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Everything posted by peniole

  1. Could you write us a mini guide on what to download, from where, which cables...? That would be great is this right?
  2. Vanessa-Mae - Toccata and Fugue in D Minor (fasten your seatbelts) If country western with some nice bass is your thing then and last but not least EDIT can't believe i forgot
  3. Congratulations! Welcome to the chill club Is that silver or grey? Can confirm, sunstrip on my premium edition. Just noticed door jamb sticker says compact spare tyre. Did it come with one? Note to self: check own door sticker.
  4. congratulations! welcome to the club. The quiet and road smoothing suspension plus large driver size friendliness got me too. Long legs here, seat all the way back and still a little bent at the knee.
  5. congratulations! nice choice of color. Was tempted myself, but went for silver.
  6. What's your MPG on that bad boy?! Also, i wouldn't lean in to hear the pump priming if I were you 😀
  7. Last fillup was the first time I paid attention. It gave me an estimated 535 miles of range. That's when I averaged 52MPG. Wish I had paid attention when I averaged close to 60MPG on a tank. Tank is 50L ( little under 11 gallons).
  8. I filled up last Thursday as I was down to a quarter and noticed some pumps had those plastic out of fuel covers on them (Nelson). I think they were regular diesel and petrol. Didn't think much of it at the time, filled up with my usual vpower, clear I got lucky. Hope this blows over the next couple of weeks once the hoarders are done and I need to fill up again. Bunch of morons ruining it for everyone else! There's only so much medicine I can teach online, some skills can only be learnt hands on.
  9. UPDATE: So after a couple more thousand miles, this car is happiest as a very long distance cruiser. My current commute is mostly motorway 28 miles each way, some in town, quite a bit of up and down (elevation) = 51-52MPG. Much less then I got on the 700 mile trip. Did a 90 mile (45 each way) motorway round trip the other day = 55MPG. It seems the longer the drive the higher the MPG number goes. During that long trip it kept climbing till it hit that 60 peak, which was around the 200+ mile mark. Overall impressive for such a big cruiser.
  10. Does anyone have any personal experience with a moving company that they can recommend? I moved as much as I can personally during my trips back and forth but there are some things that just don't fit in a car (bed, couch 🚫). So I'm not shipping anything fragile or irreplaceable, and will have done all the packing beforehand. Just some help loading/unloading would be required. The move will be from Germany to here in the UK. Appreciate your insight as always. Thank you.
  11. It's not. They started giving out abbreviated use guides (actual manual was getting too thick). You can however still download the actual manual off lexus Unfortunately, the 800+ page full manual still does not have the diagram, I checked.
  12. Same here. About 2 weeks between arrival in uk and hand over.
  13. Full tank of petrol (I've read this is not the norm here in the UK? Expected n the US), 2 keyrings, and a picnic hamper (clotted cream, biscuits, tea...etc.). Nice gesture from our dealer on a new ~32k car. My better half reciprocated with German chocolates.
  14. Looks like the difference between v power and fuel save differs depending on the station/location. The two locals I use are 8p difference 1.339 vs 1.419.
  15. well here's an eye opener Q&A from " Q: Does E10 reduce tailpipe CO2? A: There may be a slight reduction, but this is likely to be offset by any increase in fuel consumption. The real CO2 savings come from the crops grown for the fuel. " I'm still not convinced that those crops are carbon negative. While they fix co2 into green mass, is that really enough to more than offset the co2 expended in farming and production of bioE?
  16. I've driven cross climates in snow on a fwd manual car, excellent performance. So much so I've bought them again for my ES.
  17. Some all seasons run all the way into r20 and 275 width. I know people had a hard time with Tesla rims and all seasons until recently. Admittedly the profiles may be limited to 40-45 on the low end for larger rims.
  18. Have you considered swapping your summers for all seasons and saving yourself the cost/grief of swapping twice a year?
  19. It's the pedestrian warning system. Only works when you are moving in reverse, stops when you stop even when in gear. Same sound is made in drive but much lower volume that you might even miss it. Speaker is fitted in front so they cranked up the volume for the reverse direction. Scared my better half the first time she heard it, she made a video and played it back for me, scares the neighbours too 😄
  20. From my ES manual, but still should be the same for your RX, I've read the same for other manufacturers. 1 Turn the power switch to ON mode. 2 Pull and hold the power window switch in the one-touch closing direction and completely close the door window. 3 Release the power window switch for a moment, resume pulling the switch in the one-touch closing direction, and hold it there for approximately 6 seconds or more. 4 Press and hold the power window switch in the one-touch opening direction. After the door window is completely opened, continue holding the switch for an additional 1 second or more. 5 Release the power window switch for a moment, resume pushing the switch in the one-touch opening direction, and hold it there for approximately 4 seconds or more. 6 Pull and hold the power window switch in the one-touch closing direction again. After the door window is completely closed, continue holding the switch for a further 1 second or more. If you release the switch while the window is moving, start again from the beginning. If the window reverses and cannot be fully closed or opened, have the vehicle inspected by any authorized Lexus retailer or Lexus authorized repairer, or any reliable repairer.
  21. I have, given the MPG gap the price difference isn't as wide when you factor in ~10% difference in MPG. Note that difference was on that older engine, 32 vs 29MPG (US gallon at the time). I would expect the difference to be closer to 5% in newer engines that are designed for bioethanol additives but I haven't experimented, and have just stuck with premium ever since avoiding E as much as possible. Even premium in Germany can have up to E5.
  22. I'm already in Europe and checked before I came. Nothing required. It actually states in the manual to NOT stick anything on the headlights referencing several possible malfunctions.
  23. You are correct! Slip of the numpad.
  24. Would have preferred cloth/wool myself, like you used to get in Toyota crowns and still get in the Century.
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