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Everything posted by redz_UK

  1. cheers.. think that the narrow angle leds project the light sufficently around the guide.. its not overly bright but i dont like it be and it matches the lighting on the HU. i think im going to try a slightly brighter set of leds but thats for next weekend! the leds under the swithces are too bright so need to get dimmer ones..
  2. the whole job wasnt as long as i thought, 3 hours tops but prob add another hour onto that for the ones still to do.. would have done the lotbut maplins had run out of leds!!
  3. I started myself a 'little' project... After reading a few of the posts about converting the dash i though i would give it a go. i could only replace three of the large wedge bulbs in the instrument cluster and had to order the smaller ones.. its not 100% perfect but for less thana tenner im happy with it!! will post pics up when the other bulbs arrive next week.. so i had to decide what to do with the rest of my time.. so i thought aircon lights to match. Before going any further i think credit goes to Fargo for the original write up and Stav for answering my many questions.. now i like to experiment a little so thought i would try and do it another way.. My plan was to use 2 directional leds in place of each bulb pointing down the light track.. firstly LEDS with resistors.. Maplin helped me out here and dutifully suplied 3MM superbright leds (N31BY) and a 510 resistor (M510R). now this is different to what was in the orginal write up but i was assured that this was the right combo to use so i took the plunge. i then had to solder these together! next it was the task of soldering these to the Aircon board. i positioned two of each and pointed these down the light track (held in place with blue tack whilst soldered!) all back together and decided i need to test it! so a few adjustments to getteh spread a bit more even and i was happy! onto the clock.. and this is where it gets tricky, every post i read had issues with getting the light across evenly and with out spots.. so after trying various methods i finished on mounting the LEDS right on the edge of the hold, almost outside of it! (poor pic but only i have for now.) this bought an almost finished look of.. not bad for less than a tenner!! i did knock some of the LEDs out a little in the test fit and needed to relign slightly to get the spread better again but was overall very happy. now i just have to get some more leds for behind the dials, heated seat buttons and the top of the dash nav controls.. now it matches the rest of the things in the car!!
  4. no idea then.. from experience it stays inside your system for good unless a full clean install is done.. try ccleaner.. it cleans up your system and does help keep things in order.. it will clean the registry of any errors too..
  5. its prob norton still in the system as steve said, if you can, do d clean install with out any of teh free trail software or nonsense that you get and do not let norton on! AVG will not slow your system down, only 2 some extent when its running your scheduled scan.. been using that and ssearch&Destroy for years now and trouble free!
  6. yep, the driver side rear pillar, remove the trim and its there.. think can just unplug it...
  7. from what i remember of ANY meet in dudley or merry hill centre its not simething i would want to be within 50 miles of now.. have they changed and a more sophisticated affair?
  8. i have a sunday exhibitors pass too!! was hoping to have my ICE finished as a demo but perfection takes its time!! will deff be going along.. didnt realise it was the same show as ISTS!! where will you guys be? will pop down and say hi!!
  9. should be good for me too.. depending on location...
  10. have the falken 452... still look like new aftr 12000 miles! great grip in wet and dry.. have to relly push it to get it to slip or spin.. very happy indeed!!
  11. ok, so now it gets annoying.. there is so much pressure in the boot that the air vents in the rear quarters flap around like anything!! does anybody jknow if the rubbery flappy stuff can be removed as that will solve the problem? if not then i will have to seal that area but that kind of defeats the object of having them there??
  12. I've nearly grown used to it. I'm a bit of a perfectionist and would prefer to fix it if possible but its not the end of the world. I'll keep trying to find a solution for a while yet. I had wired in a switch to enable the wire to be connected one way as normal, and the other way to chasis ground, but for some reason it didn't work. Couldn't figure it out so it's now permanently grounded. Has anyone else made such a switch setup? just put a normal swith on the lead that you have grounded if you really want to do this...
  13. if stav has it running off rca leads and an amp then it's just how the unit is. adding an amp wont help by the looks of it, u can try taking it to a car hifi shop but doubt they will be able to help mate.. sorry...
  14. take the part no to your local lexus dealer.. show your gold card and they should be able to order.. i paid £22 for the pair!
  15. It would seem to be no coincidence. I was reading that some people are having problems running the standard speakers on aftermarket amps. Whats the best approach? Lexus wiring diagrams would be a help if anyone out there could help? Did you use the same iso lead as me Stav? I was thinking of rewiring a bit to allow the DVD video to play whilst moving. Time to get the multimeter out!!! to get the dvd to plat whilst moving all you need to do is identify the lead that connects to the handbrake and ground it.. fronts will work ok with standard speakers, rears are actually 2 x speakers on each side so you will have to rewire them to 3 ohms (not ideal) or put new ones in..
  16. if there are two units with the same problem then i would say it is down to the quality of the output stage.. an amp running of the rca outputs may help.. you could pick up a decent amp for about £100.. amp Stav how have you got yours wired up??
  17. i would guess that its a poor amplification stage in the HU.. you can get this on cheap units.. i would suggest trying it with an ampflifier if you can and let us all know how you get on.. it certainly is v cheap for what it does!!
  18. impossible mate.. only way is to get one of the new HU with BT built in (kenwood do some) then it will display in the dash... i may have a nav screen input device soon that will allow the Nav screen to display any input source.. just awaiting to test..
  19. Its been asked many times.. simple answer is no.. it CAN be done if you know your way around electronics or are prepared to spend around £600!! I may have a soloution that will allow this and also have a TV tuner built in but i need to test it first myself before i can vouch for it.. just waiting for it to arrive then will work out costings but will be a hell of alot cheaper then that!!
  20. Thats a shame Rob it should be a good day out :P damn.. late as usual!! only just down from me too.. what time are you guys finished? is it worth having a meet somewhere after its finished??
  21. i bought these off the club and they are great. stick on very well..
  22. anybody done this? what alternators can be dropped straight onto the is??
  23. Its looks to be the vizage kit but it appears to moulded in to the original bumpers. it does look like the visage but the side of the front slopes down as opposed to straigh across on all the othes i have seen.. guess it depends on the fitting?
  24. LOVE IT!! what kit is that and where from! exactly what i am looking for!!!
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