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Everything posted by Lexxy_703

  1. this might be of some use - even though mine is an IS300, but similar insurance amounts - been with direct line for past few years but shopped around a bit more this year & privilege (which is still part of direct line) beat my renewal from DL by £200!! (DL wanted £642.60 & Privilege £438.90).
  2. moved it for you fella....... ;) ← Fella ? lol - ...... Lexxy is a wonderful looking female zee ! Lexxy : Didn't you ask santa for a new pc ? :D ← Oooooops........ sorry........ ← ← thanks for moving it - no offence taken. if we'd met & you still thought i was a bloke...well, that would be different! :P just a thought - isn't that SCARFACE chap a well rounded human being, so caring about his fellow peeps, always ready to help a member in distress, 100% decent fellow 'n' all that...(it was the pic of me in the basque & stockings i sent you wasn't it? :winky: )
  3. erm...(girlish type titter & flutter of eyelashes) if i go into my comp/properties/performance - it says 60% system resources free. i thought RAM was my memory? doh... :duh: i've gone to one of these sites that does an actual check on your pc & it's told me what type of thing is compatible, 168pin dimm sdram pc100 128mb, intel rc440bx motherboard (might as well be greek to me ). does this help at all???
  4. oh! flippin heck - gone & posted in completely the wrong section - could someone 'high up' move it for me pls??? :)
  5. my PC is getting on a bit now - 6/7 years old - which is ancient in techno land! I'm pretty much a novice but can just about manage to find my way round problems that crop up. just recently, i keep getting this warning message that i'm running out of memory & i can't start any more programs & it eventually dies on me. no laffin at my spec pls! :P i've got - Win98SE, intel celeron, mcafee virus & firewall combined, 64MB RAM, & this is where i get a bit lost, 1.99GB drive C & 3.99GB on drive D. 231MB free on C & 3.56GB free on D. so how come i'm nearly out of memory? is D only virtual?? i've got windows running my virtual memory settings. i've deleted as much rubbish as i could find from old downloads etc & changed my settings so i'm only running what i think i need (de-selecting screen savers & 'stuff'), i've 'clicked off' as much as i can for my selected start up & i scan disk & de-frag every 6-8 weeks. i was even considering buying an extra 128RAM - but i'm just wanting to make sure there isn't anything else i can do to help before i get my screwdriver on my tower! :mat: any suggestions would be greatly appreciated from you knowledgeable lot... :D
  6. all IS300 drivers are just shiny happy people... :D ...we just can't help it! B)
  7. i thought we had it on good authority new IS wasn't gonna be here until mid 2006???
  8. how much?? I paid £39 for mine from, including one sporza wiper. very good they are too. even managed to fit them myself, not bad for a GIRL eh?!
  9. mega windy in da east mids - stuff blowin all over the place! gonna start a new game - dodge the blue recycling box!! :P
  10. finally, i'm in the 21st century!! my bt broadband has gone live today & it's seriously brill!! (compared to the mind numbing slowness of prev dial up). i can only get 512kps at the moment where i live & cable isn't available either, but it's a vast improvement on dial up. i went with bt because they were the cheapest to get up & running for ISDN to ADSL transfer compared to set up costs with other providers. 10 days from order to activation (even over xmas!), all transferred & dusted with no problems. happy hours surfing at lightening speeds coming up...:)
  11. nope...made sure they knew about it from new when we carried on insuring with them - last years cover was £670, so it's actually reduced!
