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Gary H

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Everything posted by Gary H

  1. I'm glad I’m not the only one who hasn't had any information via the app. I can see my own car there, with all the usual information e.t.c, but there's never been any sign of my eleven month old order ever appearing on it. I did mention this to my salesman in early March (when my UX was in for it’s first MOT and by chance he saw me whilst sitting in the service area...) but he didn't put himself forward to look into it. Instead, he just took me through to the sales office with the computers and pointed to my order on his screen...which naturally didn't tell me anything. I've logged into ‘MyLexus’ on my laptop (isn't that a different app altogether from Lexus Link - or am I incorrect?), but that basically echos much of the information what I have on the Lexus Link app on my phone. It's linked into my car I have now, but has no information or any way I can add my outstanding order to it - not without a VIN or registration number as Deb has already pointed out. Thanks for your reply with regards to this in the 'delivery date' thread, Harry. Much appreciated. At least I know it's not me being an idiot not being able to find something in the app which to others may have been obvious! I did wonder how other people's orders were showing when the car wasn't even built! The only time I get any 'update' on my order (and I use that term very loosely) is if I physically call the dealer or go down there in person. Even then the information is just basic ETA's - as if I've only just placed the order and I'm still at 'day one'. They have my e-mail address and phone number. I've never received an e-mail from them and the only time I’ve had a call was a brief video-text which, confidentially, was a few days after I e-mailed Customer Relations for the first time - which they themselves never responded to me. 🙄
  2. Enjoy! That's practically identical to what I have on order - Takumi spec in Terrane Khaki, with the tan leather and panoramic roof. The only difference, barring being right hand drive of course, is that it’s in the company's 'reluctant to build' 350h flavour. The one I ordered was identical to the one in my local dealer's showroom at the time. I wasn’t actually looking at a Takumi spec to begin with. It was an F-Sport - like I have with my current UX. However, other than a change of colour for the leather, there’s no major difference to what I have now...and I did fall in love with the Takumi they had in the showroom. A Volvo XC60 was my second option and I do really like them. My previous car to the UX I have, was an Audi Q5.
  3. It certainly is of interest. Many thanks for the link. From my experience in the UX, it’s economy has suffered by using E10 over E5, but in a slightly unusual way which I’m not sure if any fellow members could relate to. If I'm just pottering around town or going back and forth to work – the difference is minimal. However, on distance runs it does seem to drop it by a good 4-6mpg compared to what I used to be getting from E5. For instance, on one particular drive I do (roughly 250 miles), I used to get around 56-58mpg, depending on how I drove. Today? Using the same route, I struggle to get much more than 52/53mpg. I have to almost 'hypermile' to get it close to those old figures. I have similar kinds of results if I compare supermarket fuel to branded fuel. Again, on the same route I've compared figures by using supermarket fuel on the way down and then branded fuel on the return leg the following day. I generally get a few mpg more from branded fuel and that's also noticeable on the fuel gauge at the end of the journey.
  4. Predictably no updates for me at all. A May 2022 order for an NX350h Takumi and awaiting so much as a build date or the first piece of positive news to inform me of any sort of progression. Given things are now appearing to be moving forwards, I’ll see how long I can last before I either drop Lexus Customer Relations a third e-mail (maybe third time lucky for any response from them?) or contact the dealer again - as they certainly won't get in touch with me either by phone or e-mail. No roasting at all! I’ve been very impressed by Kia’s offerings for the last four years or so. They do build some quality kit these days. Before I got my UX250h, I did actually consider an eNiro. I’d even gone as far as working out all the sums for the spec I wanted and even a dealer visit. However, the range just wasn’t *quite* there for me (and still isn’t - more than three years on), so that’s when I turned to Lexus and self-charging hybrids, which have shown to be the best of both worlds for me. I’m genuinely impressed that you ordered towards the start of this month and have already had news. It’s a shame my own experience is the complete opposite end of the scale... I wished I’d had ordered from your dealer! My Lexus Link app shows nothing but the data of my existing car. It's never shown my order and I've no idea how to add it. 😕 Go to the 'add car' section and it wants either a registration or VIN number. Hi Deb, I also ordered in May 2022. There's been no news whatsoever, I'm sorry to say. I haven't got a clue when or if it'll ever get built. Given we're now seeing notable progress for orders taken after this, it really isn't leaving me in a positive place at all with Lexus as a company.
