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Everything posted by wendle

  1. I have used Lexus Guildford in the past and have found then to be very reasonable; if I don’t want to wait for the car to be serviced they drop me of in the town centre and pick me up 2/3 hours later. Gilford is not my local dealership, in fact its 60 miles away, were my local dealership is only 6miles away, but Gilford have been £120 a service cheaper, so I would shop around.
  2. I would ring my Lexus dealership, ask the for a price for a service, when they tell me how much it will be, tell them the Toyota service price, your be surprised how much Lexus drop in price, especially if they are a bit short on work. I have had a £120 service charge difference, and that’s between different Lexus dealerships, so shop around.
  3. I have just placed a order for a new GS450h F Sport for delivery in June Colour……Mercury Grey Interior…...Garnet Red Extras…….upgraded sound system, and Sunroof Cost………£ my marriage. .lol Now I no what it feels like to be a kid again waiting for Christmas. Will be advertising my old car in the classified section on here around mid May.
  4. Hi, I noticed that. My GS300 had a flip down compartment for sunglasses, very handy, but for some reason they have taken that of on the GS450h, as you say , just a blank panel now.
  5. Remember you are only benefiting from a hybrid car when you are driving under 40 mph, so if you do a lot of motorway driving you are just running a heavy 3.5 ltr V6 petrol engine. If you drove round London all week you will probably get better mpg than driving on a motorway.
  6. The problem is that they keep changing the law, and most of the time they forget to tell the public. My cousin had a number plate with a hologram behind the main lettering witch 1 year ago was legal, this year his car failed the m.o.t because of this witch in now apparently illegal. I have had hologram number plates for 8 years and nothing has been said but I suppose I will have to change them to get through the next m.o.t
  7. I drove it 6 miles then turned it of for 2 hours then drive it home again, normally the engine at some point would automatically turn its self off, but on this occasion it didn’t. I gave Lexus a ring and they think its because I don’t do any long journeys, so the main battery, (not the hybrid batteries) needed charging, apparently this is a common issue with cars that only do short trips, especially in winter time when you are using more electrical equipment. I haven’t had any warning light come on so far, so I will keep my fingers crossed. I will see what happens to day
  8. I’ve had my car now for just over 3 years now and something happened today that has never happened before. The engine would not stop running Now I no its cold out there tonight, but it was much colder last year. I drove for about 6 miles, the temperature gauge was at normal running temperature, the hybrid battery was showing full, I turned all electrics off, and the heating and sat stationary for 5 mins and the engine did not stop. I left the car for 2 hours, drove home again another 6 miles, sat out side my house for 5 mins and still the engine would not stop. Any ideas ? anyone noticed the same thing ? Chris
  9. Yes in the classified section on this site, I would really like it to go to someone who will really look after it like I have.
  10. Hi, every couple of months I spray the back of the wheels with cheep alloy wheel cleaner from the pound shop ( I don’t use this on the front of the wheels ), and jet wash them, this can be done with the wheels on the car by spraying the cleaner through the gaps in the wheels, so the inside of the wheels are generally pretty clean. I have had Lexus cars for the past 12 years and normally keep then for 4 years, I have never had to have any of my wheels replaced because of corrosion, perhaps I have just been lucky.
  11. A cup of coffee, a bouquet of flowers or a bottle of champagne if your lucky, or both if your really lucky, o yes and a RX 400h.
  12. Hi, you can keep alloys in good condition, but it takes a bit of work, firstly put a good rim polish on them, preferably from new, it might sound silly but before I pick up a new car I get one of the young mechanics to polish the wheels with rim polish, and then give then a re polish every 4 months. Also keep the break dust of them by giving them a quick wash with soapy warm water once a week, only takes a few minutes. As soon as you get any curbing immediately either get a smart repair or clean and coat with clear lacquer The wheels pictured below are 3years 5 month old.
