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Not One For Ages Then A Fleet Of Lss Are There !

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Locally, Sheppey in Kent now, I have met 5 LS400s. Mine a Mk3 1995,...... a stunning Mk 1 H reg and chatted with the chap who has had it 2 years and loves it to bits, a green Mk4 with 87k and a long chat with the owner who has had it 9 years and wouldn't drive any other car ......... . and a gold/pinkish R reg that lives not far from me and a bit of a sad looking L reg black one that's sure seen better days !

Never seen so many in one place !


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If they're getting that common I'm getting rid of mine! :lol:

If you think about it the newest LS400 is now 13 years old and as a family friend in the motor trade would say they are "bangers" but to owners they are either treated as such and run into the ground owing them nothing at this age or cherished and looked after like LOC members do.

I keep looking for a more modern replacement for mine but can't find anything to match it nevermind exceed what I already have so even though it will be 20 years old in January it still does the job, looks well and hasn't got half the mileage of some early LS430s.

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Malc your right about Sheppey being an LS400 hot spot ,my Aunt lives there and I take her shopping once a week and often see two or three.

I have seen the green Mk4 and a smart Mk1 recentley as well.

My latest purchase a silver Mk3 came from there and the green Mk3 I bought last year also.

On a recent trip to visit my mother in Wales I drove about 700 miles and didnt see a single one .

So for LS spotting the Isle of Sheppey is the place.

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Malc your right about Sheppey being an LS400 hot spot ,my Aunt lives there and I take her shopping once a week and often see two or three.

I have seen the green Mk4 and a smart Mk1 recentley as well.

My latest purchase a silver Mk3 came from there and the green Mk3 I bought last year also.

On a recent trip to visit my mother in Wales I drove about 700 miles and didnt see a single one .

So for LS spotting the Isle of Sheppey is the place.

Spotting LS's like this are we in the same catagory as Ediie Stobarters??

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Malc your right about Sheppey being an LS400 hot spot ,my Aunt lives there and I take her shopping once a week and often see two or three.

I have seen the green Mk4 and a smart Mk1 recentley as well.

My latest purchase a silver Mk3 came from there and the green Mk3 I bought last year also.

On a recent trip to visit my mother in Wales I drove about 700 miles and didnt see a single one .

So for LS spotting the Isle of Sheppey is the place.

Spotting LS's like this are we in the same catagory as Ediie Stobarters??

My car's called Kimberley-Jayne what's yours called? :D

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