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Everything posted by Rob RCF

  1. Silver suits it pretty well. Not sure what I would do if I saw one in the wild... seeing normal F cars is rare enough. I feel like they are still quite underrated despite Clarkson's "It's the best car I've ever driven" comment. People just looked at the numbers and so weren't interested in this "slow" supercar. Lexus are capable of making truly amazing stuff, they just don't know how to make people sit up and pay attention when they do. ^ Long video, but posting here for anyone who hasn't seen it. Pretty much the best explanation of the history/development of the LFA and why it's special.
  2. According to the Fifth Gear test they did years ago, you can get a small but not insignificant power difference between standard and super unleaded. In their case with a Golf GTI they got about 2% better power with both Shell and Esso supers. They carried out the test quite scientifically so I have no doubt their results are accurate, however they could have improved it by expanding the test (more fuels, more cars, etc). 2% would be about 10bhp in the RCF (which is meant to run on 98 RON or higher, as stated in the owners manual). Of course the RCF's engine is very different to the Golf GTI's, so we don't know if it would be the same 2% difference. But I think others here do have a point, in day to day driving you are unlikely to feel the difference, so if you have to put standard in I wouldn't sweat it.
  3. I was lucky I guess, filled up with V-Power a day or two before the crisis started, and haven't been driving much since so still have three quarters of a tank. I would fill up with E10 (reluctantly) if necessary though, it won't do any harm. In theory the lower octane fuel will cause more knock, and the engine will detect the knock and alter ignition timing to compensate, so you will get slightly less power. Once you put 99 ron back in, the engine should readjust over time as far as I know. Or you might be able to speed it up with an ECU reset and low rpm pulls.
  4. Something weird going on with this thread. New users, long posts out of nowhere about how great a dealership is. Maybe I'm overthinking it. Enjoy the car Damian.
  5. Well I can't disagree with you as I've never driven one. Sounds like you really like the TM3. Not missing the RCF at all? I was sort of considering an electric car before getting my RCF, but didn't feel quite ready yet (no home charger, infrastructure concerns, etc). My last car (2.0 turbo petrol) had really surprising amounts of torque and was pretty fun around town, but felt gutless at motorway speeds. How is it in that regard? I bet you're pretty chuffed about switching just before the fuel crisis also, lol, good timing.
  6. Yes if Damian has indeed bought the car then good for him and I hope he enjoys it, that's the main thing in the end. Don't forget to update us with pics and first impressions once you take delivery @DamianLEX.
  7. Wtf? No legitimate business offers to give out recordings of private conversations with potential customers. You even shared a screenshot of your text conversation. Wow. At least we know who not to buy cars from I suppose.
  8. How does it compare to the RCF? I mean I guess it's hard to even draw comparisons as they are totally different cars. I can totally understand driving one as a daily, plenty of punch around town and very cheap running costs.
  9. Tbh after hearing so many reports of oil being overfilled I'm no longer too worried, or at least it doesn't seem to be of urgent concern. Might drop into my local dealer at some point and try to have a word with one of the techs to see if they will check it for me and possibly remove some oil.
  10. Actually one good "feature" of neutral is that it enables you to turn off the engine without fully shutting down the car. This is useful when at a standstill in traffic for example. Just shift back into park afterwards, and when you want to restart the engine push the gear selector to the side and then press engine stop/start. Stereo stays on as well. Disclaimer - I haven't fully tested this whole engine off and restart procedure yet, but it should work.
  11. No probs. I'd recommend downloading the manual to your PC/phone and then use the search (ctrl-f) to quickly find stuff. Sadly there is a lot of useful stuff that is not in the manual too though! Like if you put the car in neutral instead of park before turning off the engine, ignition will stay on.
  12. Thanks, if you have a reader capable of doing it then I'd probably jump at the chance. I saw (and heard) a white saloon giving it some up Ively road earlier. Wasn't you by chance? I was just pulling onto the roundabout didn't get a good enough look to see if it was a GSF.
  13. Ugh, I copy and pasted them from my google photos album. It looked like they uploaded, but I think it actually ended up linking directly to them? I'll try and fix. *Update - Crapply I can't edit my original post to fix the broken links, so I'll dump the images here I guess. If a mod sees this, please can you let me edit the original post?
