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Mid Stream Change Of Address And Insurers Rip-Off


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Just advised SAGA of my new address from CT6 to ME11, both in pretty parts of balmy Kent and faced with a, to my mind, disproportionate loading of the premium by @£140 for the remaining 10 months to renewal comprehensive cover, all cover issues being unchanged.

Told them I feel ripped-off and even escalated the issue to someone senior BUT no joy, they continue to treat customers, i.e me, with total ( to my mind ) disdain.

Does anybody on here have any nouse on whether such a premium increase is warranted from 20th. February renewal and change of postcode ?

Any useful advice would be welcome.

Not a happy bunny here with Saga guys ! :arrrggg-matey:



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Just advised SAGA of my new address from CT6 to ME11, both in pretty parts of balmy Kent and faced with a, to my mind, disproportionate loading of the premium by @£140 for the remaining 10 months to renewal comprehensive cover, all cover issues being unchanged.

Told them I feel ripped-off and even escalated the issue to someone senior BUT no joy, they continue to treat customers, i.e me, with total ( to my mind ) disdain.

Does anybody on here have any nouse on whether such a premium increase is warranted from 20th. February renewal and change of postcode ?

Any useful advice would be welcome.

Not a happy bunny here with Saga guys ! :arrrggg-matey:



You are forgetting that there are two ways to spell Insurance 1st is Insurance 2nd is Theives. My daughter wanted to change her address on her insurance policy and they wanted £35 but being my daughter I had taught her well and she adived them to have some s*x and travel. In 2 months time the policy finishes and it will get changed then. Mike

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Just advised SAGA of my new address from CT6 to ME11, both in pretty parts of balmy Kent and faced with a, to my mind, disproportionate loading of the premium by @£140 for the remaining 10 months to renewal comprehensive cover, all cover issues being unchanged.

Told them I feel ripped-off and even escalated the issue to someone senior BUT no joy, they continue to treat customers, i.e me, with total ( to my mind ) disdain.

Does anybody on here have any nouse on whether such a premium increase is warranted from 20th. February renewal and change of postcode ?

Any useful advice would be welcome.

Not a happy bunny here with Saga guys ! :arrrggg-matey:



THIS IS IMPORTANT Always INSIST insurers justify their reasons in writing. This often has a sobering effect if they think you might be going to use it against against them

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When I cancelled a policy after 1 month I was sent a demand for over £300 which they stated they would arbitrarily take from our bank account I wrote demanding they justify their excessive charge & any attempt to take money from our account, without specific consent would be reported to the authorities. Never heard anything after that

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Insurance Companies have always been a law unto themselves, unfortunately, they are a necessary evil, I have no "loyalty" to any of them, I get the cheapest deal I can squeeze out of them every year when my policy comes up for renewal.

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Lexmanic hi, SAGA have simply justified the hike on the basis that the figure is what they are being charged by the Underwriters !

I don't doubt that they would confirm this in writing if i asked them to, they seem quite adamant that there is absolutely no question of this hike not being passed on.

I really want to know from someone here, independently and with certain knowledge, if the change of postcode justifies such an increase at this time when all other factors remain constant.

If it doesn't then I will have no hesitation in taking it further .

Any help guys ??



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Lexmanic hi, SAGA have simply justified the hike on the basis that the figure is what they are being charged by the Underwriters !

I don't doubt that they would confirm this in writing if i asked them to, they seem quite adamant that there is absolutely no question of this hike not being passed on.

I really want to know from someone here, independently and with certain knowledge, if the change of postcode justifies such an increase at this time when all other factors remain constant.

If it doesn't then I will have no hesitation in taking it further .

Any help guys ??



I do know that Insurance/Thieves Co all use postcodes which have crime figures, accident figuers etc which they use to base their premiums. You must have moved into what they consider a higher crime rate figure than where you previously resident. Mike

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Thank you the welshman ...... 33 outcomes of crime as opposed to 32 in the same period ... hard to see that justifies such a disproportionate cost rise !

Any other thoughts ............ maybe from an insurance broker on here ?



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Lexmanic hi, SAGA have simply justified the hike on the basis that the figure is what they are being charged by the Underwriters !

I don't doubt that they would confirm this in writing if i asked them to, they seem quite adamant that there is absolutely no question of this hike not being passed on.

I really want to know from someone here, independently and with certain knowledge, if the change of postcode justifies such an increase at this time when all other factors remain constant.

