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Political Correctness


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Having seen elswhere on these forums concern about reference to someone's (or somethings) sexual persuasion, I wondered if it was only me who wishes that I shouldn't have to care how something was said or to whom it was said.

Sure, I would always maintain politeness - I wouldn't want to be purposefully rude but don't get me started on manners - that is a long post that I can't be bothered with at the moment :huh:

I feel that people are slowly losing the ability to laugh at themselves - if you can't laugh at yourself then you have absolutely no right to laugh at anyone else

TV is getting so wrapped up in not offending people that it is far too sanitised and nannying.

What's the point of having a watershed if they still have to warn you that there's some strong language about to come your way or, heaven forbid, some nudity.

If you don't like it - turn it off, you have the power to do so, no one is making you watch it !

Monday morning moan over ! :yawn:

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What's the point of having a watershed if they still have to warn you that there's some strong language about to come your way or, heaven forbid, some nudity.

Agree, although I think the BBC should have warned us last night that any long term fantasies about Greeta Scaachi were about to be strangely disturbed by her playing Mrs T and romping naked with Archer (looked fine until you start to think about the real participants :sick: ).

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In my view, there should not be any language that could cause offense to anyone. As I have a handicapped member of family, I do get annoyed when I hear offensive remarks.

Most people do not stop to think what it must be like for the handicapped person.

I do not agree with the so called need for PC in racial matters. You should be judged by your ability and attitude - not by your colour.

There is an enormous amount of positive discrimination against white people in local government - and that is a fact :angry:

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Its all part of our gradual slide into becoming another state of Mr Bush's empire............ :angry:

Signs warning you that water from a hot tap is hot baffle me............

I work at one of the largest london boro's and would agree 100% with TDIplc's comments.......I have several amusing anecdotes.........

How about appointing a supervisor of a busy (3000 pieces a week) Post room who cant read or write........... :baaa:

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I think to some degree it is a case of political correctness gone mad - yes.

But I would rather live in the current times, gone mad or not, than in the era where we had shows like "Love Thy Neighbour" on telly.

Seen a repeat of Love Thy Neighbour a while ago on a "golden oldies repeat" cable channel - absolutely unbelievable :excl::excl:

Could not believe that this program, (and the likes of Bernard Manning, Jim Davison etc) used to be shown on national television making completely derogatory remarks about "Sambos" and "Wogs" - completely and unbelivably disgusting. (ew - feel dirty just typing those words <shudder>)

Nah - I would much rather live in a world where political correctness has gone mad, than in a world where that sort of ***** is considered acceptable

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I think you are right up to a point Mathew. Love Thy Neighbour was garbage and an embarassment, but I think the context is important. For example in that programme it was the white guy that was shown to be the idiot.

The problem nowadays is that some of the immigrant popluation exploit the weakness that we now have, that has been implimented by the narrow minded who believe themselves to be broad minded. The exploiters do not give a **** about the UK or the indiginous population. They are only interested in bringing us down to their level, and preferably converting us to their religion - by violent means if necessary.

It's gone too far now - there's no going back :angry:

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:unsure: Hi guys, just had to have my four pennyworth, I assume all of you that have posted to this forum are English, but it may be wrong of me to make assumptions. Personally I am an asian, born in india, bought up in England. Why? Because my mum was a highly trained specialist theatre nurse, that was needed here in the UK back in 1969, It's true that she came here to offer a better life, but in doing so she left her position at home as highly respected well "looked after" nurse. But my parents came here to have Paki's out written all over the front of their house, the house being broken into on a seperate occasion, and having the same disgusting things written all over the walls and having the whole house turned upside down, our cars had paint remover poured over them, all while my mum was out saving British lives. So yeah we do get it easy!!!!!

You'll tell me now that that was a long time ago, but how wrong you are. I am a Sales Manager in the IT industry and when I go on sales meetings people will look at me and their whole attitude would change towards me, like I'm a lepper, these are the same people that I would have been talking to for months. I went to for an interview about 3 years ago and they told me straight out we're not going to interview you as we're not going to offer you the job, I asked why and they told me outright it's because you're indian and we don't employ indian people. So yeah we have it easy.

TDIPLC says..

"There is an enormous amount of positive discrimination against white people in local government - and that is a fact "

Ask your self sir who are the people at the top of the government ladder? the day we see an asian or black Prime minister come talk to me.

TDIPLC also says...

