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Everything posted by Malc1

  1. hahahahahaha . how far back do ya wanna go ??? seasonal Bing Crosby Merry Christmas for a starter ............. and I even heard a Cliff Richard one too a few days back ......... and he's been on TV too very very recently ......... he's looking good for his age eh ! AND it's jolly jolly cold, nay FREEZING down here in Kent ..... well all over I'm thinking .. wrap up well everyone Malc
  2. that looks like a ridiculously skinny spacesaver ! Malc
  3. to Full Fat then ......... looks a bit of a brilliant shopping outing for sure .... well done ✌️ Malc
  4. what a great piece . hadn't realised the impact of Toyota so readily in the world's challenging zones ...... even if it was just Edward and Sophie at the time Malc
  5. coz i hadn't realised they were the same wheels tbh .. like golddust .. a bit fearsome to actually take the car out on the road ..... always be concerned to avoid anything that could possibly cause a tiny hiccup or blemish to a wheel ......... like driving 🤣 Malc
  6. in my standard and unmolested 4ltr V8 I have NEVER used oil additives and she runs as sweet as a nut ...... 27 years and 242k miles .... annual service and oil and oil filter changes and only ever used simple oils ......... like Wilko Semi-Synthetic these past many years BUT as a lad, 55 years back, serving fuel at a petrol station in Chislehurst Kent I was often asked to do a squirt of Redex a gallon . remember a Rolls Royce would always pop £5 of petrol 5 Star super dooper 101 ? Octane stuff too methinks AND a squirt of Redex ...... maybe cars needed that back in those days ! Malc
  7. Blimey ........... . that's just bonkers ! Malc
  8. but in reality wot on earth would the Qataris spend their money on anyway ? It's coming out of their ears ( $$$$$ so as to speak ) and apart from their enormous and significant world changing charitable works ( are there any ? ) ...........wot else would the zillions be spent on ? Your thoughts ? Malc
  9. maybe they wanted the secret formulae involving the " lard " content to improve car paintwork protection products 😅 Malc
  10. Wot me . well not recently ....... I did have a weird electrical problem that manifested itself about 18 months back ( I think ) getting to a hospital appt, the wipers and all else electrical just " died " in the rain on the M2 ...... the RAC guy was called from the hospital car park to which I had limped, and literally about 2 mins before he arrived everything began to get back to normal and, touch wood, been all ok since ............ He investigated but couldn't find anything wrong and following that i tried to find a Professional Auto Electrician to search for the problem and advise ....... I don't believe there's one out there . they might all be complete charlatans to my mind ........ I'm happy to put my continuing ( fingers and all toes xd ) Trust in my Mk3 Ls400 of 1995 vintage 🥰 Malc
  11. not one jot ........... £7 mn a week is a drop in the ocean sadly ............. Sue the Home Secretary is probably preparing the equivalent 4 star hotel style of accommodation in glorious sunny and warm, secure and safe Rwanda right now at an equivalent cost of just £ 0.5 mn I wonder ! Malc
  12. I think your experiences " put to bed " our mere mortals dreams of ever sensibly owning a magnificent Ls600 .......... and any Dealers dreams of ever wanting to sell one outside of a Lexus Warranty too Good luck with all this .... hopefully the final £££££ tab won't drop into your lap to pick-up Best wishes Malc
  13. wow, didn't I start something interesting ............... 😇 Malc
  14. But NOT in most of the world .............. where " mass market " vehicles diesel and petrol is quite a useful product over much of Africa, Asia, North and South America too and of course India . where the Delhi Govt has just introduced ALL buses are now Electric ..... with a " local " population of some 26 million persons to be serviced Malc
  15. chatting to my guy in Delhi last night ......... ALL buses in Delhi are now Electric and it's only men who pay, ALL women travel free as are the first 5 children you take on the bus with you ....... nothing about seats tho' ... think they may be a little superfluous tbh Malc
  16. and there's a plethora of those in the press right now Putin and Oligarchs, Musty Musks and his like . the *** Celebrities that promoted Elon's Cryptic Crypto fantasies ............. sorry I'll stop there, the list would be almost endless methinks just winding me-up a little I guess these Affluents who are merely just so much Effluent in Society Malc I'll shut up now eh !
  17. so how much ££££ are these wheels new to replace ? Malc
  18. my late in-laws in Germany had a Miele washing machine that was at least 20 years old at the time . probably outlasted them ......... hahahahahaha. outlasted my marriage to my German wife too I'm sure .........🤣 Malc
  19. and reading today's BP financial news that BP thinks Hydrogen is the motorists fuel of the future .............. well done BP ......... . let's get it out there and Toyota building Hydrogen powered vehicles for everyone and BP making it available at ALL their petrol stations nationwide Well done BP ..... there'll ALWAYS be enough petrol around to keep our old bangers going ........... including my 1932 Triumph Southern Cross Sports Tourer too 🥰 Malc
  20. the extra 4 minutes ( and slightly extra seconds ) at Half-Time, gave Kane the most MAGNIFICENT goal I thought WELL DONE England ..... keep those twinkle toes putting the ball right to the back of their net .......... France that is Malc
  21. the " normal " E5 uplift in price is 6 or 7 pence / ltr .. how does this compare to the suggested additive cost per ltr of fuel ? Thanks Malc
  22. or Amayama or Rockauto ? ... LexusPartsDirect or similar ? who else might you have already approached ? Malc
  23. walking to and getting on public transport might force you into using your own car ......... mine's a V8 4 ltr " beater " . beats most on the road for sure 😃 Malc
  24. it used to be Duckhams 20/50 . universally accepted and used whatever the car and climate in the UK Now I'm told, for some years, it's best to use a semi-synthetic oil in my Ls400 . due to engine wear and whatever else pertains . no mention of any specific make tho' Guess it's simply best to follow whatever the manual tells you these days ................ . all I do know it's got to be at a silly expensive price for sure Malc
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