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Everything posted by NemesisUK

  1. Surely the disc is clamped tightly between the road wheel and the hub when the wheel bolts are tightened? Have you checked the disc holes on the other wheels?
  2. It's the age old argument, done to death on many websites/forums. Yes Lexus cars share much from the Toyota line-up. What makes a Lexus a Lexus is the additional sound deadening, higher quality materials in the cabin and yes, the badge. As Toyota and Lexus are essentially the same company one should naturally expect a degree of cross-over but one can certainly tell the two apart. Lexus don't have to defend their price premium, they offer, one buys, or one doesn't. The choice is one's own.
  3. One doesn't have to accept it, buy a different marque. Manufacturers have always, since time immemorial, differentiated between trim levels by 'omitting' certain functions. It's unashamedly a way to get the buyer to spend more by 'upgrading' to get what they think they 'need'.
  4. Not if the car is stored in a shipping container, unless you go for a Thatcham approved VHF enabled unit
  5. From the .gov website "The vehicle’s original registration number is usually reassigned to it automatically when you take off a private number."
  6. I find the HUD a huge benefit with regard to watching speed and the road ahead.
  7. The Japanese hate the smell of leather, their new cars don't have a leather smell, unlike Mercs or other Euro boxes.
  8. By law manufacturers cannot allow their speedometers under read, so generally they allow up to 10% over read.
  9. The multimedia unit will have WiFi but it needs a mobile phone or nearby network to do anything useful, it cannot connect to the web independently.
  10. I don't know if the NX can be optioned with WiFi Hotspot module but after the initial period the data plans are, if anything like the RX, quite eye watering 😳
  11. Perhaps not clear in my OP but the road was empty of traffic as far as one could see and the Tesla didn't actually attain high speed, perhaps 60-70mph (within the speed limit for that stretch of road), it was simply the astonishing (to me), no drama, acceleration. Personally I enjoy the sound and drama of a big V8+supercharger
  12. Does the handbook show the larger size as an option? If not there may not be space, your insurer may have an opinion on the modification
  13. I was waiting in the dealership this afternoon and overheard the service receptionist say " We'll book the 250 thousand mile service" I didn't catch what model it was unfortunately 🥺
  14. EVs tend to eat tyres anyway but this getaway was even more impressive due the complete silence, no tyre squeal nothing!
  15. Correct but in this case it's making the 2019 look like an older 2017?
  16. Sat at traffic lights, HGV on the inside line, me in the centre and a white Tesla in the outside. A long shallow left curve ahead, no traffic. Lights change and ..... gone! The Tesla just, well, went. Just a dot in the distance. I was still breathing in, ready to move off! My first experience in the real world of what must have been Ludicrous mode. First time I'd seen a Tesla driven anything other than steadily. He wasn't eking out the last mile from the battery that's for sure! Impressive ...
  17. Mercedes WIS tech doc instructs to replace just the affected part on cars <80k kilometres above that both sides should be replaced. Would be interesting if someone could find the version?
  18. Perhaps wait for when the policy actually renews to see what sort of increase is applied. I had a similar £50ish increase on a change of car but a much bigger increase on renewal a couple of months later!
  19. Society tends to function better when the people are ... It's nothing like, the former is factual and the latter opinion and it is relevant, to the person asking of the question.
  20. If asked "Do you have any driving convictions?", one can legitimately answer, no but if specifically asked "Have you been on a speed awareness course, within the last 3.5yrs?" one must answer yes. To not do so would be knowingly giving false information and would be in breach of T&Cs if one enters into contract with them based on the premium offered in response to answers given
  21. I'm guessing but perhaps it means the immobiliser is set but the intrusion and tilt sensors remain off until the car is locked? My handbook states those sensors activate approx 30sec after the car is locked
  22. Not a UX but my 2020 RX will set the alarm indicator light flashing as soon as the car is out of Ready mode. From the UX handbook .. "The security indicator flashes after the power switch has been turned off to indicate that the system is operating."
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