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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/26/2016 in Posts

  1. I'm not sure what point you are labouring and it sounds to me like you are taking the *****? If you were to read the above you will see in the smaller of the small print (yes they make it that small) that a Lexus main dealer can simply slap a Lexus approved service history (and call it approved pre owned ) on a car that has missing services or no history at all . The OP mentions distrust, to me this should ring a few alarm bells. I know you found it by using google or whatever but try visiting a dealer, finding and drilling down into that very small print with a salesperson. There will be incredulous looks aimed in your direction as you seek to clarify that one of their marvelous machines might not actually be all you might think it is......''Let me get you a coffee as I fail to dig out that service really want to see it's service history ? ..its a Lexus on a Lexus forecourt for gods sakes " .. Note the bead of sweat appear on the salespersons forehead as that bundle of commission goes walkies and the realisation that someone with a bit of savvy who didn't fall for the glass / marble /coffee and the charms of the reception staff has walked in. I thought I had the savvy but when a simple question 'does it have a full service history' was answered with 'off course'..I assumed because it was a LEXUS dealership they were telling the truth and not ready to pull out that little piece of paper to cover themselves several weeks later when I asked for my money back. People need to be aware, no more, no less - however quite rightly the assumption from the majority of people would be that a car on a Lexus forecourt would / should have a Full history. It might not be bang within the dates but should be thereabouts.
    2 points
  2. I think the most important thing is that no matter how luxurious the product is when we get in touch with our respective main dealers is what happens to the level of service when things go wrong, and I should think that the majority of Lexus dealers will move heaven and earth to get the problem sorted. Happy Christmas to all you Lexus lovers and of course to those who haven't found out about the world of Lexus yet.
    2 points
  3. Hi say Chaps - the old UK ISF forum is certainly a sleepy place these days, a bit like an old gentlemen’s' club, or provincial library. Compared to 2-3 years ago when Peter and Stuno were in full flow, it feels like a retirement home now, what with the odd chum from the other Lexus model threads dropping in, or one of us posting about something maintenance or cosmetic related, I seem to check the forum daily but often seem little action these days and spend more time on the US forum. I'll count myself guilty as charged on that one also - maybe in 2017 we can all make an effort to light the place up a bit? :)
    1 point
  4. Have been using the HUD on her RX Sport. I find it invaluable now! A bit like the reverse camera. I now get into the Cayenne and find it quite low tech in comparison :)
    1 point
  5. I just wanted to make a point about the link above that John (thatfatbloke) posted. It leads to UKLPG, "the trade association for the LPG industry in the UK", where you can find a list of UKLPG Approved Installers. It may not matter so much for John because it's obvious that he just needs a service/repair but someone may come along and read this topic at some future date because they are thinking of having an LPG conversion done and I just wanted to point out that unfortunately, being a UKLPG Approved Installer' is not necessarily a guarantee of getting a good job done. Just like in most things, there are good ones and there are bad ones. UKLPG are a trade association, not a government regulator, and people pay an annual membership fee to become members. I'm not saying that this is a good thing or a bad thing, just that they have no legal standing to do anything about bad or rogue installers. I've seen photos of abysmal installations done by UKLPG Approved Installers and beautiful, neat, superb installations carried out by people who are not UKLPG Approved Installers - and, of course, vice versa. As with most things, there's nothing better than personal recommendations from satisfied customers and LPG conversions/servicing/maintenance is no different, so I'd advise anyone and everyone who has, or is thinking of getting, LPG conversion or other work done, to become members of the LPG Forum where, amongst others, there's a dedicated subforum entitled "Find an LPG Professional" where you can get recommendations (or otherwise) from other people. The guy who converted my RX300 back in July did an absolutely brilliant job (couple of pics in this topic here). Very neat, very tidy and it runs like a dream - and I chose him because of what I saw and read on the LPG Forum. He's a prolific poster on there and he's well thought of by both customers and fellow installers alike. His depth of knowledge about both LPG systems and how they work, and also about how engines work in themselves, is almost encyclopedic - and yet he is NOT a UKLPG Approved Installer. He certifies his work to COP11 (or whatever it is) and gives a 2-year warranty. Because he's not a member of UKLPG it means that the car is not on the 'UKLPG Register' but that's not a problem for my insurer at all and they are more than happy to cover the car as normal.
    1 point
  6. It's true and it does happen. Seems to happen more often down south for some odd reason. Some of Lexus Edgeware cars are like that However, my dealer says they prefer to shift cars without complete dealer history through auction as it makes quick cash albeit not as much and most buyers know to look at service books now and therefore they take longer to sell
    1 point
  7. That still does not make it right. How about we get rid of all consumer rights, and make Toyota, and the dealers even more profitable. I am not saying there should be no cut off point to any guarantee, but where a component is obviously not up to it's intended purpose it should not be the customer that pays. This particularly when parts that are failing in numbers, and are priced at a level of high profibility. John
    1 point
  8. Hi Roy, merry Xmas to you and all members. i bought a jump start from machine mart, about 2 years ago, which copes with cars of this size, and have used it before I replaced the battery. I think the cost was about £90. However I think you will find there are some good alternative smaller options on eBay, mine is rather heavy duty, and heavy. They are universal for all sizes and types of requirements, with adaptors to suit. They are of course Chinese made, and seem to be good value. Have not tried one myself but I know others who have and they have worked ok. Just make sure you get one with the right spec. Cheers, Roger
    1 point
  9. It's about time Lexus stood up to the plate, and recalled GS450's, and fitted replacement shockabsorbers that are up to the job. If this is not a safety concern I do not know what is.While customers continue to pay up for something that will likely have as short a life as the origional item someone is making a lot of money. Having examined the shocks fitted there is no justification for the extortionate prices charged for them by Lexus. If they were half the price they are they would still not be reasonably priced. I know of no other so called pressigious car that has both front and rear consistant early failure of it's suspension. John.
    1 point
  10. The sticky thread is only for 2009-2015 vehicles. The new model has different specs. The hud is definitely worth it but the panoramic view is a bit of a gimmick really and tbh you'll end up becoming unaware of your surroundings and rely on it after a while It's like those idiots on the motorway who are totally unaware of what's going on either side of them when they change lanes inappropriately etc
    1 point
  11. The last paragraph is the nonsense. A vehicle with an incomplete service record can receive a major service from the retailing dealer and then be declared as an "Approved Pre-owned Lexus ". No matter that it didn't receive a service between 10k and 30k miles, it's all fixed by the latest service.....bullocks !!
    1 point
  12. I drove an F-Sport with HUD and thought that it was well worth having as in built up areas you don't have to take your eyes off the road. What I particularly liked over the HUD available in other vehicles is that Lexus use a bold green light instead of the more usual reddish-orange lasers and it stands out very well. I thought that it was standard in the F-Sport as well as the Premium from 2012 onwards as suggested by the equipment list in the sticky thread on specifications.
    1 point
  13. Has the engine management light come on at all? I'm no mechanic so wouldn't like to guess. If it was me I would try and clean everything possible, throttle body, air filter, use bottle of cataclen, and you say you have done a service, did that include spark plugs? Check all earths and battery. Might be none of those things but it won't harm you trying.
    1 point
  14. Have a read through this post, looks very similar to what you have.
    1 point
  15. @Grey One Hopefully the advances in performance mods happening in the US (supercharger etc) will bring some more chat. I also blame Lexus for building a car that doesn't go wrong all that often (touch wood) ;-). It would make much more sense to have a general 'F' forum (ISF, GSF, RCF) which would boost the numbers. The forum was invaluable when I purchased my ISF in February so would be good to keep it going strong in 2017.
    1 point
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