so well. Searched for the solution on my Mk11 and found that Chris Vince was the best and most cost effective. Solution is to contact him coz he re-solders the innards to make it like new. tele: 01252540463 email: Malc
  6. Ask ACLex maybe ! I'm sure he will be able to give an authoritative answer to this conundrum for you. Malc
  7. Hey, over 3 LS400s Mk1 and Mk2 and now the Mk3 and driving 120k miles over nearly 9 years I have only ever replaced two bulbs ! One a rear sidelight bulb on the Mk1 and the other a little bugger of an internal bulb above the central mirror on the Mk2 ! And that one was so hard to source too ! Might have spent 75p over the years ............... but I think the internal bulb was a freebie coz the garage owner had to delve into his historic supplies from just postwar ( not sure which one tho' ) Malc
  8. Thought most freebie car hires following and during an insurance claim were now at the cost of the proposed repairer and NOT the insurance company ! But what would I know eh ! Malc
  9. See my post 29th July and the other post 30th. July specifically mentioning ATF T-11 for the earlier cars. Just don't get the wrong fluid ! Malc
  10. Just a thought, why don't you simply ask the Lexus dealer which ATF they would use for your specific car ...... from the registration. Coz if it's a Mk3 then I fear that you may only require the T-11 ! Malc
  11. I guess that if you're really worried about it all maybe you should get a quote from the Lexus dealer ......... you might be surprised ( one way or the other ! ) AND then you will have peace of mind if you decide to go with them. I would simply have my local guy do the job for me that's been looking after my cars for years now and who would charge me very little I think for this relatively simple job with having all the right tools. It's having confidence in the garage, well the individual, that you have used for years maybe. Good luck with it. BUT the 1995 Mk3 seems to be rather less stressful to look after than the Mk4 ! Malc
  12. Reading the Owners Manual with my 1995 LS400 ...... last page: Fluid Type: Automatic transmission fluid Type T-11 or equivalent. Probably different for the MK4 I guess ! Malc
  13. Must say Andy ..... wot a beautiful car it is ! hehehehehe ........... and she drives a dream. Malc
  14. Not normal at all ......... it undoubtedly needs a new battery, about £60 UK mainland. Don't stint on the battery quality, the car depends so much on it to ensure the electrics and electronice stay sensible ! Malc
  15. Do let us know how you get on please......... with pictures ! Malc
  16. I'm with you on that ambermarine. Can't imagine ever not driving my LS400 .............. even though this is my third ! Malc
  17. I have read threads on here and elsewhere about gearbox issues with the LS430 and also strangely ( but I can't recall where ) of a Lexus acknowledged " inherent defect " with the early LS430 gearboxes. I would trawl around the internet some mnore before you take the decision to buy one. Malc
  18. Just thinking aloud here ...................... might non-standard and recommended tyre sizes compromise your insurance ? Malc
  19. Agree entirely but must keep in mind that on those rare occasions when something goes wrong the price to fix it can be catastrophic. I have a 98 MKIV LS400 which I really do appreciate however I now need to change the starter motor and the reduced price I was quoted from the local dealer is just under £700. It's also time to change the timing belt - between £500-£700. Hi, I for one would advocate getting a couple of non-dealer quotes for this work ....... can't belive that a starter motor and combelt change would cost £1400 ! There simply has to be someone competent around near to you that would be more reasonable. Malc
  20. Hi, with the age now of a series 4 car I would have thought that the Haylands one would be OK, especially with its provenance and wow, it sure does look an amazing car. I would most certainly have bought it if I hadn't just got this one............... and of course I was so endeared to my old Mk1 ... .. at the time . Malc
  21. Hi, I mentioned Dubbin to the leathersmith coz he had some there and quite expensive too .......... he specifically advised against using it on car seats ............. but I can't remember why tho' .......... sorry ! Malc
  22. Hi, I have posted stuff on my recent total loss on my M 94 Reg LS400 too on the Insurance posts on here. Now, SAGA claims handling company negotiators were a little bemused and stumped when I reminded them that the whole ethos of insurance was that I was to be put back into the position I was at just prior to the time of the claim ! And that meant I should have a 94 late Mk2 40,000 miler LS400. Impossible to find. That bumped up their need to improve their total loss offer to me to £2k....... way above Glasses guide So, the moral of this story .......... try to insist on a replacement....... and if they can't ............... screw them to the ground as best as you can. Malc
  23. This is a thorny subject I know from a recent experience. My late Mk2 LS400 1994 M reg write-off, insured with SAGA, started at £1400 and ended up paying me £2k (less £100 xcs ). And coz it's a vandalism claim doesn't impact upon my Protected No Claims Discount either and more importantly , NOT counted as a claim against me for future premiums. I argued my case and they paid, which enabled me to buy ACLexs 1995 Mk3 without demur ...... another dream machine ! However, with my 1932 Triumph Southern Cross Sports Tourer, I have paid the premium with which, whomsoever I went to, came out the same quote, all bar about 30 pence ! There must be a very restricted market at Lloyds Underwriters for this risk. I insured this with the NFU ( for the 4th. year ) and we again agreed that the value the insurers and I would now place upon the vehicle was so adrift that we would just argue the toss IF a claim ever arose that they thought would write this car off. Hopefully it never will have a claim but there you are, insurance and unvalued until the claim time arrives. One would end up arguing the toss anyway I feel, even with an " agreed " value at the outset ! Malc
  24. Also, my tame mechanic has been involved in sourcing used " big " cars, such as Jags and Lexii for export to Eastern European countries ....... where maybe fuel costs aren't such a problem and maybe these could now become niche mobster cars ! hehehehehe Malc
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