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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/17/2024 in Posts

  1. I Purchased this lovely car a few weeks ago. LC500h, only 18,000 miles. Rose Red leather interior, HUD and ML HiFi. Very pleased so far. I am looking into Android Auto solutions. Has anyone fitted an MMI interface box? Paul
    5 points
  2. I see the Lexus NX Overtrail has been announced in Europe. Expect that the UK will follow. Looks interesting. See the Lexus Europe website for full details.
    3 points
  3. Following in from this thread. I managed to get insurance today for my LBX when it is ready for collection. SAGA could not insure as the code is not on their underwriters database. I had several false starts with comparison websites, companies quoting they will insure & clicking the link. I got to their websites & yep, you guessed it. They can’t find the vehicle to carry on with the quote. Finally got all the way with Admiral (under £500) & can drive my car away when it’s ready. 3 hours well spent - not! Karen
    2 points
  4. Honestly given its a lexus i feel like the odds of it being something simple are quite high. As someone above suggested it could just be the steering shaft or components on or around the shaft rubbing against something. But on the flip side it could be anything from CV joints to steering or suspension components failing too. I would recommend getting it investigated as whatever it is its definitely not normal.
    2 points
  5. Yes, I will too because next week I'm going there to swap the wheels with the summer tires but I have zero hopes because every time I ask something technical to the mechanics, all they say is "if there are no errors after the ECU scan, then the car is fine". Things like these make me happy that I lease every modern car since years. If issues should arise after the warranty is expired, that won't be a problem of mine.
    2 points
  6. Add mudflaps to that list if you dont have them already. Its such a life saver in the UK. I havent washed my car since December 😋 and it looks nice and shiny still. From a distance at least. Before the mudflaps the doors would have a much thicker buld up that needed to be washed off more frequently. And it only cost me some £15/20 from Aliexpress fitted them myself.
    2 points
  7. Wish I was. Probably will be unaffordable in 2026. Should have read 2016.
    1 point
  8. Sometimes I think Lexus is a self curing brand. I remember to have once a BDSM error in RCF until I started engine again. Error disappeared and never occurred again. Mystery:)
    1 point
  9. I got a response from RR racing and they didn’t do nor sell anything for my car. After searching for few hours I got all facts right this time. All mods are done by iCode in my car. So my 2 pieces brakes are iCode not RR. Same with suspension, exhaust, intake, speed delimiting, map(?) etc All done by iCode in Japan and it makes sense now.
    1 point
  10. Good point. Although it does appear to be a generous offer it does imply that the EV is not suitable for some journeys.
    1 point
  11. Congratulations on the purchase; i'm sure you will have a great day picking it up.
    1 point
  12. I rec’d a response to my ‘complaint’. It has been escalated so we’ll see if they do use the date of purchase last year, not when the scene came in - last month. They confirmed that in my case I have 2 years 1 month I still have 42 days. There doesn’t seem to be a maximum booking time but they could easily regularise that by saying the car isn’t available after say 2 weeks. They confirmed the RX is on the list - they said that all Hybrid models were available except the LS, LM & LC models. Whilst I agree with John’s point that it’s not a good look, it would have looked better if they had done the upgrade before releasing the car (= better reviews) and included Reserve as an option to drive a different car in the range - disguising the real reason.
    1 point
  13. I had this in my RCF 3-4 times during 2 years ownership. No reason for that, during cruise. It always disappeared very quickly, after few seconds. I checked oil level and it was fine. I guess it can be an oil level sensor fault. Take a picture and try to chase Lexus for warranty repair:) I asked Lexus about this issue and they told me that if nothing is on display when the car was with them then no fault...
