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Everything posted by TonyGoose

  1. I should add that the plates look much better in the flesh 'so to speak'. Picture doesn't really do them justice... they're VERY shiny :) The etched lettering is more subtle (much better) than the pic shows too. Not my cup of tea but i'm sure no self respecting magpie will be without them B) Can't recall seeing Ifraz nearby
  2. If you saw the 5h1te the 'anonymous owner' had to drive through to get there, you wouldn't be surprised it was dirty Hmm, think i'd wiped most of the crap off too Oh and the fact it's indoors, dark + with a flash didn't help :)
  3. CHAV AID.
  4. I should maybe mention i was kidding... obviously.. Just in case anyone did go searching and i get in trouble
  5. Anyone else seen the prolex vouchers for sale on ebay ? Auction says there are 500 available Reckon your postie has half inched them all Dave :duh:
  6. Hmmm, 33... Happy Birthday... youngster :P
  7. That's a relief. I'd thought it was part of the climate control system. Hadn't dared press it for fear of what might start spewing from the air vents
  8. They all use the 'BT Wholesale' core infrastructure. But they have differing capacity pipes into it from their own networks. 'BT Retail' (who you buy from) also uses 'BT Wholesale' infrastructure. BT Retail is (in theory at least) completely seperate from BT Wholesale. As such, it has to compete on equal terms with the other non BT isp's. In fact, BT Retail are looking at local loop unbundling just like the others. So, could end up with BT Retail putting their own kit in BT Wholesale's exchanges :duh:
  9. Been with Nildram for a couple of years now no probs. Some guys at work use PlusNet and are pleased with them. I'd say it may be wise to avoid the bargain basement isp's. Seen several times now they go under or have big issues.
  10. Errr.. so we should ask for a '99 with ice cream please' ?? :duh: Still not snowing here... bit bloomin chilly though. Time for a nice warm hat :zee:
  11. Arghhh !! It's NOT a 99 with flake :duh: A 99 includes the flake. If it didn't have one, it wouldn't be a 99.. it'd just be an ice cream cone :shutit: This very same thing caused a heated debate in the office last summer... I kept out of it and just looked on amazed... looked like it might turn nasty :D No snow in Felixstowe yet...
  12. My wife hesitated before stepping out on a pelican crossing once only for a lorry to go through on red with the driver on a mobile phone. If she'd stepped out sooner I'd have lost my wife and two daughters. I'm not a wooly headed liberal. I just don't want my family wiped out by some selfish moron. ← Jdude - wasn't getting at you sir... sorry if it read that way... Just reminded me of the scare stories where it's always the 'child' as potential victim. Phone.. oh yes.. still in ashtray
  13. But mowing down adults, dogs, cats etc is perfectly fine.. just not kids Anyone else noticed that about all the wooly headed liberal do gooders scare stories ? It's always... a child might run out... might hit a child... blah blah child... Gets right on my tits Anyway, phone... in ashtray..
  14. Cool - as long as the charity is one of your choosing ...
  15. I've got the TTE backbox which is produced by Remus. No problem with it... Decent tailpipe fills the gap and sounds good to me. Bought Remus previously for a CRX which was fine aswell. Had shiny jpn style on an mr2 turbo (a Trust system) which was also good. Just depends on your taste for the car in question i guess. Personally i prefer the understated look of the remus / tte backbox on this car. But that's just MY taste - don't want a bling shiny 'fast + furious' look with the Lexus.
  16. I know several people who have had corrective eyesight procedures. Generally they seem happy with the results. A couple still needed specs even after. 1 guy at work opted not to have LASIK but a different (non invasive) procedure. LASEK i think he said it was. Anyway, hurts like hell for a few days after ! I keep pondering too... and i've come up with this... My optician wears lenses and she isn't happy to have hers done yet. When she is then maybe it will be time to think about it. So for the moment i think i'm with Rod... Too many unknowns.
  17. 23rd Dec, 3.3kg, Girl. Best of luck mate :) btw, 1kg = 2.20462lb (roughly)
  18. I ordered a dozen IK22's yesterday from here They sell on ebay too with the name 'creativeperformance' or something like that. One of their auctions at the moment is 4 x IK20 for $31.50 Phone them... I spoke to a guy called Sam. Think others here have ordered from them too
  19. Now i have tried and only the light on the open door switches on.
  20. A bag of hay for my horse cost me 2 groats
  21. Or ... press lock button while holding (interior) drivers door release handle open.
  22. Haven't tried this yet but .... Do both red lights come on when EITHER door is opened ? ie. if working properly, would pass side light come on when drivers door opened ? Would seem to indicate a door switch prob. Maybe there's more than one ? Pin switch + one in the door lock or something ?
  23. Just put the wheel on inside out... I'm sure it'll be fine :)
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