"The problem nowadays is that some of the immigrant popluation exploit the weakness that we now have, that has been implimented by the narrow minded who believe themselves to be broad minded. The exploiters do not give a **** about the UK or the indiginous population. They are only interested in bringing us down to their level, and preferably converting us to their religion - by violent means if necessary."

Immigrants aren't exploiting your weaknesses, they're simply take the ****ty jobs that you won't do.

And as for them forcing their religion on you, hold on a sec. didn't britain rule the waves and bring "civilization" to the world, by killing thousands and thousands of innocent people??

I wonder sometimes whose got what right.



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:unsure: Hi guys, just had to have my four pennyworth, I assume all of you that have posted to this forum are English, but it may be wrong of me to make assumptions. Personally I am an asian, born in india, bought up in England. Why? Because my mum was a highly trained specialist theatre nurse, that was needed here in the UK back in 1969, It's true that she came here to offer a better life, but in doing so she left her position at home as highly respected well "looked after" nurse. But my parents came here to have Paki's out written all over the front of their house, the house being broken into on a seperate occasion, and having the same disgusting things written all over the walls and having the whole house turned upside down, our cars had paint remover poured over them, all while my mum was out saving British lives. So yeah we do get it easy!!!!!

You'll tell me now that that was a long time ago, but how wrong you are. I am a Sales Manager in the IT industry and when I go on sales meetings people will look at me and their whole attitude would change towards me, like I'm a lepper, these are the same people that I would have been talking to for months. I went to for an interview about 3 years ago and they told me straight out we're not going to interview you as we're not going to offer you the job, I asked why and they told me outright it's because you're indian and we don't employ indian people. So yeah we have it easy.

TDIPLC says..

"There is an enormous amount of positive discrimination against white people in local government - and that is a fact "

Ask your self sir who are the people at the top of the government ladder? the day we see an asian or black Prime minister come talk to me.

TDIPLC also says...

"The problem nowadays is that some of the immigrant popluation exploit the weakness that we now have, that has been implimented by the narrow minded who believe themselves to be broad minded. The exploiters do not give a **** about the UK or the indiginous population. They are only interested in bringing us down to their level, and preferably converting us to their religion - by violent means if necessary."

Immigrants aren't exploiting your weaknesses, they're simply take the ****ty jobs that you won't do.

And as for them forcing their religion on you, hold on a sec. didn't britain rule the waves and bring "civilization" to the world, by killing thousands and thousands of innocent people??

I wonder sometimes whose got what right.



Hello Eddie

There is no excuse for abuse of any kind just because of different abilities or colour.

There is always going to be ignorance and intolerance of other peoples way of life or colour, and I personally believe that there is more discrimination against white people than non whites in the country. And there is without doubt less tolerance of our ways by Muslims than the other way around.

England has always relied on immigrants to provide the skills and labour that we need, and that should be encouraged in my view.

I can understand why some people may look unkindly on you because of your colour because there is a growing resentment about what is happening in this country. To vilify someone for the colour is pure ignorance. Personally I do not care what colour a person is, it's the attitude that counts.

Your comment regarding the colour of our leaders does not have a good president. I am struggling to think of a decent Asian or African country that is not rife with corruption and poverty by our standards.

I am convinced that my comments about expoitation are correct. I do not think that if I were an immigrant to anyone of the countries that these people come from, that I would be given any of the opportunities that these people have been given.

I presume you have a better standard here than if you were still in India.

When Britain had the empire, they ruled without imposing their religion or ideals - that is why it was relatively successful.

I am friendy with a lot of Asian people, and most of them can't get over the history of what happened a few hundred years ago, and still hate us for it. What my great great great grandfather or whatever did, is nothing to do with me so I am not going to appologise for it.

What is required is mutual understanding of what needs to be done to make the world better for us today and tomorrow for our children.

Mark :)

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I get a bit fed up with hearing about and being blamed for the evil committed by the English Empire around the world because I am English. I have no idea what my relatives were doing two hundred years ago, but I bet if they had any involvement in the Empire it wasn't through choice. The Empire was built and plundered by the English aristocracy, who as recently as the 1930's were quite happy to use troops against their own people.

Having said all that I don't think that England ever deliberately set out to conquer the world. If you read Simon Schama's even-handed "History of Britain", it is pretty clear that our main interest was trading and that the military involvement usually occurred when other European powers threatened that trade.

One thing I do know about my ancestors is that my Grandad was at the "Battle of Cable Street" when the eastenders fought Mosleys Brownshirts and the Police to protect the Jewish imigrants of the eastend of London. The people who supported the Nazis in Britain in the 1930's and 40's were mainly aristocrats who didn't like the idea of ordinary people having the vote.

