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Everything posted by redz_UK

  1. If this is the case then why did a lexus garage go against the Lexus GB settings and use WIM settings when i booked my car in?? were the wilfully endangering me or causing further problems down the line? Or were they doing the right thing by a customer and using the settings that fix a known issue?? this is where it gets interesting to me....
  2. another 'characteristic' of the is200 that can be cured by correct Geo settings.. a trip to WIM will sort you out..
  3. ok.. so basicallt they will do nothing.. there is one thing that i find interesting for myself.. "However, I must advise you that we do not recommend any further deviation from the manufacturer's specification, if it takes the car outside the original range of tolerances. It is worthy to note that any change may affect some other aspect of the car in the future" Lexus Nottingham have done just that and used the WIM settings for me and potentially other is200 users!! where does THAT put Lexus GB??
  4. Any Lexus owner can ask Tony for the revised settings and pass them onto any garage that wants to reset the geo. I have sent members wim's settings to take to the dealers and they refuse to set the car to them?.... After calling a few the reason is that they are "not allowed" to deviate from the settings Lexus wrote for the car. I suppose this is the joy of being a franchise or the fear of liability if they deviate? hmm.. didnt we establish that lexus nottingham did infact use the WIM settings on my car?? surely that is some admission or knowledge that there is a 'fix' out there...
  5. fitted mine last night.. very hapy with them.. only thing is now its made me realise how poor the original mian beam bulbs look! think uprated bulbs are a minimum or ideally HID..
  6. wim's settings.... Although they didn't measure the castor angle so the final positions are a little blind. so the plot thickens and a suggestion as you said that the oem settings are incorrect!! Fair play to lexus nottingham for doing the right thing for the customer but would be nice if Leus GB could acknowledge WIM's work!! Will be down to see WIM anyway once my boot install and suspension is all finished cause im sure due to the weigh it will need to be started from scratch!! hope this has been some help to the cause!!
  7. uploaded for all to see.. can anybody tell me which settings they use?
  8. about 1am in nottingham.. woke us both up, things fell of the shelf and some alarms set off!
  9. try bass junkies.. Cheers Redz thats a good price for the optima, just got to go and meausure up now to see if it will fit. If you call them then they will sort out the right size.. they sortin 2 out for me next month..
  10. try bass junkies..
  11. I would love to see that printout..... Two reasons.. 1: Are they using wim's settings 2: Any change from the stock positions after so many years is a confession the OEM settings where wrong! will put the scanner to work tomorrow and post accordingly!
  12. i was told by lexus nottingham that it was a 'characteristic' of the car just like the high fuel consumption!! i did insisit that they should contact WIM and get the settings from there as it was a known issue on the owners club. if its any help i have the print out where they advised that the new revised settings were applied, not really knowing which they used i just took there word that it would solve the problem... to be fair though, my geo was done there as it was paid for from the company that i bought the car off and it seems to be ok.. 10,000 miles and no strange tyre wear! dont know if its got anything to do with the weight in the boot??
  13. You will lose the Sat Nav if you change the OEM stereo. You have three options: 1. get hold of fargo and buy one of his bypas units. 2. take your stereo apart and strip it down to just the main board, plug the sat nav lead in and hide it away behind the dash 3. splice all the leads and run them to the boot and put the complete head unit in there!! I have done option 2 and has worked fine now for a year!!
  14. it was only about an inch long and by about a mm but it was the only way to stop them catching. they were the correct disc according tp a reputable supplier. However they arent original lexus parts..
  15. Guys, Thanks for the calls, i missed two of you so not sure who it was but thanks.. and thanks to Gord!! Makes me feel proud to be part of such a caring club!! Its fixed now, just had tp grind about 1mm form the backing plate lip and the noise is all gone and runnig smoothly!! cheers Leighton
  16. I am in need of help!! i changed my rear discs and pads yesterday and thought it had all gone well.. however when driving something seemed to be catching. I have the car up on axle stands now and have had the rear dics off. It appears to be catching on the inside of the disc as on the hub the metal h as rubbed down a bit. If i engage first gear with the car on the axle stands and the wheels off and discs on, the turnin of the hub is not smooth and is almost stop start. I would say it is def catching on this inner lip.. has anybody come across this before and if so how did they fix?? i need to get this sorted before dark so any replies would be great, a phone call would be suppereb for a member in need!! cheers Leighton
  17. wider tyres make driving on snow/ice harder well!! you learn something new every day!! it must just be my 'expert' driving ability!!
  18. well, against the trend.. i dont appear to have any problems in the limited snoe we have had or the wet! maybe a combo of the wider wheels and quality tyres. wouldnt say i drive slow but safely and to the limits.. so far so good!!
  19. not sure whats happeninh here but on friday night Tesco's was 101.9, saturday morning was 102.9, wet past saturday evening about 9 and was 103.9, today its 104.9!!!
  20. have got 70 miles out if it before but my general rule is when it first comes on its got about 50 miles left..
  21. sounds like balancing and tracking to me...
  22. we dont get any cash bonus... however i have been off work now for nearly three months (long holiday then extended sick leave due to knee operation) and still get the company christmas gioft which you choose form a gift book.. nice cordless electric screwdriver n bits set it is then!! oh, and birthday chocolates....
  23. Falken fk452... have all four corners and drives excellent, wet & dry, and has good wear, infact still look as new after 8 months and 8k miles!!
  24. I also have the 18" falkens on Lenso rims.. 8k miles in and still look like new!! good in the wet and dry.. very happy with em...
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