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Everything posted by Lexxy_703

  1. apart from T600/Tony (who's not EVEN been invited by Lexus Nottingham! shame on them ! :o ) is anyone going to this tomorrow? i'm booked in for the 1st slot 10.30am - 12.30pm for my annual play of all things big, fast & Lexus! there doesn't appear to an off-road section this year, which is a shame, cos i didn't get around to muddy paddling an RX around a field last year & i really fancied having a go this time! right, lets see what this baby can REALLY do.... (i wouldn't recommend buying a demo if it's been subjected to an open road day!)
  2. yup, same styling kit as yours mate - i think i only ever used the headlamp washers once on the old IS200, but, if i SHOULD have them, i WANT them now!! B)
  3. no! you SHOULD have this combination - but i HAVEN'T!! for some reason...hopefully, Lexus will be sorting me out shortly tho :)
  4. no sooner said than done :D i've just emailed Lexus GB... thanks for the interest
  5. erm, even if you've got a laser detector, i thought by the time you get your warning - you've already been zapped...?!?! :duh:
  6. that's what i've seen recently & thought i'd ask the men who know at LOC!! hopefully i should be going to Nottingham's open road day on thursday at kedleston hall, derby - so i'll grab someone who looks like they know what they're talking about (what am i thinking...!!! ) & get an answer. thanks fellas :D
  7. i'm pretty sure i've seen something about this a while ago but i've just done a search & i can't seem to find the info - doh! i had the styling kit fitted by lexus when we had the car new - june 2003. should she still have the headlamp washers? for some reason, i thought we didn't have them because of the styling kit - but it now seems we should have them anyway?? all info gratefully received guys...
  8. ROFL!!! Brilliant!!! I am sooooooo sad..........anyone wanna bid on a lovely g-string with diamond highlights - only lightly worn - bargain! :P
  9. same :D :winky: yup, whatever's easiest...
  10. ahem, just to i'm a bit confuzzled! my unit already has LASER - which i know doesn't really mean alot cos by the time it goes off, you've probably already been done! it's an extra piece of kit for RADAR - either the handheld hairdryer things or the ones in the back of the horrible jam jar vans with a blacked out window at the back! i believe, they are possibly on the decrease anyway. (which seems to be backed up by what Mudzs says cos his hasn't gone off in over a year!!). thanks for the replies...
  11. Hi peeps. Just wondered if anyone has any guidance/experience on this... i've got a GPS based detector - snooperS4Neo - (also picks up laser, for what it's worth! ). I'm very happy with it but have been thinking about getting the extra S100 RLD - radar detector. It just plugs into the S4 & away you go... i got the S4 in May 2004 & the extra S100 was about £100 at the time but i've recently found a site that sells it for £69.99 inc p&p & thought this was a bit of a bargain ;) it's only going to be a bargain if it's any good all comments will be welcomed! :) thanks guys
  12. can i have a set for my IS300 too pls..... 1 x 18" standard - black 1 x 20" super sporza - black ta muchly amigo!
  13. 11... i feel seriously old now & i'm sure i'll start saying things like "the kids of today!", "that policeman looks about 12 yrs old..." :P
  14. i've got a snooper s4 neo - GPS based with laser - £100 subs for updates for a period of 30 months & providing you continue with subs, you get 5 yrs warranty (all parts & labour) on it FOC (was 2 years). you can buy the additional radar detector for about £100 off ebay & i got my unit off ebay too for a bargain price of £275. rrp about £360-380 i think. no probs at all with it & you can modify the settings to your own taste so it doesn't get on your nerves too much! main reason i went for the snooper over the B2 was that the B2 was hardwired & snooper is 2 secs flat plug & go job - so much easier for use in other car. (don't know if any set up/fitting info changed since as i haven't looked, had the snooper since this May).
  15. Best Wishes on your Birthday....Have a Great Day :D not long to go now till you get the 'Z'!! B)
  17. And an exhaust trim .... :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY whoops! how to offend someone in 5 secs flat... oh yeah, AND A BRIGHT 'N' SHINY EXHAUST TRIM, KINDLY DONATED BY THAT FANTASTIC BLOKE - DUNCAN! (HAVE I MENTIONED WHAT A GREAT GUY HE IS?!) i had a lovely birthday thanks guys, meal was excellent last night too, lots of vino but don't feel at all ... i suppose i could still be p****d tho!
  18. I treated her to a Snooper S4 Neo (how much?! ) recently so she's not due anything else just yet... i am going out for a meal later tonight & plan to have lots of champers to celebrate, hopefully i won't be leaving any 'presents' in the Lex on the way home... :duh:
  19. Awww....thanks guys! How sad am i eh? Never mind the cards, pressies, jelly 'n' ice cream - just let me log on to LOC & see what's happening!!!
  20. these always seem to come tops by Which? magazine for reliability & performance - best prices are normally on-line, give these a go - (we bought 32in widescreen sony tv, sony dvd home cinema, sony vcr at xmas - all from online stores delivered quickly - we got EVERYTHING for the price that comet/currys etc wanted for the TV ITSELF!!!! )
  21. it'd be instant panic attack n wet myself if that thing lit up when i was driving...
  22. :o spooky!!! i was only thinking of you earlier...well trying to remember who it was that was going over to the dark-side and getting a 'Z'! :P pics of the soft top 'Z' in the paper today had me swooning - all for less than £30k!! :duh: PLS come back & tell us how much you've fallen in love..... i'm not at all jealous!
  23. mine does this too, possibly a daft question, but...would it be covered under any part of the warranty?
  24. good ***...i've seen it all now...Men talking about smellies - that don't actually eminate from their rear ends!!! wot's the world coming to?!?! :P us 'bitches' do like you to smell good tho - i followed a guy round sainsburys once just cos he had farenheit on! no idea what he looked like, but damn, did he smell good!
  25. i get loads of them for some reason, this might help - if you've not already registered your home/mobile nos. it's on pg 3 of active posts, unwanted phone calls, if my link doesn't work - seeing as i don't really know what i'm doing!!
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