  5. I'm sincerely hoping so, for they must have an enormous backlog of NX orders (particularly the 350h) to clear... Alas still no news from my local dealer I’m sorry to say. As I said on the '2023 delivery date' thread the other day, unless I specifically chase, there's very much a ‘radio silence' from them. No news, no updates, no progressions, no...anything. I didn't mind that up until Christmas as I remember being told quite clearly from my salesman I'd be unlikely to hear anything until that point. That's fine... It’s the zero communication from then which has got to me. Anyway, thanks for the link. I do genuinely appreciate these reports (for I keep on forgetting to bookmark the site). I haven’t had chance to go through them all I have to admit, but I can't see any dates amongst them specifically for the NX? I apologise if I've missed something along the lines and I’ll happily stand corrected if that’s the case.
  6. The F-Sport seats are great for long distances. I have the occasional issue with my lower back and can be quite fussy when it comes to seats. On my 250-360 mile jaunts I do on occasions, I can comfortably count on one hand the times I've felt just the starting of any sort of ache – and that's often right towards the end of those longer 300+ mile drives. The suspension can be a little on the firm side on rougher surfaces but I’ve always found it to be more compliant and comfortable than the Audi Q5 it replaced. On regular single carriageway ‘A’ roads, it’s usually very good indeed. My only quibble I have when it comes to ride quality is the ability for the car to 'skit' a little in certain circumstances (i.e – if you’re cornering and going down bumps at the same time) due to the run flat tyres. Overall, in the three years I’ve had the F-Sport, I’ve not had any regrets in choosing it. (P.S – Mine does have the Tech & Safety Pack)
  7. I renewed my insurance only last month and my insurers tried to increase my premium by close to 50% - despite no changes at all in circumstances. A few phone calls later and I managed to chop that down to size to a rise of 12%, which is still annoying considering in recent years my premium has been steadily dropping. Just about everywhere I looked, premiums are up by around 11/12% where I am...
  8. Unfortunately relatable. I’ve had that happen a couple of times this year, so far... However yes, in their defence they’ve generally been decent if you’ve physically gone into the showroom.
  9. I decided to take the parents for a ride out today and treat them to a coffee at a farm shop about 20 miles away which I know they enjoy. Anyway, I arrived there and what did I spot? A 23 plate NX350h parked up - from the same local dealer I’m using. Naturally this sparked interest from them when I pointed it out and we started talking about the ongoing ‘not knowing anything’ / ‘delays’ e.t.c... On the way back I decided to make a small detour, still with them in the car at this point, to drive past the local dealer. I spotted at least five NX’s parked up in a row, unregistered, at the rear of their car park. I couldn’t make out if they were 350h’s or 450h’s to be honest, but NXs nevertheless. This sparked more conversation from them (not necessarily in a positive way about the brand...) and it’s given me some food for thought as we go forward with this order and what will be said if it ever does actually get built. Anyway, when I was in the dealers some seven weeks ago when my UX was in for it’s service and first MOT, my salesman actually took me through to the sales office where the computers were for me to see my order on the screen. I'm sure I’ve mentioned this before... Anyway, there were indeed lots on order. The newest at the top of the screen, with the oldest at the bottom. I can’t exactly remember just how ‘low down’ mine was on the screen (I recall was quite a long way down...) but it was in the bottom 15/20 or so. The eldest he had on his screen, at that point seven weeks ago, was from the end of February. Given the passage of time and those five which were now sitting at the back of their compound, presumably awaiting PDI then collection, I must now surely be somewhere comfortably within that ‘bottom 10’? 😕 I’m getting towards that way, I’m sorry to say. Personally, I’m quite happy to continue waiting until September if necessary (my ‘subject to change’ date is mid-August). Well, when I say ‘happy’, I think ‘tolerate’ would be more accurate. I just want some concrete dates, though. Towards the end of May I’ll be at the first anniversary of my order - without any progress on it whatsoever. It's this specific factor which bothers me more than anything else - not having the same sorts of progress reports/build/shipping information others have had. If I find out this 'mid-August' ETA is being delayed even further (which I strongly suspect will be the case...), I will be ramping up my efforts to look for alternative pre-registered/ex demo models from other manufacturers. Hello! Welcome to the forum! Did the dealer state what year that August would be?! I suspect my own dealer now has similar information but as they've maintained a complete 'radio silence' on my own order unless I chase, they're just keeping it to themselves. The latest I heard (again, after me doing all the legwork) was 'mid-August', but since then I've seen plenty here stating their own estimates as October. I can only assume my May '22 order is now estimated to be that. I'm not expecting to hear at all from my dealer until I contact them again. Lexus on social media have told me to 'ask again' at the end of May - which as I just said above, takes my own order up to a full year with zero information other than absolute basic, rough 'estimates' - which I'm currently up to my fourth. It seems Lexus are more willing to build 450h's than 350h's at the moment... 😕 They do seem to be coming through the pipeline notably faster in some cases.