  14. So I've had my RCF for a couple of months and was just doing some basic checks. When I pulled my air filter out it was a bit squashed and stained. When I tried to put it back in I couldn't get one edge to properly sit in place and seal as it was bowed on one side. It looks like someone has inspected it at some point and not reinstalled it correctly, just jammed it in, resulting in it becoming crushed and probably no longer sealing properly... Who would do this, a Lexus tech? I hope not. Did the best I could to get it back in and then ordered a new filter. Here's the new filter compared to the old one. It's hard to tell from this picture, but the new filter is much more rigid-feeling and the seal around the edges feels a bit more sturdy and chunky. They are both genuine filters btw, stamped with Toyota Denso. When I put the new one in it fit very snugly and I was able to press it in all the way around the edges and it held in place nicely so I'm sure I'm getting a proper seal now. Oh and by the way, if you remove your own filter you should really take the airbox cover completely out as I have above, it would be very tight and difficult otherwise. You just have to loosen the two clamps around the large intake tube, then wiggle it off, throttle body-end first. I'd encourage people to check theirs, it takes less than 15 mins to access, remove, check, reinstall and all you need is a 10mm socket or philips-head screwdriver, easy. So the other problem I've been having is getting a good reading on my engine oil. The dipstick tends to smear, and my readings always come out too high. I was originally checking the oil level cold, then saw in the manual it said to bring the engine oil up to operating temp, turn off engine, wait 5 mins, then check. which I have now done with a similar result. My only conclusion is that I have too much engine oil, although admittedly my driveway isn't quite level (but close). I might pop down to my local Lexus dealer to see if they will read the oil level for me. Bit disappointed so far, given that this car has full Lexus service history, and air filter and engine oil are about as basic as it gets, they should be spot on. Any thoughts?
  15. It's okay, seems about in-line with current prices. For example, I picked up my '16 plate with 17k miles for £35k a few weeks ago, so you're paying 7k less for a slightly older car with much higher mileage. Sounds reasonable, especially if the car is in good condition. Dealers simply aren't interested in haggling the sale price these days (in my experience), so my strategy now is to ask them to fix everything (within reason). For example if the wheels are kerbed or there are stone chips or you're worried about the alignment or worn tyres etc, point them out, ask the dealer to sort it before agreeing to buy the car. Get it in writing (email etc). Look over the car carefully for any defects. This can be tricky as they never seem to wash the cars, so you might miss superficial stuff like stone chips and scratches. This is what we have to deal with in a seller's market I suppose. Also haggle your trade-in price if you're trading in as they might lowball you. Ask for a full tank of super-unleaded to seal the deal. Don't bother with the extras they try to sell you, they aren't worth it (just my opinion). From my experience they are keen to sell cars, they are just never willing/able to lower the price, but that doesn't mean you can't get a better deal you just have to find other ways to get a bit more for your money. Make sure it's "Lexus Approved" so you get the 10 year warranty. Check the service history, make sure it's full and done at a Lexus dealer every time. Of course, to keep the warranty going, you'll have to service it at Lexus too. You should get complimentary breakdown cover with the warranty (I did, nice surprise when it turned up in the mail), so you can save the cost of adding it on to your insurance or whatever. Well prices have gone up so the best time to buy would have been 1-2 years ago. The thing is we don't know for sure that the prices will come down any time soon, so I don't really see the sense in waiting around personally. If you want it and can afford the hit financially, why not? They are awesome cars, comfortable, fun to drive, look great, people respond well to the car and say it's nice etc. It's something different. Have you test-driven one? I wouldn't buy the first car you look at, try to look at and drive at least 2-3 and then buy the one you like most. I drove a carbon first and didn't like it as much. Take your time, try out as many features as you can, take the car on a variety of different roads etc. This shouldn't be a quick 10 min test drive, you want quite a bit of time to get a feel for the car. It can feel a bit slow/lazy in normal mode, even with generous throttle inputs. Make sure you put it in Sport S+ (two turns right on the mode dial) and give it full throttle all the way to redline (it's quite a long way up there!) to get a feel for what the car can do. If in doubt check the speedo, it piles on speed alarmingly quickly, but you don't necessarily feel it as the car stays smooth and stable even at "up there" speeds. Good luck and hopefully you get some decent open roads to really stretch the car's legs. Ask the dealer about good driving roads, they will usually point you in the right direction. If you do happen to get stuck in traffic, then just try to enjoy the other side of the RCF's dual personality which is smoothness and refinement in normal mode.
