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Rich OB

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Everything posted by Rich OB

  1. As i always say about mine which is of similar age and condition to yours. Its not worth what you get for it, meaning the car is far to good to sell! At the prices they fetch now i'd rather keep mine til it dies on me, and with a Lexus thats a long way off 75k! Will it really fetch 5.5k??
  2. Think some people are getting mixed up with SE and LE (Special Edition) All LE's had full leather and HID's. No SE had HID's (except IS300) but did have full leather on the run out models. All models except S had moonroof and Auto A/C. Does anyone have pictures of a modded LE?
  3. Alot of new cars now look like they have only fogs on lately with all these DRL's being fitted. I saw a bus today with DRL's which i first mistook for fogs! The new E Class has DRL's where the fogs are too!
  4. Good bargain Rory! I got mine off ebay for £50! Its all about that end time. Lol! And i agree with the 'secret' buy!!
  5. Not a great big football fan myself but if you watched the match you would see that Chelsea were robbed the game by the ref from Norway! 2 handballs were un-noticed by the ref to start with.
  6. So everyone here who says this is stealing are trying to tell me if someone came up to you while you were taking money out of the bank and said, we can write off your debt due to a mistake on our behalf you would say "no its ok i borrowed the money i will gladly pay it back." Or if you went to withdraw £100 and the cashpoint gave you £1000 would you take the other £900 back? I understand where you're coming from but where and when banks can make money from us no matter how much or little you already have they do so. People who say they would do so either have no debt or don't know how it feels to have a debt you may have borrowed with good intentions of paying back, peoples circumstances can change.
  7. I like having both. And i always wondered what 'Moonroof' meant, but great explanation! On really hot days i use A/C never the moonroof as i find the sun shines through too bright and is a bit of an annoyance. Mostly have the blind shut on sunny days but on dull days its nice to have the option of that extra light. I also think it looks nice to have it tilted which i do have most of the time. Like some others also great having it open on a nice summers night! I prefere A/C over Moonroof though but i would still pay extra for one.
  8. Yeah i saw the show when she was on, and as there are so many idiots (which is what makes the show for me) i thought she was going to be a cringe moment. But she blew the roof off. Although its an amazing talent i always feel that the singers should get onto The X-Factor or similar, so many people with other unusual talents are worthy. It always seems to be the singers in the final race for winner! (Execpt last year when Sampson won over Signature)
  9. Wow not a bad courtesy car! Anytime i've had one its been a bottom spec Fiesta or similar, wheel trims missing and the sort. So are you going to want to give it back is the question? Will it convert you?! Lol! Is it one of Sky Insurances own bodyshops or one of your choice? I had damage to my car while it was parked recently and i'm with Sky insurance also but not sure where i stand? Anyway thats for a different topic!! Put the Merc through its paces mate, enjoy!! :)
  10. Curved ones IMO look much better!! I would like some chrome ones too!
  11. White all the way! Its the new black! Think a white IS looks better than silver IMO.
  12. I've seen a few places that say these come in RHD versions, i was going to buy a pair then after some research found out the projectors are poor quality and the fit isn't great. You also need to mod the wings to fit IS300 lights to a 200. Someone has already fitted these lights to their IS200 on here-can't remember who now?! There are companies out there who do projector retrofits, or try it yourself, there are some walk throughs on youtube.
  13. I'm a big fan of the LE model! Would look fantastic with a TTE bumper and skirt on. Never seen one done. is300LE is rare i was looking for one at one point. But a nice 200 example you have there. How much if you don't mind me asking ? Mileage etc? So no plans for it then? (not yet!)
  14. Dagenham, Essex for me. Quite a few about around where i am. Lovely white one flies about the place well modded, always try and catch him but haven't managed it yet! I have never waved or been waved at though!
  15. You can get the projector/halo headlights from ebay. They also do right hand drive versions. Although i've heard the quality is poor. If you're brave enough try a projector retrofit or just customize your own lights!
  16. Know what you mean mate. We all like to have a little blast from time to time but some people just drive like idiots all the time everywhere they go. I think the same and often point out bad driving or un-road worthy cars etc. Its all to do with education of the drivers on our roads, we all make mistakes from time to time but these people just drive without any consideration for anyone else, they don't think about the consequences or just don't care! These hit and run drivers also put Mr average's insurance premiums up each year!
  17. I saw a set go on ebay last week for £30.
  18. According to available research, Daytime Running Light (DRL) is important for road safety. All road users, including pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists, can detect, recognize and identify vehicles equipped with DRL, better and earlier. The mandatory introduction of dedicated DRL was discussed in the Commission's High Level Group CARS 21 (“Competitive Automotive Regulatory System for the 21st Century”) with high level executives from Member States, industry and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and got unanimous approval. The Directive, which has been adopted today, foresees that from 7 February 2011 onwards all new types of passenger cars and small delivery vans will have to be equipped with DRL. Trucks and buses will follow 18 months later, i.e. August 2012. On vehicles equipped with Daytime Running Light, this light is automatically switched on when the engine is started. When it is dark the driver has to switch on the driving lights manually. In this case the DRL goes off automatically. This is just a paste from a website but next time you're out driving in daylight just notice how much sooner you will see a car with its lights on, especially the new Audi DRL's or BMW and new Golf!
  19. Colbecoz, i agree with that! Driving slow can have a more lethel consequences than driving too fast. But the thing is once the average speed camera's go up you really have no choice but to stick to the speed limit! It is of course another way to get money. In some places they're removing speed humps to replace them with specs! In 20mph zones!!
  20. Lexus will start fitting DRL's to their new and facelift cars soon anyway as it will be compulsary from 2011. Sorry this doesn't help you with your problem now though!
  21. I agree with Parthiban, most accidents on these roads are caused by drivers aged between 17-24. As soon as they see the National speed limit sign, they think it gives them the rights to travel along the whole stretch of road at exactly 60mph, regardless of bends and other hazards. More education is needed for these people which the goverment will not invest in, instead they ruin it for everyone especially for people who can drive according to the road conditions and not just at the maximum speed limit. A good idea would be to seperate the driving test into catogories and a set pass mark for each part, a bit like a compulsary Pass Plus. Then after they have passed all this they should attend a course where a real life fatal accident is acted out and the consequence shown with life like dummies. I've seen this on TV before and it works! Shock tactics! These things will never work on everyone but its about cutting the stats down as i doubt very much you can ever cut them out!
  22. I'm sure someone will know and be along to help. I'm looking at fitting some DRL's soon ready for when it comes in for all new cars. Seen the Audi's, BM's and now the Insignia, Renault and VW have them on their latest cars.
  23. 7am tomorrow morning for all the dates. Thats Jul, Aug, Sep, Jan and Feb 2010. So much for just the 10 dates then!! Lol!
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