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Steve last won the day on December 10 2020

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About Steve

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  • UK/Ireland Location

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  1. alot of co's will do excess protection cover, i remember when i had my RX they suggested i bring up my voluntary and comp excess to £600 and then buy excess protection for £30 to cover £500 of excess. I saved a lot more than the cost of the excess protection. Worked at the time for me. Also, i add family members as named drivers, especially spouse. Saved lots that way. I have never claimed on insurance in 30 years, nuts!
  2. Welcome to Europe's Leading Lexus Club! Please remember to drop by the new member section and say hello! 

  3. best bit about slime is not to put slime in to stop a leak but to put it in as a prevention way ahead. It sets inside and coating the tyre like a gel. Adventure or normal motorcyclists use it for that reason. Also some alloys wheels have slow leaks, this prevents slow leaks.
  4. just put slime in your tyres.
  5. Welcome to Europe's Leading Lexus Club! Please remember to drop by the new member section and say hello! 

  6. love the crimson red.. enjoy the ride matthew 🙂
  7. Good morning Sounds like rack or steering pump to me. Not sure if these are hydraulic or electronic racks in the GS, it sounds like lack of power steering fluid. Give the resevoir a check (if it has one) I would get that looked at by a garage / dealer if the resevoir is full.
  8. Welcome to Europe's Leading Lexus Club! Please remember to drop by the new member section and say hello! 

  9. Welcome to Europe's Leading Lexus Club! Please remember to drop by the new member section and say hello! 

  10. Welcome to Europe's Leading Lexus Club! Please remember to drop by the new member section and say hello! 

  11. Oh one more thing to mention, all these posts are created with software and posted as a bot. they posted 165 posts in a very short period, but we ban with one click, unfortunately, there was a lot of emails sent out. 😞
  12. One of the mods did spot this first thing this morning. It's very difficult to identify these posts automatically. We do have other meaures in place such as members outside the UK registering but they are using fresh gmail accounts and VPN ip addresses that show them from the UK, but looking at their timezone they are from Lagos. Trust me we do filter a lot of stuff and usually posts are filtered to new members, but the clever part is they post non scammy information to bypass the new post limits, so they get through. We don't want to try and inspect every post as many members are legit, it's just the new members we inspect the first few posts. Last 7 days we have cleaned over 1000 attempted spammy sign-ups and 107 were allowed, you can see the level we have to deal with. Colin is like lightning when it comes to banning them out. if the emails are too much you can reduce them to once every 24 hours and you can get a digest of the day.
  13. scammers are everywhere on FB.. totally stop buying from there unless its local
  14. Welcome to Europe's Leading Lexus Club! Please remember to drop by the new member section and say hello! 

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