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Seat Belt Failure Is 250 Se

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It happened to me two days ago the drivers seat belt failed to retract and is now loose all over the front seat. LEXUS Reading (good guys) put one on order told me Friday 10 Feb 06 delivery and fit Saturday. Just called back to say only two belts spare in the warehouse already gone and it looks like a bigger problem they are all beginning to fail, I will have to wait now until 17 Feb 06 at the earliest.

Look out you IS 250 owners. :yawn:

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Thanks for this you are of course absolutely correct, I am however legal because the belt failed to retract I can therefore fasten it around me, just like the old days before inertia belts were invented. I will however talk to the LEXUS chaps again. :) :D

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Thanks for this you are of course absolutely correct, I am however legal because the belt failed to retract I can therefore fasten it around me, just like the old days before inertia belts were invented. I will however talk to the LEXUS chaps again. :) :D

it may be legal

but is also a waste of time, i imagine it could actually do more harm loose than if its not worn at all

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Thanks for this you are of course absolutely correct, I am however legal because the belt failed to retract I can therefore fasten it around me, just like the old days before inertia belts were invented. I will however talk to the LEXUS chaps again. :) :D

You are right again, but it is tight around me and just a tweek on the front seat makes it so. Thanks for your concern though. :blush:

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Thanks for this you are of course absolutely correct, I am however legal because the belt failed to retract I can therefore fasten it around me, just like the old days before inertia belts were invented. I will however talk to the LEXUS chaps again. :) :D

You are right again, but it is tight around me and just a tweek on the front seat makes it so. Thanks for your concern though. :blush:

In the event of an accident would "pre-tensioning" work...would the seatbelt perform as it should...? I'd be wary of this and try and get a courtesy car off the garage...I know it sounds like the "inertia" retention clip is stuck in place so it'll probably be OK, but...

Fitting what appears to be a working from another car could "go" too.

Me suspects there will be a recall...this is far serious a problem than a rattling door or dash...though it fits you, it does not work I believe they test inertia function on cars post 1976??) it may fail an MOT (not a direct issue on a new car...), therefore not roadworthy?

Nice, huh?

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Well LEXUS are taking my car off the road and loaning me another it is to bean IS 300 (nice). This is not an isolated incident and is a problem on the early produced cars, the replacement belt will be modified. The replacement will not be available until 17 Feb 06 at the earliest so there is clearly a rush. I will nee to ask about the passenger side and maybe they can change the pair.

The delight of this forum is getting the information around quickly and may I say thanks to you all for your prompt, helpful responses good old LOC and its delightful members. :) :D

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Hi Guys

Here is an update - Lexus Customer relations phoned me today regarding the problem (seat belt, rattles etc)and the lady(apparently the one who makes the decisions) spoke for about 30 minutes. I said to her that its time Lexus made a decision on this and recall the cars to rectify the problem. This is what she said:-

We sympathise with you regarding the various issues you had. Our comprehensive warranty is designed to cover all these unexpected issues and we will try our best to rectify all the problems as soon as we can. We havent had many complaints on the rattles(surprise surprise, I had sent her an email attaching the thread on rattles which had around 80 responses). Apparently not all dealers have notified them about the rattles.

She also said its not a suffcient reason to recall the cars since its not a very serious issue. The likely reasons to replace a car are brake failure( I said to her that I would have died if there was a brake failure), or any other 'major' safety reasons. She said the technicians are looking into this matter and it has nothing to do with the earlier or new models. She will write to me(she had to since I wrote to her, if it was a telephone call, dont expect them to return).

I said to her that the part of the problem is that dealers are not well trained since its a new car, the dealers are lost sometimes and thats frustrating. She admitted that and just apologised. My car was with Lexus Tunbridge Wells for three days and they couldnt rectify the problem.

For everything there is a delay now(seat belt, dashboard clips or anything for that matter), apparently there is nothing available in the country, they have to request and hence the reason for the delay.

I think if Lexus doesnt recall and rectify the problems, we all eventually will have the whole car replaced through new spare parts.


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That is very interesting, I agree entirely that any fault (I am an ex Aircraft Technician) no matter how small or apparently insignificant at the time, as soon as it has a direct link to safety (brakes - tyres - suspension -seat belts etc) should be treated with the utmost priority and caution.

Indeed, in the case of my seatbelt I will be asking for a front pair including pax change under warranty, and I will confirm in writing that if the lesser used back ones should fail in the future (or show signs of not functioning properly) they too should be replaced (regardless of warranty status).

This has been an interesting exchange thank you all, I have to say that LEXUS have come to the right decision albeit a little late. I guess I was the first here at LEXUS Reading to report the problem but future concerns will be dealt with in accord with my outcome. I still thing LEXUS Reading folk are extremly good. :D :D

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Hi Guys

Here is an update - Lexus Customer relations phoned me today regarding the problem (seat belt, rattles etc)and the lady(apparently the one who makes the decisions) spoke for about 30 minutes. I said to her that its time Lexus made a decision on this and recall the cars to rectify the problem. This is what she said:-

We sympathise with you regarding the various issues you had. Our comprehensive warranty is designed to cover all these unexpected issues and we will try our best to rectify all the problems as soon as we can. We havent had many complaints on the rattles(surprise surprise, I had sent her an email attaching the thread on rattles which had around 80 responses). Apparently not all dealers have notified them about the rattles.