    1 point
  14. Looks OK but not a huge difference as far as I can see. Possibly better off-road.
    1 point
  15. Need to check oil level I guess🙄
    1 point
  16. You will need to share photos please when you have her!
    1 point
  17. I agree that from 50MPH up it pulls really strongly, but utility of that is rather limited. I can't really say I like the engine, only in isolation it is slightly more exciting than 300h. I think my key issue remains that Toyota/Lexus is probably best resourced automotive company in the world and that is the answer they come-up with? 2L turbo engine that uses more fuel than 3L V6 despite having less power?! Just doesn't make sense... I don't like 300h either, I do find them relaxing/boring to drive, but after owning one I am really not sure what Lexus even tried to achieve with 200t?! Throughout my ownership I felt like driving rental car all the time, that sort of feeling - "it is nice an comfortable car, which sort of does what the car needs to do, but I just don't care about it, the engine is just not exciting, but because it is 'temporary' car I kind of don't mind it"... And this is unusual for me, for many people that is normal, they lease the car for few years, they trade it in, they get another car and never care about what they have. But I am never like that, I do care about the cars and I do appreciate what I have and I like to have that attachment to the car, sort of desire to work on it, detail it, modify it etc. But with RC200t I never had this appreciation for the car mainly because of the engine, I just do not consider it good engine, and especially I do not consider it acceptable coming from the company like Lexus, who can do better, who have better engines. So again going back to rental car driving... for me it was like you rent premium car and let's say it is Mercedes E-Class, so you may get E300 or E220d, you may prefer E300, but at the desk they say "it is that black car on the right, it is diesel, full tank now, return with full tank"... so it is not like you going to start argument and say "ohhh no I don't want E220d, I want E300".... it is rental, it is E-Class, it gives you certain level of comfort and that is end of it, you use it, drop it off week later, you don't care if it had Harman Kardon stereo, sunroof, or what colour combination it was etc. It is feeling of sort of not caring, because it is not your car... and RC200t, specifically the engine in it was such a turn-off for me that I really didn't care about the car, never felt excited about owning it. And I assume same would apply to 300h. I really wish there would be RC200t on the market today with blown engine for cheap (or 300h for that matter, 300h actually would be better because of £20 road tax)... I probably would go ahead and put some more exciting engine in it and that is what would make that car great... sadly these engines are reliable, not very likely to see one blown at any time soon.
    1 point
  18. for the Honda. They don't list Lexus but if you contact them directly, they can pretty much get hold of anything from Japan (well for cars anyhow 😉 )
    1 point
  19. I would run quotes on one (or more) comparison sites. I was concerned over my IS 300h insurance this year, and although my existing provider (Tesco) was asking for 77% more this year than last, I used a comparison site and managed to get renewal for only 15% more with One Click which is with Aegis (I live in Berkshire so not as bad as London but still south-east weighted). Premiums and willingness to insure a particular marque/risk are very insurer dependent.
    1 point
  20. WOW how generous Lexus are offering you a packet of wild flowers.... surely you can't move across to another brand when they are rewarding you so richly for your many many years of loyalty to them.
    1 point
  21. Congrats, I am fairly certain that I will join the club very soon as well, just need to Iron out a few points. Simon, what did you buy?
    1 point
  22. Hi it went from constant noise on rear to a totally different vehicle, every bump in road made no noise and felt like a brand new car.they even raised the rear height as well, was told moog are well regarded in aftermarket kit
    1 point
  23. Bob, just spoke to my dealer who confirms I could have a car for up to 2 weeks each year. As I bought the car last June he said I need to get a move on if I want one for 2 weeks before June comes around. He said they only found out 2 weeks ago about this scheme which I find hard to believe.
    1 point
  24. Sorry cant help you with your question but great looking car. I am picking mine up on Friday and can't wait!
    1 point
  25. Yes, my misgivings were based on a close reading of your experience, Linus. Probably better to keep on looking for a 300h... esp one that qualifies for the £10 road tax!
    1 point
  26. Although I think this is a good move, I don't think it is a good look for either Lexus or ev's in particular. "Buy a 72k Lexus and we'll lend you a car for when you want to travel somewhere" Can't wait to see the response from the anti ev lobby and press when they find out.
    1 point
  27. Oh that issue! Funny how Toyota loves to encrypt the ECU so you can not really tune the car but love leave canbus wide open
    1 point
  28. Yes,15 months here but it is a great car. 😀
    1 point
  29. Echo this - waited 14 months - ending with deceptive practice from the dealer trying to fob me off by changing interest rate supposedly locked in at 3.8% to 11.9%. I smiled and paid cash. The look on their faces, I will never forget. Love the car but lost all trust in Lexus dealers.
