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Everything posted by Jiberjaber

  1. Isn't the TXT button for the minidisc player ? SteveAudioX was developing something to switch a line in using the TXT button, it went quiet though so I guess it wasn't that viable.
  2. The best I have had out of a tank has been 408miles (59L) (31.2mpg). I managed to squeeze 60.4L in to the tank on Friday but had only got 376 miles out of the last lot (28.1 mpg) but I had been canning it a little. All the above was on Optimax, I have since (as of yesterday) reverted back to normal UL to see if there is any difference. Only just put the first tank through yesterday 29.2mpg out of 314 miles, but I shouldnt see any difference untill I get upto a couple of tanks of normal UL.
  3. Don't know about GS, but in my IS handbook the wattage is same as dipped beam, so at least IS's don't dazzle anyone. That said I only use em when need to speed, oh yeh and when foggy as well. So thats all the time really. Er sorry. ← As I said before, it is not about the power output from teh bulbs, it is the intensity!... eg:
  4. I used to use it in my Megane (that was a 16v IDE engine) and there was a noticable difference in perfomrance and MPG. I have been useing it in the Lex since new (bar about 8 tanks work of BP SUL) and dont notice any difference between the two fuels to be honest. I switched to Optimax mostly because it is cheaper than SUL at most of the places I have been when I have been filling up. BP SUL is usualy around 89ppl, Optimax is about 86ppl Still a lot of money though!
  5. Might pop along, depends on where I am with the house though.
  6. As Geoffers said, the white lines are there on as secondary evidence, if I was at work when I read this I could let you know the tolerances applied to teh secondary evidence from the speedmeter handbook, but I am not so I can't :) The IR based systems (eg: LTI20-20 (which is also used on the space shuttle for measuring distance for docking etc :) ) take a significant number of readings per second and can indicate an erroneous reading very quickly. They are not used in permenant static locations (due to the point and click nature of their operation). The forward facing cameras (primeraly Truvelo but Peek have a few also) use piezo strips in the road (4 off) and a 3 white line method of secondary evidence. They also use an IR biased flash (note the pink lens). They do not use IR as a method of detection. You think speed cameras are bad now, just wait till the HA bring in their digital enforcement system (HADECS). Not sure if your going to see it on T5 section of the M25 first or the ATM section of the M42.
  7. The search button is your friend! :) I have a BT phone kit (Nokia) and it mutes the radio. Putting it through the speakers is a little tricky as it depends on if you have the radio with or without the external amplifier. It is apparently possible with the non-external amplifier radio. Like I said, search is your friend :)
  8. It doesn't matter if you have lights on or not when you on a bike and in front of a lot of light... I was knocked of my bike (with lights on) when I was younger by a car that crossed over the road in front of me. He didnt see me cause the tanker behind me was fully lit up, it was only when he pulled off to go down a slip road that the driver crossing in front of me saw me and by then it was too late.
  9. As aslightly more light hearted addition..... Highway Code to be re-issued to match current driving practises :)
  10. It's not just about hte output of the lamps, you have to take into account the intensity of the light. You dips have the same power output bulb maybe, but the light is spread across a larger area. The fogs are concentrated (focused) in a smaller area. Hence they are more powerfull for a given area they cover. Get two maglite tourchs (samel size, bulb and batteries) set one focused wide (large coverage of light (= normal headlights) set one focused narrow (small coverage of light (= fog lights) look into both at the same time (from a safe distance) and you will see one is brighter and more concentrated than the other. Hope that helps explain it :)
  11. If you can see from one marker post to another on the motorway, you shouldnt have your fog lights on.... In case your not sure what a marker post is, heres one: It's a ling white thing with a bit of read and blue on it and a marker post number on it. There placed every 100m along the near side of every motorway.
  12. Glad to hear your still in one piece. If ya need a home for the s/c, LMK ;)
  13. But Derek...... Thats the worst place to have front fogs on... in the rain and in London... In London navigating is realy bad when it rains due to TfL's love of putting small signs up for pedestrians, and no signs other than road markings for drivers... London is the worst place I have been for navigating in the rain because it obliterates the road markings due to the reflections off the road... if you tell me you were driving around with your front fogs on... no wonder you couldn't find where you were going :) All front fog light driving persons should be locked up IMHO! ;) RE: Driving vrs Fog lights AFAIK... If there is a symbol illuminated on the dash with wavy lines through it, then there fog lamps. I was on the understanding that front driving lamps were only for when the full beams were on in order to fill in the shadows caused by the road topology (a bit like driving with FULL and MAIN on at the same time.) I dont believe many cars have this feature [driving lamps] these days. When I was younder I fitted some self-fit front fogs (It can get just a little bit foggy in on the Moors :) ). In there there was mentioned that the relay must be fitted so that the fogs were not on when the FULL beam was on. Not sure if this is the case as the last two new cars I have had allowed the front fogs to be on whilst FULL beam and also had a symbol showing them as front fogs! YMMV :)
  14. For all those who say that teh front fogs dont blind you, then you must only encounter then on flat level roads. If you get one coming towards you on a hill, then they will dazzle you, this is even worse if it is raining or the roads are very wet. I would be amazed if you could say otherwise tbh... What is more worrying now is the number of muppets who now drive around with their side lights on and only their side lights on... why use minimal running lights and dangerously dazzeling fog lights and then claim that it helps to see better, when in fact if they turned on their main lights correctly and turned off the fogs, they would be see the road better illuminated!!! The biggest reason I hear for front fog lights being on (well second to thinking the car looks cool with them on) is that they can see the edges of the road better. If you cant see the edges of the road, SLOW DOWN so you can see them better. !!!! Bahhhhhh /rant mode off :) :shutit:
  15. If you want fast then check out... ukonline.
  16. Sounds like a good idea.... I nearly went for a blackjack system this week whilst in Northants, still holding out though.
  17. Wow took a bit of a knock there!. Like the rest I'm glad your OK... dont forget to take the radio out of the car, you could get a tidy extra for that ;)
  18. Isnt that 4 now - two in B&Q beckton - one in East Ham and now one in London. All in the space of two weeks!111 :o
  19. OK, 5/6 is now free for me (the match is a sell out, so I didnt get eth tickets I was after :( ) Anyway... the weekend after is now booked up for me (12/13) .
  20. Have you got an auto??? If so, put it in park.. it wont let you take the key out in any other selection (well mine wont anyway) HTH
  21. It's such a shame we dont have sirrus over here... it looks real cool... never mind :(
  22. That's a little to technical for me.... i can move em up and down .. to a certain extent ... just sideways ... really hurts !!! ← Hehe sorry, bad habit! Can you move your wrist up and down and to the sides? And your fingers? ← He might not want to answer that
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