She also said its not a suffcient reason to recall the cars since its not a very serious issue. The likely reasons to replace a car are brake failure( I said to her that I would have died if there was a brake failure), or any other 'major' safety reasons. She said the technicians are looking into this matter and it has nothing to do with the earlier or new models. She will write to me(she had to since I wrote to her, if it was a telephone call, dont expect them to return).

I said to her that the part of the problem is that dealers are not well trained since its a new car, the dealers are lost sometimes and thats frustrating. She admitted that and just apologised. My car was with Lexus Tunbridge Wells for three days and they couldnt rectify the problem.

For everything there is a delay now(seat belt, dashboard clips or anything for that matter), apparently there is nothing available in the country, they have to request and hence the reason for the delay.

I think if Lexus doesnt recall and rectify the problems, we all eventually will have the whole car replaced through new spare parts.


:o At least they know how to write! They just need to learn to use a dog & bone!

Yeah, like Triggers broom (Only Fools and 'orses) - "I've 'ad this broom for 14 years, it's 'ad 5 new heads and 7 new 'andles"


Typical response I have to say. My dealers (!) said that Lexus would not allow the rattle issue to go on. It's not in keeping with the marques reputation for quality/reliability, inspite of the fact that it's not a dangerous thing, and that a call back may occur, albeit during routine maintenance (so your car goes in for it's first service, and as a matter of course they do what they need to regardless of whether you have a rattle or not...).

That's what I was told!

:duh: Yours confused? You bet!

Katyanna3 - When buying a new IS, they state that you would always get a New IS as a courtesy car. Small thing I know, but they have not stuck to their pledge (unless that is dealer specific).

Else it won't be long before we all start getting Yaris's!

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Yes I Have had the same 30 minutes of apologies for the rattles etc saying it is a one off!! thats a laugh! My car is being used as a test case for the repairs but I have decided that I have had enough and will reject the car through my solicitor. The faults were there right form the first minute that I drove the car . The PDI was not done properly and now they blame the customer...!

Lexus have not got a clue They are resting on their laurels and will be knocked back just like Merc some years back.


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Yes I Have had the same 30 minutes of apologies for the rattles etc saying it is a one off!! thats a laugh! My car is being used as a test case for the repairs but I have decided that I have had enough and will reject the car through my solicitor. The faults were there right form the first minute that I drove the car . The PDI was not done properly and now they blame the customer...!

Lexus have not got a clue They are resting on their laurels and will be knocked back just like Merc some years back.


I feel it for you - there is no way I'd allow the Guinea pigging of my car!!

A lack of communication on Lexus's part...even if there is a small number affected, the least that Lexus can do is have a mechanism in place of "bulletining" the dealers with a fix (just sounds plain stupid to me).

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Hi All,

I've been reading with interest all the threads about rattles and problems, etc, with the new IS250. My IS200 is 3 years old in early March and I have been thinking about replacing it. However, due to my wife and I spending large amounts of cash doing up our house (new bathooms, etc, etc) I have delayed replacing my car for another six months. This has started to look like a good move!

I dropped my IS in for it's 3rd service today and have an IS250 on my drive. I wanted to drive an Auto, but ended up with a manual, however, the car is great. Especially as it's a basic model (not an SE). I've really enjoyed driving it and would definitely like to replace my car with one.

My car's been MOT'd today and is ready for go for another year. I only drive 4000 odd miles a year, so might wait until March '07 before taking the plunge :) It will give me time to save up for an SE-L!


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Hi Lexusteam,

i have this problem for over 5 days... until last saturday.

On monday i called my dealer, he told me that he will older a new one.

Every day i called them, but the part was not there.

I am really wondering why i needs so much time from Belgium.

But the funny think is on friday evening i get my girlfriend and open the trunk... open her the door ... sit down in my seat.... and....

the seat belt is back in place.... :shutit:

Tomorrow i go to my dealer, i think is an programming error in the system. I hope the error is documentated into the ecu? or somewhere else.

I dont know what to say more :duh:



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I reported in an earlier thread of my seatbelt failing but a sharp bang with the handle of a screwdriver (having first removed the trim) did the trick and I have had no further re-occurance.

I am heartened that Lexus are suggesting an automatic replacement, I have already mentioned to my dealer so even if it does not happen again, I will ask for a replacement when it has it's first service.

Had a rattle looked at on Friday and after about 4 hours, it was returned to me. The passenger door trim was removed and padded. I think it's done the trick but I am a bit paranoid and keep listening out for tthe slightest noise. Not convinced it's sorted but remain optimistic.

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padded with what?

this is not acceptable...ok for a temporary bodge job...but not for a £30 grand motor....the next we know they will be giving each of us a roll of draft excluder and double sided tape with every new sale!!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I said I was monitoring the 'fix' and two weeks on, the rattle/squeak is still there. Had a fiddle today and discovered that the panel holding the window switch had some play in it and the squeak was evident when I pressed it. It came off easily and I put some foam between the wiring looms. Replaced everything and so far seems to be OK. Still not confident that it is fixed but if it is, I will get the job done properly at the next service. Meanwhile, I do not want to have to wait around for another 4 hours whilst the Dealer tries to track it down. It alpappy's fix is successful, I will quote this when I next go in. It is only noticable on rough roads but I am conscious of listening out for it - frustrating to say the least.

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HI The rattle has been located to the striker plate in the b pillar. That is cured !The dash has been removed and a new seal placed( wider one) against the glass That is sorted! All that now remains is a rattle somewhere in the passenger door panel Lexus have offered to lookat this one later.


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