    1 point
  30. I owned RC200t with the "8FARTS" engine as I like to call it, not sure there is point for me repeating all the detailed stuff, but the summary would be - wrong engine for wrong car, horrible fuel economy for what it delivers (drove RC-F with 5L engine and back to back on the same road it was more fuel efficient), the gearbox is not well adjusted for the engine (so it is indeed hunting for gears, very similar gearbox in RC-F/IS-F works flawlessly, so is not gearbox fault, but the poor paring with engine that had very short power range). Overall, think Lexus could not decide what they wanted to do with the car, they wanted to make it more economical and adjusted it for that, but car has worse fuel economy, yet because it was adjusted for economy it has no character either. So it is economy car that is not economical and sports car that is not sporty... In particular when comparing with IS250 it is very disappointing, 4GR-FSE is smooth and happy revving engine which provides almost instant response, despite having more power IS200t would be behind IS250 up-to 40MPH and probably only catch it up by 50MPH, to beat it by 0.5 second to 60MPH. So the issue is response compared to NA engine, on you reach like 50MPH and you in right gear IS200t really pull strong to something like 110MPH, but that is no longer practical nor really needed. Also I have speculated that 3GR-FSE which has roughly comparable power is better engine and now I am very confident about that (after owning GS300), it has more power, it is more responsive and smoother, it sounds better and in the end it is more economical... It is complete mystery what 8FARTS exists as an engine, it really doesn't do anything well, except of maybe beating some theoretical emissions test. Easiest way to find out is to go an try it yourself... although word of warning, it didn't feel as bad to me when I test drove it, compared to living with it day to day, so if at all possible extended test drive is recommended.
    1 point
  31. Well it’s a bit late but here are the promised photos. This is the deck with all the boards in place. This is the part number on the back, it’s very hard to read and it’s no easier in the flesh. On mine you can drop that a level. Not sure about earlier models. Take that out and there’s a thinner board. It’s supported by the styrene insert. and this is the part number (sorry you’ll have to flick it over!) Take that out and you’ll see the styrene insert with spaces for gadgets. To get that out you need to pop the right side panels out (dead easy) but then you can see why you can’t get a spacesaver under there on an AWD. You might on a FWD but not a big one. These are the deck boards out. You can string the top one up while you rout underneath.
    1 point
  32. Agree, I’m sadly walking away. I bought my LS400 in 94, and have owned IS200, LS430, GS300, IS300 and my NX. I’ve ordered a Honda E:Ny1 electric (catchy name) I’m old, and miles driven and range works well with an EV and insurance is less than the nx. As EV sales have dropped generally ex demos cars are around at pretty attractive prices. I will drop a letter to Lexus customer service, their reaction to the thefts has been far too slow. With Lexus we all pay a little more for quality, reliability and a good service experience. We don’t expect Lexus UK management to send a message of “nothing to do with us, nothing to see here” for 18 months and then spring into action following the Watchdog exposure. I still haven’t quite got over Lexus sending me a survey saying would I like a packet of wild flowers as a gift when I collect a new car!
    1 point
  33. Completely agree! When I had my car Detailed and ceramic coated, the one thing I now regret is that I didn’t have PPF applied to the front bumper. It’s the most vulnerable area of the car to be exposed to road chips. Although the few that exist are mere pin pricks, they could have been avoided completely. In hindsight, I now consider that the saving I made has proved to be a false economy.
    1 point
  34. Highly recommended for front bumper and headlights at very least. Sadly, on most used cars it is already moon-cratered so it is too late, but on new RC that is probably the best way. Next step would be entire front + mirrors + door edges + rear arches. Second big sad, I remember the times when front of the car protection was £150, entire car PPF was maybe £400... now some companies charge as much as £2000 for PFFing the car... it is ridiculous. Although, that said RC front bumper is very intricate piece so I would expect to pay more for it to be done.
    1 point
  35. Thank you Charles and Linas; Lexus ProTect is now firmly off my shopping list. This is one of the reasons I appreciate this forum so much
    1 point
  36. Try searching for insurance in incognito mode, don't login to your accounts either. Not saying it'll massively cut premiums mind you, but insurers/comparison sites play the same game as ticket sellers, airlines and hotels. If they know you're looking, up it goes...
    1 point
  37. Not sure if it still applies today but in Japan if you break down on a busy road you are required to ignite it and place it behind the car to warn other drivers. Both mine had them removed before export but the holder is still there.
    1 point
  38. Indeed it does, if you keep running same quote over and over again, you will find that price sometimes jumps by £100 out of the blue.
    0 points
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