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Everything posted by UltraViolet

  1. Up here - TDi Passats in silver - scourge! And 3 series beemers - the rest seem fine.... also the proper 3 series (M3s, 325s and 330TD seem fine - tis the ickle ones that seem to be 'sales-rep done good, Alan Partridge on a mission' plonkers. We are stereo-typing though.... they are not all bad. (I think) :P Claire - I got asked to take a colleague out in my IS yesterday - when we got back to the hotel (working away) he commented that it was more noisy than he thought it would be - turned out he wasn't into performance and wanted a nice comfy quiet ride...... and I'd just been giving it a caning!!! Doh!
  2. The starter kit contains the proper stuff though - not the quick liquid stuff which is 'okay' that you get from Halfords.... the proper stuff is what I have used on my ickle CRX - check it out at JAE - not bad for an 8 year old car!!!! :D Oh - get the Jappon starter kit - superb!
  3. I'm gonna be there - but in the Hondas not Lexus....... BTW - did you chaps see this month's Jap Performance - bit of an insight as to what a club trackday is like with Honda-R !! :eyes:
  4. Check this out - soooo funny! Hope the script writers wear badges at JAE so we can shake their hands!!
  5. I'll have to get back to you on this as most of my weekends coming up are already booked - unless of course someone has a PS2 rigged up in their Lexus and we could host a challenge at JAE???? If so - how about adding to the Macmillan appeal fund raising - everyone pays an entrance fee to race, then the winner gets a prize, the dosh goes to Macmillan! (With credit on our final tally to Team Lexus)
  6. Hi Zee - fellow gamer here (I was Atari player of the year for the North of England many moons ago - Pheonix and Ms Pac-man, lol) Anyway - got GT2, great game. I also loved CM2 on the first PS and got fed up waiting for the new CM to come out on the PS2 - so got V-Rally and am struggling - the steering is more over assisted than the Lexus!!! :o Anyway - Concept - not tried... but if you fancy a challenge at my gaff - bring it on!! :eyes:
  7. Claire - are you coming to JAE??? IF so. not only will there be a fair few S2000s on our stand, but one of them (a stunning Montecarlo Blue example) that is hopefully coming has been breathed on with Spoon and Mugan bits - sounds awesome - and goes very well!!! :eyes:
  8. That is the url I sent you Steve!!! I got my Zymol kit from there..... The NSX stuff is very very very slightly better than the Japon stuff, but much harder to use (and more expensive) - so I 'make do' I got the starter kit Japon and treat which includes leather conditioner etc. All the towels etc included, cost £90 which is much cheaper than buying the items individually. These are the real deal - very good!
  9. Thanks Chaps - nice to see some support after all!!! I shall make sure I have tickets with me at JAE - will anyone be buying a ticket for the 4th August event too? Oh - and glad you saw the JP articles.... a few factual errors, but on the whole, very pleased - nice review of the Club! (And my ickle car!! :D )
  10. Since no one else is replying.... I will - met VBH today - and she has signed one of the prizes for us! :D
  11. and Autographed piccies..... these are just some of the great prizes on offer. We have a Raffle with all proceeds going to Macmillan Cancer Relief - how many poeple use this forum??? If everyone of this forum bought just £5 worth of tickets (£1 each), just think how much would be raised from Team Lexus!!!!! I know some of you are going to get tickets from me at JAE - and two peeps have already bought tickets by post..... but know one has bought a ticket for the Harrogate event, and not many have shown interest in the Raffle...... 4 in 10 people suffer from Cancer at some point in there life - it is a major shock even if a less dangerous type, and is something which the sufferer and family need support to cope with - Macmillan do a wonderful job and rely heavily on Charity fund raising......... lets show that we are not just a bunch of talkers, and boyracers - lets rally round and do something really good!!! Just £4 for a ticket to the event. Just £1 per ticket for the Raffle. Send your cheques to Honda-R, PO Box 109, Selby. YO8 9YW For more details check here.
  12. No idea what my best is but this tankful, I filled up and zeroed to record business miles - drove to Attleborough from near York (just over 200 miles) with the last 15 miles bombing through some country roads really enjoying myself - but completely lost looking for my hotel.... then to work and back each day all week and tonight all the way back again in some traffic queues on the A1 and a fair bit of the trip at 90+ (on private track......) Got back and had done 452 miles on that tank - need to fill in the morning though!
  13. Can I have a crate of Metz if I promise not to indulge in ball games near your car????? ;)
  14. :( :( :( Have fun in the arcades then chaps. If some of you can save a little slot machine money to support Macmillan though - it would be appreciated....... I don't suppose you would like to follow the lead of the Shandy-R mini meet?? They had a meet in the south, and from about 30 cars turning up - had a whip round and sent a collection to the cause.... raised £130 !!!! A thanks to Shandy-R has gone on the site and will be on the publicity letter that is going out soon.
  15. Not even worthy of a reply?????? :?: :flaming:
  16. Either they are all planning to get their tickets at JAE..... or we have a whole lot of talkers rather than walkers..... :( Come on peeps - if you can run a Lexus, I am sure you can support the cause.... some great prizes getting added to the list too. (One not published as not confirmed yet - but fingers crossed as it is a fantastic prize for any Motorsport fan!!)
  17. Buy 2 get one free? This has gone soooo far off topic - we should have a 'innane ramblings' thread really! :eyes:
  18. Oooo - you never said you blushed easy - :smilegrin: Could be fun at JAE!
  19. Lol Dave, don't be offended - my reference was simply to the length of a topic discussing how the washers work. No need to get tetchy! Tell you what - I'll show you how my washers work at JAE to make it up to you! :eyes:
  20. Ta Steve! Can I chase you anyway - sounds like a laugh! Could have a sponsered chase....... run a book on how many minutes I last before collapsing in a heap - laughing!
  21. I hope Steve you are not being smutty!!! Twisting my words like that...... ickle innocent girly like me!!! As pennance - you can buy some Raffle tickets! :P
  22. The car I test drove was like that..... very difficult, almost put me off! My car (2002 model) - it was stiff at first, but I soon got the hang and now it slips in with no trouble at all.
  23. You can now get it in Halfords???? I have the Zymol starter kit -'Japon' & Treat - cost £70 but just buying the leather conditioner and a couple of goodies in the kit would have been more..... Based in Kent. Just need the rain to stop long enough for me to use the stuff enough to decide - which is the best, Zymol or P21S !! :?:
  24. I have used Turtle Wax, Autoglym (previous fave.) and Mer....... all are okay, but none are as good as P21S or Zymol.
  25. ROFL - have I accidentally logged into the American forum????
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