  16. Ha! We must live near each other than as it's very local to me also. I'm still mostly working from home, so I'm not driving the RCF around all that much, or maybe we just haven't been on the same route at the same time. When I feel like going for a quick spin I usually take it around some of the roads near there, maybe you know the ones, quite fun to drive and usually not that busy. I will keep an eye out for a white GSF then.
  17. It was getting dark so I didn't get the best look, but I think it was blue, definitely an ISF. V8 at the start of the reg plate. I was out running and it was right by Ively roundabout by the airport. Anyone here?
  18. I learned a few tips about using car aircon when I thought my aircon wasn't cold enough in my old car. In case anyone's interested: When you return to the car on a hot day, don't just get in and then immediately shut the door and expect the AC to quickly cool you down. Open the doors or windows for 1-2 mins before starting the car as this will let most of the warm air escape. Aim the air vents upwards, rather than pointing them directly at you. This way the cold air will get blown upwards and then descend throughout the cabin like a blanket. Just leave the climate control on auto on as the car will do a good job of getting it to the correct temperature, especially if you follow the above steps. No need to put the AC up to full in an attempt to cool down faster.
  19. I think he's not really pointing out the lack of track capability as a flaw, rather he's pointing out how capable it is even though it's not a legit track car. His personality is just quite pessimistic so he'll always find stuff to complain about even when he likes a car. Tbh that's what I like about his videos since it's not all super positive and upbeat like most youtubers. To be fair the warning beeps annoy me too on my RCF, especially when I can't even tell why it beeps - for example if I turn the engine off, then open the door, it sometimes beeps continuously until I close the door again. I still don't know why. It just comes across as a bit patronising, especially with how persistent all the different warnings are. You click them away, they come back a few seconds later. I know why they exist for liability etc, but I should be able to turn them off in a menu somewhere.
  20. You need to test drive the RCF and see if it's for you. I recently got one and it took me a bit of time to adjust, coming from a Seat Leon 2.0 TSI (DSG) I was initially a bit disappointed by the sluggish feeling transmission and the engine didn't even feel like it had that much more power at first. If you test drive this car, sure spend your first few minutes puttering around in normal mode, but eventually you really have to "man up" and put the RCF in Sport S+ and manual shifting. That is when it truly comes alive and it is very very rapid and responsive. This car has a dual personality and I didn't understand at first. Of course the other side of the dual personality is the cruiser/luxury part which you probably know all about from your IS, though the RCF might even be a bit nicer. I've had my RCF for nearly 2 months now and the longer I own it the more I like it. Things like getting the seating position just right and getting a feel for how the transmission responds in different modes... basically the more familiar you get with the car the more you will start to work with rather than against it. Ouch, sorry it's not even close, you cannot be optimistic with the fuel consumption as you will only be disappointed! I would say expect 250 miles to a tank with mixed driving, though it is possible to get 350 that would only be on a long run while driving efficiently. This car is a beast which drinks fuel, you have to accept that and factor it into your purchase decision.
  21. So tomorrow it's here right? Also I don't know how others feel about this, but with the R number above 1 again I would probably lean towards a venue with outdoor seating for food. Just a thought.
  22. Looks nice, but you've posted in the wrong sub.
  23. Does anyone know how to remove the small rightmost panel on the boot floor? This one: On my car this panel is loose, it looks like someone has dislodged or removed it at some point and not reinstalled properly. If I pull it up a bit I can just about see one of the white trim clips underneath has broken. I want to take it out and refit properly with replacement clips. So far I haven't applied a huge amount of force, but it seems to be stuck on the metal luggage hook (which you can't see in that picture). Any thoughts? Looks like the Mark Levinson amplifier or something is under there as well.
  24. On second thoughts I think I'll stay home... 😦
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