  10. I hadn't considered this before. At work, I often have to park near a line of large conifer trees - which there of course plenty of little insects gathering around during the warmer months. I try to keep away from parking right next to the trees for obvious reasons, but that's not always possible. It's not unusual to see the odd fly make it into the car. In most cases it's got in there as I've opened the door in the morning to get out and not even noticed until I've returned to the car at the end of the day. On the odd occasion it's been the other way around where a fly has somehow got into the car when I've left work and only discovered it the following morning - so it had been in there overnight. It's never set the alarm off in the three years I've had the car so far, but I'm going to keep my eye open for this now!
  11. I was going to say that my 2020 F-Sport doesn’t have anything, barring the standard brushed aluminium inlay on the plastic trim on the inside of the sill. The sill itself does get the odd scuff mark from my shoes every so often (which unfortunately are easily visible with the car being F-Sport White), but luckily it’s removeable with a dab of Autoglym Super Resin Polish.
  12. Indeed, any car comes second fiddle to your family’s health. It puts an awful lot into perspective. Please pass on my best wishes to your wife and of course, my sympathies to yourself Ian. I have a work colleague who’s son is currently in Palliative care and how utterly nerve-wracking that has been for him.
  13. Same here! I saw Gary’s opening post and my eyes nearly popped out of my sockets when I saw delivery of December 2023 when his order has just been placed! I’m still waiting for any sort of progression at all on my NX350h Takumi order from May 2022...
  14. Firstly, I’m sorry to hear about your health, Ian. I do sincerely hope you well in future. As others have said, your health is far more important over any car. I have a few life-long medical conditions myself and have delayed at least one car purchase in the past as a result. Fortunately in that case, I didn't quite make it as far as the ordering stage before I myself needed work for my own 'MOT' as such! I’m within days of going over the 11 month mark with my own order now. There's been no progression on it all on my NX350h Takumi order. Whilst it’s given me more time to save additional money, my patience is beginning to wear thin. I feel anyone who has got to that stage of 14/15 months with no sign of any hope of receiving their car (which we have had a few on here) has given more than enough patience regardless of their health. Again, wishing you all the very best.
  15. We have a cat but considering the car doesn’t often go more than a fortnight without a wash (and given a ‘ceramic blast’ every few months), if he does go on the car it’s certainly not noticeable. I have, however, found the odd strand of other cats fur on it once in a blue moon!
  16. This is unacceptable and for a brand like Lexus. They ought to be embarrassed by that. As someone else who considers their car to be their pride and joy, I do spend a lot of time cleaning it properly. I even subscribe to a few semi-professional and full-time professional detailers over on YouTube. The problem I always find when dealers clean your car is that, yes, they simply use contractors who are often careless. If you’re lucky, you’ll get a mediocre job of a cleanish car which is full of water stains. Usually, it's a 'patchwork quilt' type of affair where it’s clear bits have been missed and more often than not, they've only very briefly put a sponge over the alloy facings - leaving them mostly dirty. At worst - you'll end up in the unfortunate situation of scratches like what you’ve seen. When my UX was in for a service and it’s first MOT last month, I did give them permission to wash it. I done this simply because it wasn't that dirty to begin with (less chance of inflicting scratches/swirls) and it was bitterly cold - too cold for me to give it a once-over myself. When I got it back, it looked pretty good from 20ft away. No scratches were there, but they’d completely missed washing the driver's side door mirror and the recessed panel which the rear number plate sits in.
