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Everything posted by Niraj

  1. Jesus says to John "come forth and i shall give you eternal life" John came fifth, he won a toaster.
  2. Scarface... i have been double dared by adz, to inform you that your happy birthday banner has the incorrect spelling of lexusownersclub. i'm sure you are already aware of this... so i wont say anymore... ps: Adz made me do it!
  3. Welcome back Niraj :D :D ← Cheers mate :D
  4. Hahahaha, you're an old man now! where's your walking stick, lol. Happy Birthday dude, have a wikid day... & enjoy the weather!
  5. i guess they didn't find the diamond they were looking for then...
  6. guys, i was just on the phone with my girlfriend and she said that she was driving around all day, and saw a fair few lexii... but one that stood out was a Lexus V300... i know she's a clever lass, so maybe someone could tell me what one of those is, cos she said it looked "buff" (sexy)...
  7. I don't have you down on the list ............... ? Who did u tell you was going mate? ← I told Purvesh... we wont be bowling though... we'll probably just grab a bite at Pizza Pasta and then admire all the lexii...
  8. you guys will meet her at the London meet :D ps: what you lot talking about over on Gold ?! (before you ask, i'll be joining gold in a couple of weeks) she does not have another job we don't know about, she's a part-time nursery school teacher, studying to be a primary school teacher. i tell ya, i've never heard someone sing the alphabet so elegantly... :D
  9. oi i told you to delete that picture of her! lol... she's very very pretty...
  10. awwwww, you guys well the thing is... i got me a lovely new girlfriend... give me a few weeks, lads... i'll be back :D
  11. Silly Squirrel Vandals are driving people nuts.... :D :D :D
  12. what cars you guys chosen? lol but no seriously... there are some faster cars there, so i'm thinking to make LOC top of the league we should choose the fastest... it is about winning afterall, not the taking part. :D
  13. yay :D sounds like a better version of PimpWars... :D
  14. oouch dude :( sounds to me like a REALLY unlucky pick of the bunch. no system is ever 100% efficient but lexus are pretty close (99% in my opinion) i think you may be in that 1% of unlucky owners... any chance they'll replace the ENTIRE car for you? you can maybe suggest you lost faith in the first vehicle and would like a completely new start?! i dont know... :( feel for you mate. the same thing happens with me when i buy electronic equipment... dvd players, computers, laptops, phones, even the damn solar powered calculator packed up on me first time round :(
  15. fergy is right... the '=' character essentially makes the residing cell a formula. you can add many different types of formulae, and all are basic referencing to other cells. if you've ever played chess you'll understand the notation. eg. A1:A4 will select all cells that meet in column A and in rows between 1 and 4 (inclusive) you can also perform calculations similarly upon 2 different cells eg. '=SUM(A1+A2)' will give the calculation performed values stored in those cells. as for collecting and referencing data between cells it is the same procedure, aside from the notation must now include a reference to the sheet the raw data is stored. eg. '=(Sheet1!A1) will copy the data stored in cell A1 on Sheet1 directly onto a different sheet. NB: circular references can get very confusing. These are cells in which you reference another cell that is already performing a function of the original cell. Try avoid these situations. and finally as fergy also said, any changes made to one sheet will follow through the entire excel book. hope that helps :)
  16. i think the front is absolutely stunning... i've had a few pull up behind me, while driving through the west end... and they're real sexy things to look at in the rear view mirror... i think its just the size of it that makes me go *wow*...
  17. My mum has an 03 Rav4... which you may have seen in my chromed out photochop... it's a lovely car, and i'm sure you'll enjoy it ALMOST as much as the lex... sorry to see you go... just as i'm about to become the owner of an IS200 myself... see ya round dude...
  18. not to mention a college girl Jeshma Raithatha RIP the week before... terrible! :(
  19. that wheel is terrible! looks like a broken plastic hubcap fixed with superglue!
  20. init... s/he's got some serious issues s/he needs to resolve.
  21. Saskia's alright... did you see her lovely pair of... earings? I just love hoops on a girl... dont you?
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