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Everything posted by bluenose1940

  1. No Martin, I didn't say that it was the worst driving that I had witnessed, simply that it was a piece of driving that warranted reporting. I've witnessed much worse here in Devon but, i've not caught it on camera.
  2. Some time ago, I contacted the police regarding an incident that occurred that I really felt needed reporting. They sent an officer round to my home and after looking at it, he said that they would almost certainly prosecute the driver. About a week later I was informed that no action would be taken. I really felt very strongly about this and so I wrote to the Chief Constable and also to my local MP. I had a letter back from my MP who stated that he too was going to pursue the matter with the CC as he felt quite strongly about it himself. A couple of weeks later I had a reply from the CC who stated that it had been verified that the car in the video was a hire car and that the likelihood of identifying the driver was pretty remote. He went on to say that under the circumstances they were not prepared to commit valuable police time to something that might not produce a satisfactory outcome. I had no choice but to accept this. The circumstances of the incident were as follows:- I was on my way home from a weekend away and an incident occurred which has been caught on both cameras and is crystal clear. I had been driving in a line of traffic for about 15 miles or so and there was a chap behind me in a Ford. There are not many opportunities to overtake on this particular road and, because of this the line of traffic remained constant over most of this distance, with just the odd car turning off the main road now and again. We then approached a set of traffic lights at a four-way junction. There were only four cars in front of me as we approached the lights, The first two were making a right turn, which they eventually did and, the second two were going straight on. The car immediately in front of me was about half way over the junction as the lights changed to amber and then red. I had stopped at the white line with the lights on red but, the chap behind simply pulled out from behind me and went across the red light. This to me was very dangerous and was at the very least 'driving without due care and attention' If there had been a pedestrian waiting to cross the road at the lights and had decided to sprint across before any traffic started to appear from the junction, the driver committing the offence may not have been able to stop in time. Equally, if a car had turned left from the junction just a little early, there could well have been a head-on collision. When you turn left at a set of traffic lights you do not expect to see a car coming at you on your side of the road. I have tried to post the video on here and so i hope that it works and you are able to see it OK. The first 30 seconds or so shows the car coming up behind me as we approached the traffic lights and then shows the offender pulling out from behind me to get across the lights. The remainder of the video shows me stopped at the white line and then him coming past me with the lights on red. The driver is also signalling to turn left at the lights but in fact he goes straight on towards Exeter. My thoughts on this are, that if you want to get away with a serious motoring offence, do it in a hire car! Sidford edit_2.wlmp I don't think that this has uploaded as I wanted it to. I have tried uploading it to Photobucket but it doesn't seem to want to do it. Anyone know how I can change the file type to something that it will accept? EDIT :I have now sorted out how to change the file type and am uploading to Photobucket. Edit again :it hasn't worked so will keep trying.
  3. I do hope that my capabilities have not diminished, I am preparing myself to take the advanced driving test.
  4. I've said this before but I'll say it again, the worst drivers in my area are the yummie mummies taking and fetching their kiddiewinkies to and from school. I certainly wouldn't be without my cameras now.
  5. Welcome to the forum Ray. I can confirm that the seats work a real treat, hot at this time of the year and oh so cool when it's hot outside. Enjoy your car.
  6. Out with the wife in her brand new Yaris yesterday, looked at the clock, time for the footy results, switch on, get TalkSport and yes, you've guessed it, lost the DAB signal!!!!
  7. Welcome Bluedeamon, this is a great place to be, lots of help etc. Some really good reading here, just click on the links within............................
  8. I think we should get a Lexus Owners petition going and try to force them to offer map updates at a more realistic price. I'm not techie minded but, when I'm out with my son in his car, he uses his phone and it seems pretty good to me and, it seems it is always up to date too.
  9. When we go down to just one car, we are very keen to go to the CT. i look at this forum everyday tp keep abreast of things. New car looks very nice indeed Ian.
  10. Hi Steve and Edward, thanks for your input. Yes I had sussed that it was easier to just input the postcode when in the car, this is what I have always done in the past. I just thought that it would save messing about in the car if I prepared a trip whilst sat at the pc doing other things. As you say Steve, more useful if planning multi-stop-offs. I will use it if such an event arises. Thanks anyway folks.
  11. As usual, when it comes to the techie bits I am having problems. I spotted that someone mentioned in an earlier post that you can go to the portal, plan a trip, load it on to a USB stick and then transfer it to the car. I have gone into the portal and have input the postcode where I want to go and can't get any further than that, how sad is that then. I have also watched a youtube video but that wasn't that helpful either. I have to go to from sunny (sorry, soggy) Devon to Sleaford in Lincolnshire in April so I thought I would give this new fangled idea a go. Anyone got any simple straightforward tips on creating a trip?