  17. Thanks for copying your reply from Customer Relations, Michael. Much appreciated. That’s much better than that one paragraph response I got. I do genuinely feel sorry for you as I know you’ve ordered the same model as me, are three months further down the line and still don’t have any solid information. Why I’m being told ‘August’ I really don’t know. I fully expect to be told mine is going to be at very least as far back into the year as yours. It’s also interesting to see that they actually mention a ‘queue’. It’s just a pity they can’t acknowledge the factory are bumping some orders up that queue, leaving folks like us in the dark... Thank you too for copying your reply, Graeme. I do appreciate it. Like Michael who I’ve quoted above, you’re in the same position as me with the same model on order - only three months further down the line. I’ll be at the 11th month mark next week. It makes you wonder if they are actually saving any of these additional components for our Takumi models because if they’re just using them on others instead to get them out of the factory, what’s the likelihood we’ll ever see our own NX’s ever make it to production?! Hi Bob. If you’ve seen my post from last Friday on this thread, you’ll have seen that on social media, Lexus themselves have told me to ask them again for the latest information at the end of May. Until then, I’m expected to continue to sit in limbo. That would take my order up to a full year, like yourself, without any information with regards to it’s progress whatsoever. As we’ve seen from earlier in this thread, many other people by this time, if they aren’t about to receive their new NX, have had at very least a build date or shipping date. So, that begs the question. What exactly is going on with our orders? To me, in my humble opinion, something has gone very wrong and we’re simply not being told. I also feel they’re worried about losing orders because whilst I’m still being old August/Mid-August, we have several others like yourself being told October. I’m expecting this to be the case for mine when I chase again at the end of next month. I suspect whenever you’re getting vaguely close to an estimated date (making you think there’s light at the end of this incredibly long tunnel), they put it back another few months... As I said in my last post and I’m sorry for sounding like a broken record here, it seems the factory is only wanting to build certain NX’s and keeping other people’s at the back of the queue indefinitely, regardless of how long they’ve waited. It’s damaging the brand and it’ll no doubt cost multiple orders over the course of this year if people aren’t getting the same basic courtesy of build/shipping dates. Like yourself, I’m going to have to extend my current contract on my UX, which ends in September. Lexus have left me no choice and their own finance people have already asked me how long they want me to extend it for. I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place. The dealer has no information other than a basic ETA ‘subject to change’, Lexus on social media are basically repeating what I’ve already been told and Customer Relations, despite two separate e-mail, have not responded to me.
  18. Something I forgot to say on this the other day is that I do very much regret not returning to my second-nearest dealer when it come to placing my current order. Whilst this particular dealer was a little more awkward to get to and the building itself is clearly older, I couldn’t really fault them. Also, unlike my local dealer, I do occasionally receive the odd sales e-mail from them and even service reminders for my UX. I’ve had none of this from my local dealer - where the UX has always been serviced. I decided to place my current order with my local dealer for a few reasons. Firstly, it’s only about three miles up the road from my house - therefore much more convenient. Secondly, barring forgetting to reset the service indicator on my UX last time around, they’ve always done a decent, timely service on it. Credit where credit is due. Sadly, their sales team leave an awful lot to be desired.
  19. Until I become a Lexus owner in March 2020, I often said "Lexuses" as a bit of a snub to the "Lexi" brigade. However, since that time I'm very much now on the team "Lexi2 side! 😉
  20. Hi Paul! My main complaint with the UX is indeed the boot. I've mentioned it before and no doubt will continue to do so. There's literally no depth to it and with the fabric parcel shelf in place (which I much prefer to have in place, to be honest), it's like a large letterbox. I'd honestly say that my father's Corsa D is slightly more practical without resorting to dropping seats e.t.c. It's also one of the main reasons why I want to replace the UX. I thought I could 'get away' with it but these last three years have shown whilst I generally can if I'm on my own, when it comes to any overnight stays or trips away, it's often a case of using the back seats/footwells as additional boot space. It's not the car's fault. It is what it is. I bought it knowing it may be problematic but I did slightly underestimate how much boot space I actually needed. I think I've only once had an "oh 'eck!" moment with the UX in terms of handling...but that was down to me underestimating quite a tight right hand bend on a rural road I hadn't been on before. That was an 'interesting' moment when I clearly felt the nearside front scrabble and understeer. Other than that, I think it's handling is very good. Not the sharpest front wheel drive car I've owned, but perfectly competent for my own driving style. I'm surprised about the seat complaint because certainly up front, I feel they're excellent. Certainly in F-Sport trim. I do suffer a bit with my lower back anyway and I can truthfully say the only time I feel it start to suffer is on the 350-odd mile round trips I occasionally do in it. I had four Audi's back-to-back prior to getting the UX and I'd say only two of them came reasonably close to the comfort I get with the Lexus seats. I wish you well! 👍
  21. Sadly not. I was aware of the event taking place but unfortunately I'd already made plans for yesterday about a month ago! I will be catching up with what was happening over on YouTube. Someone who I subscribe to was there. My father owned an 'S' plate Morris Marina in blue, which he was really fond of. It's actually the first car I remember him having when I was a child and do have short, vivid memories of using the rear armrest as a 'booster seat'! 😄 My brother also had a 'D' plate three door Metro City in red. What a tough little thing that was... It remains to this day one of the few cars which has survived his ownership (a combination of some truly terrible luck and not the most mechanically sympathetic). He also had two black Freelander vans back-to-back at one point, due to the nature of the job he was doing at the time. Unfortunately, neither of those lasted beyond his ownership. Pride Of Longbridge is certainly one event that I'd love to attend one day. Maybe next year, you never know...