  12. it's that time of year we all love - my insurance is due for renewal shortly... i've been looking around today for online quotes (Admiral, First Alternative/Esure, Privilege, Lexus) & noticed that a 'new' category for my car has appeared - it's identified from my reg. but it definitely hasn't been known as this before! instead of just IS300 saloon 2001 onwards - it know seems to be known as a 'special edition'. it's 2003 with sat nav & factory fitted styling kit/diff alloys as options at new. can anyone clarify this? (my renewal came thru from Direct Line at £642 & the best quote i've got up to now is £464 - just depends if i've got the right car insured!?! )
  13. Don't mean to rant, but you asked for honest feedback? :D you aren't ranting mate! honest is what i asked for & i appreciate it! My optician wears lenses and she isn't happy to have hers done yet. When she is then maybe it will be time to think about it. hmm...says a hell of a lot doesn't it... i think Which are doing a report on this some time soon, i'll wait to see what they have to say aswell. just have to practise my glasses cleaning technique in the meantime! :P
  14. has anyone (or knows anyone that has) had laser eye surgery, to correct short-sightedness? i've been wearing glasses less than a year & they are already getting on my nerves! i'm not blind without them, but anything further away than the TV sort of gets a bit blurred...(had to admit defeat & get glasses when i could no longer read the road signs - i was ok when hubby was in the car as he's long-sighted!, otherwise, just had to guess if i was on my own!! ). i'm just interested in getting as much honest feedback as possible before i decide to be very brave (& part with a huge amount of dosh!) thanks in advance for any comments guys... :D
  15. 100, all positive - of course! :D
  16. thanks for all the help guys - as geoffers correctly picked up on, i don't really want to spend anymore than i have to ;) , so i think i'll just go for 98 SE upgrade at the moment - for what we use the pc for, anything else would be a bit excessive & i'd probably be seriously confuzzled!! :D i promise i WILL join the 21st century some time soon tho...
  17. ok, i can manage wizzing around the net & ordering a few goodies online, & i can just about figure out how to alter a few basic settings on my PC, but i'm afraid that's about my lot... i'm wanting to upgrade to broadband but the couple of providers i've looked at all seem to want a minimum system requirement of Windows 98 SE - & i've only got win98... (plusnet did offer to sell me a 'router' to solve this problem but it costs an extra £58.75). so would it be relatively straight fwd to upgrade to SE or 2000 etc, or is there another way around this? we only really use the PC for my surfing time & our small business accounts (just basic purchases/sales details & invoicing). any help would be greatly appreciated guys :D
  18. my PIAA silicone wipers came from speeding today - ordered them on sunday night - very good they are too!
  19. hot off the press! - ofcom are fining them £450,000 & are giving them a very limited time to get there act together. also, in between selling their rubbish goods, they have to broadcast an info msg 3 times a day advising that OFCOM have found them in breach of rules etc, they are operating under very strict guidelines now - I doubt they'll be able to cope & if anyone is due a refund, make sure you get it quickly!!! (prev sites give further info on best way to do this).
  20. avoid AWorld at all costs!! - see websites they still aren't offering any decent level of service or quality goods & i'm sure they're gonna be closed down soon cos there's just too many complaints...
  21. good choice! - you won't regret it - i'm still grinning like a loon behind the wheel of mine, & that's 18 months later...!!! (hmm, perhaps i should ease back on the coffee a bit... :P )
  22. both our IS's have suffered from this - no matter which way up or whatever angle you try, it takes forever to fill up...i just stand there trying to look intelligent & like i know what i'm doing but i can just hear all the other MEN drivers sighing/laughing at that "stupid bl**dy woman!!" :P
  23. i had a great time thanks! :D all the more for me to play with if they didn't invite many peeps!! 1st out - SC430 - need i say more... ;) cracking car & i just HAD to have the roof down for a few miles, even if it was freezing! B) dunno if i could justify all that money on one though... 2nd - RX300SE-L - one of my faves anyway. loads of gizmos to play with & such a presence on the road. could be a definite possibility for our next car, especially with the Hybrid coming out. 3rd - best til last i think...LS430 - wow! quality, quality, quality!!! :D those who don't know different might think it looks like a great big barge of a car but it drives brilliant & don't half shift! thanks Nottingham - great few hours with the expensive toys - everyone was really friendly & helpful (well, they do get set free from the office/showroom afterall!)
  24. i got a phone call from Lexus GB yesterday afternoon about this. she advised the washers cannot be retro fitted & a new front bumper/styling kit is needed (not quite sure how much they'll replace? is it all one piece?! no laughing pls...) really, Nottingham should already have been in touch with me about this, but then again, it's only from June/July 2003 - so i'm sure they would have rang me soon anyway... Nottingham are expecting the necessary parts in stock 'sometime soon' & they will contact me then to arrange fitting etc after i'd spoken to her - i had a bit of an important afterthought - this will be free of charge won't it?! :o
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