  12. Lin and I both have iPhones and do have some music on them which we sometimes play via bluetooth in the car. The reason that I asked the question on the iPod was because our sister-in-law has an iPod and Lin tells me that she can only choose an album from it to play but can't choose individual tracks. I'm afraid that I can only quote what she tells me as we have never owned an iPod. I have downloaded the jriver software and it seems quite straightforward to use. When I rip a CD I notice that it saves it to my C drive, I only use my C drive for the O/S and programmes, I don't store any sort of data on there. Whilst ripping the CD, I didn't spot an option to save the 'rip' to another drive, with that in mind, is it simply a case of copying the rip to the drive of my choice, then make a back-up image of it somewhere else and then delete the rip from the C drive? Choosing by track in the car would be done by Lin as I, when on my own, more often than not, listen to either radio 2 or mostly TalkSport.
  13. Hello again Normski and Steve, thanks a million for your input, very helpful indeed. The weather this weekend is absolutely shocking and so it is a really good time to have a go at what we're discussing here. I will have a go at saving a flac file and see if it will play in the car, I will let you know when I get chance to try it. Also, I do have a usb port on my Blueray player and so can do the 'test' suggested by Normski. Steve, I see that you mentioned that you recorded LP's in 'real time' that must have taken an eternity! Is the end result better than 'ripping and burning'? I have used iTunes in the past but I am going to try the jriver suggestion and see how that pans out. Normski, you mentioned having an iPod Classic, my wife has mentioned getting an iPod but she says she wants to be able to 'choose by track', does the Classic allow that? Going down this route will enable us to use the iPod in either car and with Lin's WiFi speaker setup in the house. Steve, what do you use to have one drive constantly mirror another? As mentioned, memory is very inexpensive these days and so I will get a few of the smaller sticks. Thanks again for the help chaps.
  14. Welcome to the club Richard, I don't know anything about your model of car but I hope that you will enjoy it as time goes by.
  15. Glad I didn't have to get involved in all this routing of wires. I got the dealer to fit my front and rear cameras as part of the deal. I would have done it myself if I were younger though.
  16. Hi Edward, is the red glow factory fitted or did you do it yourself. If DIY can you point me in the right direction please, I'm a sucker for such stuff!
  17. EXACTLY the same as mine. i've mentioned in other threads that the only thing that I don't like about mine is the wheels but I think that they are growing on me now!
  18. Thanks Normski, useful information as always. Interestingly I had something in the back of my mind about iTunes, hence the question in my first post about any alternatives. I too use a Windows 10 desktop which I'm very happy with. Do you use a separate internal or external drive for your music? I don't suppose that it matters much which really does it. Do you happen to know if there is an optimum size when using USB sticks? I ask because I have read of problems with dashcams where 64gb seems to be OK but 128's seem to give hiccups, just wondered if this might be the same with music file.
  19. Thank you Steve, I will have a look at your link.
  20. I and my wife have a fairly large collection of CD's and many of them get used extremely rarely and some of them probably never, or at least with some years between plays! They do take up quite a bit of space and generally i offload some to the charity shops from time to time. Rather than dispose of them and therefore not have access to them at some future date, I am thinking that it would be a good idea to copy and store these CD's or, in some cases just selected tracks, What I am wondering is, have any of you done this and if so, what storage system did you use. As I see it, there is the option to store them all on USB Memory sticks, I'm sure that I would get a fair few CD's/Tracks on these and, if this should turn out to be the preferred method, is there an optimum size for the stick, i.e. would it be better not to exceed say 64gb for whatever reason or, are the larger sticks just as stable as the smaller ones? Alternatively, would it be better to use something like iTunes to copy them all to and then to transfer to a USB stick as and when certain tracks are needed? Is iTunes the only medium of this type or are there others that can be recommended? Thanks for any help that may be offered.
  21. Welcome back Glynn, car looks very tidy........................enjoy!!
  22. Welcome to the club Charles. very nice colourful motor. Enjoy the car and the club.
  23. Welcome to the club Chris. Smart looking motor. My cousin has this model and he and his wife are very pleased with it. His wife, like mine, wouldn't drive his IS but he has a job stopping her getting in 'his' seat when they go out in the CT. Enjoy the club and the car.
  24. Agree with Normski re the post numbers. I always found them to be useful so it would be good to have them back again.
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