  22. A very good post, Graham. I can only echo much of what you said, there. Qualities which grow on you over time particularly resonates with me. I also very much agree on a limited model range. They do miss a small saloon/estate. I'll admit I was a little surprised at the service cost the very first time I took my UX in for a service. I generally I overprice my own estimates I have in my head but this was the very first occasion that I can remember (certainly in a good number of years) where I underestimated it. Fortunately I'm in a position where I can stomach the cost but it wouldn't surprise me if others have been caught out and then subsequently moved away from the brand once they changed cars. In much more recent times there is of course the issue of building and supplying new cars. Of course it's a widespread problem affecting near enough every manufacturer, but it does seem to have hit Toyota/Lexus particularly hard - more so than any other manufacturer, in my opinion. I do often wonder how many sales they have lost over the last twelve months because of the ongoing issue with very long lead times. It's something I've discussed with my father quite a few times recently (someone who spent most of his working career in sales up until he retired) and he wonders how Lexus is actually surviving at the moment. Yet alone not making it mainstream.
  23. They certainly wouldn't like what I've got to say about my experiences with the local dealer at the moment...
  24. I'm sorry to hear this and I completely understand your frustration, given you're three months even further along than me. We can both relate to receiving no progression reports other than very rough ETAs which are always subject to change. Like yourself, my own estimated date at the moment is mid-August, but I have absolutely no faith that will be the case. Waiting a year or so really isn't so much an issue if people at Lexus actually kept us informed with more rock-solid information as they clearly have with others. I am perfectly fine with the wait, it's what's not happening which bothers me. For some reason, there are certain orders for NX350h's out there which they appear to have no intention to fulfill. Semi-conductor issues seem to apply some orders, but not others...and they don't seem to understand or know how to answer questions from people like ourselves who have also paid their deposits but seem to always be remaining at the back of the queue without any hope given that we will ever receive our cars. I did ask Lexus some pretty specific questions as to why some are waiting notably longer than others for similar specs, but it's a question they've very much ignoring from my own experience of their responses. It's all very well in them apologising for the frustration caused, but that's no good to those like ourselves who are seeing build dates and delivery dates given elsewhere, whilst we can't even get so much beyond a very rough ETA - which is subject to change. It's as if we've just ordered the car. With the reply I've had today (which tells me nothing more than what I already knew - they've ignored all my specific questions and points), I'm going to have a long think over the next week or two as to what to do. I will absolutely be looking out for other options now as it's quite clear to me they have no desire in clearing long-standing orders. If, at the end of May, when my own waiting time for any progress is up to twelve months and it's me having to do all the legwork in chasing once more with no firm information over how it's progressing, I'm going to have to seriously consider walking away from it and getting my deposit back. I may very well calm down over the coming days and this is just me 'blabbing away' before the dust settles (and I'll happily admit to that if that will be the case), but I'm genuinely annoyed by that one paragraph I've had back from them today. I'm really not in a good place with this, now.
  25. Well, I've had no reply from Customer Services (which to be fair, I didn't expect given it was only last night), but I also DM'ed LexusUK on Twitter...who have finally responded after about four or five previous attempts. I explained I know of the ongoing shortages. I explained I've already been given a 'rough ETA' of August. I explained I would like the same updates others are receiving - such as build dates/slots, shipping information e.t.c... I explained there are now similar age and newer orders than my own which are getting build slots/dates and shipping dates. I explained the dealer isn't keeping me updated as they are with other people. I explained I'm not happy with just the absolute basic 'always subject to change' information the dealer is telling me, whilst others have much firmer dates. This is the reply I have just had back... So, to conclude - a generic reply which is pretty much exactly what my dealer has told me. Oh yes - note how it's me who's expected to keep on chasing this. At the end of May. Which will take my order up to a full year without news of any progress at all from the day of ordering. Other members can make of this what they will and I'm always happy to hear other people's thoughts on this, but at the moment with August not even 'a given', I think this is very much a definite nail in the coffin of this long-standing order as I have no faith at all that I'll ever receive this car. It's clearly being pushed back over and over again to favour other orders.
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