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Everything posted by bluenose1940

  1. Does anyone know if it is possible to upgrade the standard cruise control to the new adaptive type? Many thanks.
  2. I always switch to Sport Mode when approaching islands or when the need arises on the motorway. It always works well for me and always gives me what I want.
  3. I too was only discussing this matter the other day. Boot space is my only real disappointment with my car, I won't drive a car that has no spare wheel and so I purchased a 'spacesaver' but it takes up quite a lot of boot space. I don't really like estate cars, never have but I think that I would change my thinking if Lexus made one.
  4. Thank you ColiBarber, that's reassuring to know.
  5. My query is to do with home electrics and so if there are any members who are qualified electricians, perhaps you may be able to help please. I am planning to replace a couple of 13amp socket outlets with those that have in-built USB ports but, having looked around I have noticed that some of them come with two sockets with differing outputs, i.e. 2.4A and 1.2A. These USB ports are to be used for charging phones, iPods, iPads, cameras, FitBits etc. The two outputs have now confused me and I am wondering if it is possible to damage a rechargeable item by plugging it into the wrong socket, more so I think, if I were to plug something into the 2.4A when it should have gone into the 1.2A. Thanks in advance of any help/guidance.
  6. Hi Brian, thank you for the info. Couple more possibly silly questions, do I need to have the engine running (I do when updating the firmware on my dashcam) and, is it the USB slot that is in the armrest, I'm not aware of any others. I remember having to remove a bit of facia when I was replacing the satnav disk in my IS250. This was to get at the additional DVD slot that was hidden, so not sure if there are any hidden USB slots. Thanks to all who have offered guidance, tis much appreciated.
  7. OK folks, you all know me and techie bits, I get there in the end! Just to be on the safe side, here is what I've got on my (originally blank) USB stick. Does it look right to those of you who have already done the update? One question on something that has me confused, how on earth do you find out about pressing the menu button and turning the lights on and off 3 times?
  8. I think that I may be going into the wrong area initially. This what I've got (hopefully the image will appear OK)
  9. I have followed the link given earlier in this thread. I have registered as a user of the site and, I get as far as entering my VIN No. but then come to a stop. i cannot see a search box anywhere to make any entries. typical of me eh! can someone please enlighten me a little more. Many thanks.
  10. Hi Rayaan, is it likely that you will post your findings when you have done the update please. I am toying with the idea of doing mine very soon and it will be interesting to see how easy or tricky the job might be. Many thanks.
  11. Just spotted this whilst doing a bit of browsing.
  12. "If you want a closer look at them and how they are wired, just give me a knock if the car is outside" Now that's what I call a really helpful neighbour. Good on you Colin. I've got front and rear Panorama X2's fitted in my IS. Wouldn't be without 'em now!
  13. I have always thought that this applied in the UK too. Perhaps I am mistaken.
  14. Hi Phil, did you do the upgrade yourself via the portal or did you get the dealer to do it?
  15. Thanks for this capese21, very helpful info. When you say 'similar' what did you buy?
  16. I thought about treating myself to one of these but was then put off the idea by some of the reviews that I read.
  17. Many congratulations ganzoom. Enjoy every moment as time passes so very quickly. It is 50years and one month since I first found myself in your current situation but i still remember every detail of the day. I really must add that in my opinion, the finest smell in all the world is that of a baby who has just had a bath. Many will smile at that comment but I stand by it whatever.
  18. Does anyone know what the situation is regarding updating the SatNav in a 2013 IS300h. When I did the update in my previous IS250 (2007) I managed to get an updated disk at a reasonable price from a fellow member who had purchased it new but then for some reason no longer required it. Am I correct in thinking that the SatNav in my current car is on a hard drive, if so how is the update carried out and can it be done via a third party supplier? I really don't want to be paying the silly prices charged by Lexus. Why is it not possible just to update the UK section at reasonable cost? I think that the UK section should be available as a standalone update, with other countries being available when required and at reasonable cost.
  19. Yes I have registered them to save time and not having to enter them again for each journey. I will give the 'edit' method a go shortly. Thanks for the replies.
  20. I am off on a bit of a round trip tomorrow up to Lincolnshire and have been setting up my destination points on the SatNav. I have set each of my ports of call by using the postcode page and have set them into the memory section so that they can quickly be recalled. However, I don't seem to have been given the option/s to enter either a house number or a bit of descriptive text such as 'Bob and Betty'. Before I had my Lexus I always use a Garmin unit and, when I turned into the road that I wanted, a voice would say "You have arrived at Bob and Betty on the left" Is this sort of entry not possible with the Lexus. When I open up my memory points page, there is a whole list of postcodes but I would like to be able to identify them, rather than rely on my memory. I haven't spotted anything yet but I am going through the manual again now to see if I can spot anything second time around. Thanks for any help that may be forthcoming.
  21. From a fellow West Midlander, welcome to the club Adam. Looking forward to seeing some piccys. Enjoy your new car.
  22. Welcome to the club paul Enjoy your new car.
  23. rayaans said " Lexus - got to admit, Ive never seen a Lexus driver drive badly which is saying something! Individualism, exclusivity and someone who enjoys a relaxing drive springs to mind" A week ago i was a passenger in my wifes car and some happie chappie in his Lexus (I couldn't tell if it was a 220d or a 250) was virtually touching her rear bumper whilst she was overtaking another car on a dual carriageway. After completing the overtake my wife moved over and bombhead took off like a bat out of hell, If he was/is a local and has lived in the area for more than a week he should know that he aint going nowhere, not no how he aint. There is absolutely no point in driving like a madman on the Exeter to Exmouth road as, quite quickly you will have to slow down and, anything gained from the sudden spurt is just as quickly lost again. The section of dual carriageway is not very long and soon becomes a single carriageway again with no opportunities to overtake. In this instance he came to a dead stop in the queue at the roundabout and we continued our merry way on the inside lane to turn left at the island. We gave him a little 'toot' as we passed. Driving down this dual carriageway you will occasionally be passed at great speed by a nutter and invariably, you will find yourself immediately behind them again as we approach Exmouth, simply because all of the cars that he had overtaken had, at some point, turned off the main road and so, all of their stressful overtaking had gained them nothing and, there we are, right behind him again having driven as rayaans said "enjoying a relaxing drive"
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