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Claire G

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Everything posted by Claire G

  1. I LOVE The Who !!! Seen them at Hyde Park a few years (Masters of Music Concert) and saw Robert Plant and Jimmy Page at Wembley Arena a fair few years ago....... :D:cool::D:cool:
  2. So, so many.... The Black Crowes at the Oxford Apollo (!) mid-nineties The Rolling Stones at Wembley Stadium Aerosmith at Wembley Arena and Wembley Stadium The Eurythmics at Wembley Arena Ah, did you say just pick one :?:
  3. Dont knock it 'till you've tried it Claire!!!:o Can I watch?:bounce: Hey, perhaps I can raise some money for my future LS430 :o
  4. :wow::wow::wow::wow::wow: I like !!!!!!!!!! Check out those wheels...they'd take some cleaning. :o
  5. Sounds like we've sorted the venue for the next club meeting guys n' gals !:bounce:
  6. As an Indian who came to this country as a refugee from Uganda 30 years ago, I must say I have never heard of this scam. Me and my family have worked hard over the years and grateful to the British for providing us refuge. Apart from a few months in the 70's I have not relied on the State to provide for me. In fact we have always paid our dues without complaint. Last year alone 2 members of my family paid over 100k in taxes. Sometimes it is very easy to dwell on the negative impact of immigration. I think that's great. Anyone with a positive attitude and genuine reason to leave a country and come to Britain should be welcomed. Lots of immigrant families work hard to start new lives for themselves, contribute to their new country and sometimes need a helping hand. Fantastic, no problem with that at all - our culture, ecomony and lives are the better for it. Unfortunately there are those who have no interest in integrating - even to the point of not being willing to learn English or contribute to society. There are those who do see Britain as a soft touch and who know they will be fed, housed and clothed by the state. I think as a country we are pretty unique and lucky to have a multitude of cultures and ethnicity. Absolutely no gripe with any genuine asylum seekers or those prepared to put some effort in to better themselves, their families and our country. Just the spongers I have issues with !
  7. Typical female never answer the question Thinking about going into politics next - as my question dodging answers seem to qualify me !
  8. My car's a year and a half and has the heated wing mirrors that stay on all the time. When it was in for it's last service, I asked if it was usual and had them all scratching their heads - they had to go and check some of the other cars in before they could tell me :)
  9. If and when you get one though, I guess it's round yours to watch films and drink beer :D
  10. Can post rubbish and frequently do That's a good idea about the most useful threads etc...
  11. When you get to 500 posts you get 4 stars! :P
  12. Thanks. Do you know if Lexus would sort this out for me under warranty? It's going in for a service on Friday.
  13. Does anyone else experience problems with smelly aircon? I seem to be getting a musty smell that's worse when the air con is on recycle. Any tips to get rid of the smell :?:
  14. Just a few more to go before I reach 500 *'s :tumble:
  15. Hope the wheel wax suddenly gives me 19" wheels I've just bought some teflon polish for my alloys and am hoping it'll help protect them against the brake dust. Apparently you can use it on paintwork too, but I'm a little dubious - looks like it could be tough to polish off :?:
  16. See what happens when you are good :saint:
  17. Playa...your opportunity to make your millions me'thinks :D My commission rates for pointing this out to you is quite reasonable too
  18. Blimey, that's a shocker. Hope she was ok. :wow:
  19. He's really freaky - anyone ever see him on GMTV with Eamon Holmes? He looked stoned and just sat there giving him the evil eye and one word answers that had nothing to do with the questions that were being asked.
  20. Enjoy your jelly and ice cream and hope you've had an excellent time ;)
  21. The weekend can't come quick enough for me !!!!!
  22. Check the wheels and paintwork! Some wheels can suffer a bit of corrosion and some of colours show up stone chips and scratches. :)
  23. How's this for a novel approach: * Life means life * Crimes against the person carry a harsher sentance than crimes against property * No more economic asylum seekers but help and sympathy for genuine asylum seekers persecuted or in fear of their lives in their own countries * Our taxes actually used for their purpose - N.I. is actually spent on schools, hospitals etc, Pension money actually goes into pension funds and road tax gets spent on roads!
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