If it doesn't then I will have no hesitation in taking it further .

Any help guys ??



OK GET them to confirm their statements in writing & if they hide behind the underwriters ask who they are AND write to them asking the same question. You have to persevere If you blindly accept their reasons you'll get nowhere

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Also a change in postcode CAN result in an increased premium but if the area is similar then I suspect its just another excuse to increase your premiums. You'll only find out if you demand answers

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Thank you the welshman ...... 33 outcomes of crime as opposed to 32 in the same period ... hard to see that justifies such a disproportionate cost rise !

Any other thoughts ............ maybe from an insurance broker on here ?



Clearly there is NO justification. It appears that (as is so often the case with insurers) they are just using the data change simply to impose an extra charge on you. Most of them will try to impose a charge if you change cars & even if its spec is the same, its a con which they will try to justify with either outright lies or as often as not mumbo jumbo

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Try threatening to cancel, having obtained quotes from other companies as a bargaining tool.

My late father was with Saga about ten years ago, I halved his premium by switching to a different company, even though he was a long term customer.

I've also come across the dreaded administration charges for minor changes to the policy - as others have said - it's just a nice little earner for them, by screwing a existing customers for all they can get.

It seems common policy these days to draw people in with low prices, but then charge everything possible as "extras" - bit like the airlines with luggage etc.

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I'm half hoping that someone from Saga will be seeing this correspondence and taking note and thinking how goddam awful it is to their reputation !

Does anyone here know anyone at a senior / influential level within Saga who could be directed to this Forum ?

I had a meeting with Roger De Haan once in Folkestone for a business deal and I know that he would have been horrified at all of this ... . but he sold out for a £1bn I think and isn't Saga now owned by the same guys that own the AA ?? or maybe that's all changed now too.


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The problem with getting information from the online brokers is ;the call centre operative reads from a crib sheet and can only dispense information that they have on their screen ,this information is limited by there senior management so as not to waste time on each call and to prevent the operatives giving out info that might entail the company in redress action .

If you ask for a senior manager you just get a team manager who can talk with words of more than one syllable who is usually a bit more bolshy.

I have found that shopping around small high street brokers can reduce your premiums and they are more approachable.Saga is not an insurance company just a front for one.

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I'd be very wary of NOT telling them my new address. If you needed to claim for whatever reason,they could say your insurance is null and void due to not telling them. They will ALL try and wriggle their way out of paying out if they can find the slightest reason. I was with Saga for a while,the first year was a competitive premium,but the renewal was considerably higher,so off I went elsewhere. Good old Go Compare!. I'm now with Chaucer Direct for the second year running as the premium actually decreased this year.

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I'll try Chaucer next year then ....... thinks Chaucer is part of NatWest / RBS along with that bllody nodding dog thingy !!!!


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i had the same thing with saga after first year,went up a considerable amount,phoned them about it,would'nt do anything,so as you say straight on to insurance comparison sites for quote,i do most years anyway now as a matter of course,now,

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I'm half hoping that someone from Saga will be seeing this correspondence and taking note and thinking how goddam awful it is to their reputation !

Does anyone here know anyone at a senior / influential level within Saga who could be directed to this Forum ?

I had a meeting with Roger De Haan once in Folkestone for a business deal and I know that he would have been horrified at all of this ... . but he sold out for a £1bn I think and isn't Saga now owned by the same guys that own the AA ?? or maybe that's all changed now too.


Here's another site referring to CEO's of companies who you can complain directly to. Saga is listed but I don't know how up to date it is. No harm in trying. Good luck

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Thank you thewelshman I'll contact him, Roger Altman that is, tomorrow

he's based in Canterbury so maybe I'll ask him to take me to lunch !!!! I jest ( maybe )


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Hi guys, thank you for your helpful input here,

I have today emailed the Customer Relations people at Saga asking for Roger Ramsden's PA to read this piece.

I'll let you all know of any useful and considered outcome.

Many thanks everyone.


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Hi guys, thank you for your helpful input here,

I have today emailed the Customer Relations people at Saga asking for Roger Ramsden's PA to read this piece.

I'll let you all know of any useful and considered outcome.

Many thanks everyone.


I don't think that was a good idea. They are going to see a number of hostile posts which they won't like one bit. Also you certainly never sort my consent to do such a thing. Sorry but in future I'll be somewhat circumspect when giving advice.

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