  13. Hi Gareth, I am in the same sort of pediment as you, I have actually ordered a new GS when it is released in this country, around June I think, should no more by the end of this month. I am going to try and sell mine privately, I am going to advertise mine on hear around 6 -8 weeks before the new car is ready, stating that the car will be available in 6 weeks time, I would think this is a good idea as it gives the buyer the chance to sell there car, arrange finance ect, If it doesn’t sell I will put it on “fleebay” as a last and final result just before I end up px it. Chris
  14. Hi, when I brought my car 3 years ago I got this treatment free along with tyre insurance and gap insurance as part of the deal. I must admit the paint work still has that deep shine as though it is still new, however that may be due to the fact that I do keep my car well polished anyway, so its difficult to no weather this protection has had any affect or not. The only way you could tell would be to buy two cars, one with the treatment and one without and compare the difference after 3 years. I will be replacing my car soon, and will try to get this package thrown in again as part of the deal, if I would spend £500 on it, I am not sure.
  15. Hi, hopefully this will help Answers to your questions 1…. No, but the new GS coming out in June does have lane assist 2…. My Sept 2008 does have this 3…. My Sept 2008 has indicators in the mirrors 4…. I dont think ACC was standard on any GS model and was only an option on the SE-L 5…. Sorry dont know, only travel in this country 6…. I have only achieved around 37 m.p.g at cruse set at 70mph
  16. Ok, I think I might be missing something here, wont it just have “ Mark Levinson “ on the front of the unit, or have I just lost the plot?
  17. Hi, I don’t know much about the headlight bulbs in these cars, only that they cost a small fortune to replace if you take it to a Lexus dealer. But I have read on this sight somewhere about the “ starter “ apparently this is a unit that like a gas ring starter on a cooker that lights the headlight bulb, so I would think that as your bulb does come on then of again that it cant be the bulb, so perhaps it this starter thing, or perhaps a connection of some sort, I am sure some one here can help you better than me. Hope this may help in some way.
  18. Hi, I am surprised that just leaving the interior courtesy light on caused the battery to go flat to the extent that the car would not start. I no that on the GS450h if the battery power drops down to a critical level the car will start to “ load shed “, in other words it will start to turn of non vital electrical equipment to preserve the battery so that the car will still start. Is the battery on your RX the original?. If so you may want to have it checked out, as it could be getting on to being 6 years old.
  19. Hi, the GS250 ( the 250 is not a hybrid ) was at Canary Wharf last week and I went to have a look, I was told that the GS250 entry level would start at £36 and although they could not give me a price on the 450h F Sport I personally think it will start at around the £48 mark up to £58 fully loaded. According to the American market the cost of the new GS over the old one has not changed, but knowing that we always get ripped of in this country ours will probably increase in price slightly over the outgoing GS. As for the £74 price mentioned in the article from the Telegraph, this is rubbish.
  20. It can get annoying at times .... I agree. But what do YOU suggest should be in place to fix this ? ← Hi Scarface, you seem to understand where i'm coming from. I don't know what the answer is, perhaps a timer, say, 1min after you cut the engine the lights go out. After trying to impress my friend with all the Lexus luxury etc on my RX he thought it quite funny that you had to open the door to to turn the lights off. I think with most American cars the headlights stay on even after you have got out of the car and locked it, for about 1 min or so. As a father who runs his daughter to places, then waits for her for an hour to bring her home I can understand its slightly annoying, so in away I agree, they could put some type of timer on them. While we are on the subject of niggley things, if you are watching a D.V.D or listening to music , this also shuts down after a certain time, so they must have that on some sort of timer.
  21. Hi, my Lexus dealership is also attached to a Toyota dealership and both use the same workshop facilities, but NOT the same mechanics or technicians as they preferred to be called, and I think that is the main difference.
  22. I don’t know much about the CT 200, but the valve stems for the pressure monitor valves are metal, were normal valve stems are rubber.
  23. i dont no but does the sound go through a amp first, if so it might be that
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