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Everything posted by Herbie

  1. I think it changed with the 06-plates and went up to over £500. Autotrader usually lists tax costs in adverts so it should be easy enough to confirm if you have a look there.
  2. Can > Worms > Opened! Purely psychological! It will make no difference whatsoever unless your engine is tuned for it and certainly not within 50 miles.
  3. I think ours on a 55-plate was £305 if I remember correctly. You do get a £9 or £10 reduction for running LPG but it's certainly not as low as £285.
  4. To locate an air leak put some Fairy Liquid (other washing up liquids are available) in a jam jar of water so that you've got a soapy solution. Take a paint brush and brush the soap solution on any pipes, joints, bags or anything else that carries the air - when you get bubbles appearing you've found your leak.
  5. We had an RX300 converted to LPG and it was brilliant, so go for it. I'm not sure I'd go for that particular one as I like toys and that one doesn't have the reversing camera or satnav or anything. The most important thing is to be aware that there are some good conversions and some abysmal conversions. Personally, I'd rather buy one without so that I have control over who does the conversion but YMMV. The following images have just been randomly chosen from a Google image search so if the copyright holders see it and want them taken down, just say so and I'll do it. However, they do illustrate the point very well: The first one shows an absolute mess of a conversion and I'd run a mile from that. The second one shows something better but still a lot of room for improvement, whilst the third one is very nice and neat. EDIT: Maybe I'm being a bit harsh. After all, although the pipes and injectors are on show, they are neatly done I suppose, rather than pipes and wires strung randomly and dangerously all over the place, but I just like the neatness of the last one where everything is hidden.
  6. First of all it's not an error, it's designed that way. But to answer your question, although I don't know for sure and this is purely a guess, I'd say that.... I don't know What I can say is that my previous cars have run on LPG and the fuel gauge drops from full to empty and the computer shows mpg just as if the car was still using petrol, when of course, it isn't, so I've no idea what black magic is working in the background. I would think that mpg is calculated from various parameters and sensors such as throttle position, air temp, road speed and who knows what else but I don't think it would be affected by the calibration margins of the speedo. I think that he speedo is just a visual aid to the driver to give an indication of what's going on and doesn't actually do any measuring itself, but merely displays what it's told to display by the ECU. I think this would be especially true of the cars whose instruments are LCD displays rather than a physical needle displaying the speed. But hey, I may be talking complete rubbish, I don't know.
  7. Funnily enough, that's what I was trying to do. The salient points are: Vehicle speedos reading high is not a new thing. I'm amazed that the OP was surprised by this as it's been happening for years, but more importantly, it's by design There's nothing wrong with your Lexus speedo. The fact that your Jazz and your Jag appear to be so accurate is really neither here nor there, just unusual. Manufacturers design speedos to read high because it's illegal for them to read low, so the manufacturers err on the side of caution. Life's too short to do sums, I'm off to the pub and I'll have a pint for all the folks in this thread
  8. Of course not, but it does show that your observations are very much the exception rather than the rule. You seem to think that something is wrong with your car, hence your request to the dealers to have it sorted. All I'm saying is that there's nothing wrong with the inaccuracies of your speedo, it's designed like that for a purpose. In fact, if your cars really are that accurate, then it could mean that as your tyres wear down and the rolling diameter is reduced, you could be breaking the speed limit even though your speedo won't show it.
  9. I doubt very much that the speedo in any car would have no detectable error against a satnav - the below is taken from
  10. Yep, all car speedos read on the high side. It's illegal for a car to be travelling faster than the indicated speed so manufacturers are allowed a margin of error. The above is taken from
  11. When going downhill and braking lightly it's the regenerative braking that's working to both slow the car and charge the battery. When the battery reaches a fully-charged state then nothing can be done with any electricity that is produced, so the 'normal' hydraulic brakes take over from the regenerative braking system. I would hazard a guess that the engine runs to enable the hydraulic brake servo to do its job and assist 'normal' braking. The engine probably continues to run for a short while when stopped and the battery is full to enable cooling of the inverter and hybrid system - just a guess but it sounds plausible to me
  12. That's the thing - there is a list of 41 dealers who give discounts to Gold Club Members and also a list of 62 other "Gold Member Discounts" but neither list is viewable or available to us until we commit to being Gold Members and have paid our money. I would have thought that the way to encourage people to become Gold Members would be to give that information first so that we can make an informed decision.