BTW I have a friend whose grandfathers were both shot in the leg by the British Army during demostrations in the 1930's, one in India and one in South Wales, I bet there aren't many people in the world with that lineage !

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Just wondering,if we should start a new section called

"Marks Hot Potatoes"

true. :D

we need a "Soapbox" forum :D

but Marks posts on government, monarchy etc have been some of the best dicussion posts we've had.

you can't talk about cars all the time.

my turn to get on the soapbox now!

You guys should consider yourselves lucky to have such loyal posters. I was on a Volvo Forum this morning trying to read up on the S60R and it was DEAD. There was almost some tumbleweed blowing across the foreground. :D

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I am going to be Prime Minister when I grow up, and here's what's going to happen;

1) Free beer

2) An end to the TV monopoly of footy - and pay to view

3) All ugly girls rounded up and incarcerated (I will of course offer them the chance of redemption through cosmetic surgery)

4) All current politicians hung for treason

5) A reversal of current European policies, and an enforcement of a true free market.

6) All illegal immigrants removed, and the armed services will enforce our national boundaries.

7) All legal immigrants that can be of use to our economy will recieve no state aid, but will be offered gainful employment.

8) Drug dealers (especially the illegal immigrant variety) will be tortured and then jailed for life without parole.

9) Rapists and kiddie fiddlers will be castrated

10) The speed limit will be revoked on major roads under the correct conditions, but will be 20mph around shools. The right to drive will be earned and can be revoked irevocably for drink driving, driving without insurance, or getting in my way.

11) Any kind of colour discrimination wil be illegal.

12) All school leavers will be given training in useful trade skills.

13) I will live in a nice big house and drive a 360 Modena paid for by you mugs :)

I am a reasonable person, so I will consider any other suggestions

Mark :)

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I am going to be Prime Minister when I grow up, and here's what's going to happen;

1) Free beer

2) An end to the TV monopoly of footy - and pay to view

3) All ugly girls rounded up and incarcerated (I will of course offer them the chance of redemption through cosmetic surgery)

4) All current politicians hung for treason

5) A reversal of current European policies, and an enforcement of a true free market.

6) All illegal immigrants removed, and the armed services will enforce our national boundaries.

7) All legal immigrants that can be of use to our economy will recieve no state aid, but will be offered gainful employment.

8) Drug dealers (especially the illegal immigrant variety) will be tortured and then jailed for life without parole.

9) Rapists and kiddie fiddlers will be castrated

10) The speed limit will be revoked on major roads under the correct conditions, but will be 20mph around shools. The right to drive will be earned and can be revoked irevocably for drink driving, driving without insurance, or getting in my way.

11) Any kind of colour discrimination wil be illegal.

12) All school leavers will be given training in useful trade skills.

13) I will live in a nice big house and drive a 360 Modena paid for by you mugs :)

I am a reasonable person, so I will consider any other suggestions

Mark :)

:) All said and done, I'd vote for you!!!!!


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Is that for real?

Who knows if its true but the mail had a story about the flat purchase business by the Blairs the other day. It mentioned how Mrs Blaire visits someone who's into chanelling, spiritualism, crystals and stuff for advice. If she's not a charleton then the spirits she'll be contacting will be demons. G.o.d has said in the bible he doesn't allow contact with the dead and has extremely harsh words about anyone who tries. (Funny I thought Mrs Blaire was a catholic...) Apparently at times of crisis she's been known to fax 10 pages of questions to her spiritual guru for advice.

It couldn't be true though - the devil would want to influence society for the worse, eg destroy the protection of the family, suppress the truth of the Christian religion, make drug use more acceptable and get people hooked etc....

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Is that for real?

Who knows if its true but the mail had a story about the flat purchase business by the Blairs the other day. It mentioned how Mrs Blaire visits someone who's into chanelling, spiritualism, crystals and stuff for advice. If she's not a charleton then the spirits she'll be contacting will be demons. G.o.d has said in the bible he doesn't allow contact with the dead and has extremely harsh words about anyone who tries. (Funny I thought Mrs Blaire was a catholic...) Apparently at times of crisis she's been known to fax 10 pages of questions to her spiritual guru for advice.

It couldn't be true though - the devil would want to influence society for the worse, eg destroy the protection of the family, suppress the truth of the Christian religion, make drug use more acceptable and get people hooked etc....

Oh dear!

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