  13. Yeah, it's rather strange that almost no information that would make you want to become a Gold Member, is actually available until you've become a Gold Member!
  14. There are many people on here who have bought a cable from eBay and used it successfully so I'd bet you've just done something wrong. Why, exactly, do you think it's useless?
  15. Isn't that the same for everything? DAB radio is rubbish as it stands because our grabbing government want to squeeze as many channels in as possible to get as much money as possible. Allow it to run at a high bitrate and the sound quality becomes superb. The source is key - you can't have a great output if the input is rubbish. Mind you, my 60-year old ears have been pummeled by many years of live gigs of bands such as Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple etc., etc., so they ain't what they used to be
  16. Why would you go to a main dealer for wipers? Many excellent brands are available from many excellent motor factors at prices far below main dealers, so why do it? If you really must do it, I found that buying through my local Toyota main dealer was also a lot cheaper. I needed the Toyota Super Long Life Pink coolant for my old RX300 and found it was about half the price of my nearest Lexus dealer who is about 30 miles away.
  17. Because of the regenerative braking, Techstream has to be used when bleeding the brakes on a hybrid but not on 'normal' cars.
  18. Tyre-wise I've got Goodyear Vector 4Seasons Gen 2s on mine and they are absolutely superb in all respects, and very quiet too. As for the DVD, remotes are very difficult to get so whenever it's come up before, most people have bought a new player - including remote - for about £25 from eBay. If you search these forums I'm sure you'll find the details somewhere.
  19. Almost all miniVCI cables sold will come with a pirated copy of Techstream but, of course, piracy is not a good thing so I didn't want to be seen condoning it. Whatever you do, even if you decide to legitimately download from Toyota, you'll need a cable anyway but yes, you're almost certain to get a copy of Techstream with it.
  20. Which probably means that they use Techstream to do it. @jdanielca - if you have a laptop you could buy one of these miniVCI cables from eBay, download Techstream from Toyota free of charge and pay two or three quid for a block of time to use it. Techstream is very useful for all sorts of things, so well worth doing it in my opinion.
  21. But why take the time? Life's too short - as the old adage goes, 'you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear'. You'll never be able to input your own POIs no matter how much time you dedicate to it, or how good you think it is. You'll never be able to install a speedcam database and you'll never be able to do a whole host of other things that you could do easily with a TomTom, Garmin or other standalone satnav, or even a phone using Google Maps or some other map app. My TomTom sat in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen, very unobtrusively, even the wire was hidden by being pushed into the door rubber. The inbuilt satnav was a great rolling screensaver but not very good as a navigation device.
  22. I haven't got an RX300 anymore but I sincerely doubt that. Your eye-line is well above and you look down on the display, so I wouldn't think that there's any way the gear lever could block your view.
  23. I'm getting a bit more used to mine but believe me, having come from LPG-powered cars to a hybrid, the amount of fuel it uses did bring a tear to my eye in the early days. The best I've managed is 41.3mpg if I remember correctly, certainly 41.something anyway, on a run, but my daily figure running around town is about 35.1mpg although that's gone down drastically recently with lots of short runs to the tip as we sort cupboards, the loft and the garage . Around town I keep it in ECO mode, accelerate quickly to speed and then just back my foot off slightly to maintain momentum and it seems to work well.
  24. It sounds promising but it'll be years yet, if ever. One big thing is how to get the old liquid out and what to do with it. You can't just keep pumping it in forever and it won't be burnt to make room for more, like petrol is now, so there has to be a way of getting it out of the car and then either recycling or dumping it.
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