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Everything posted by mr2lad

  1. I travelled a total off 2347mls last week from north Scotland down to Fleetwood,Scarborough,Newcastle Edinburgh Glasgow Aberdeen Grimsby and I saw NONE and only a handful of other types of lexus's...oh wait I lie I saw a mk2 LS around Middlesbrough, I'm now back home and took my LS into town and parked up next to a Lexus is220 and the guy and his mrs came over to me and actually asked what kind of Lexus mine was lol as he had never seen one like mine before Oh I got such a big head when I told him all about my LS and showed him around it
  2. I get a beep same part of road just beeps maybe 3 times no visual warning signs on dash but as I said it on the same bit of road next to a pole that has a solar panel charging something I'm thinking its picking up a signal and cars responding to it by beeping (weird I know) Doesn't happen every time I pass solar panel pole (maybe 3/4x a month) never happened anywhere else tho
  3. I have the vaistech ivic (iPhone) fitted in my 600... piece of cake to fit ... Ps the rear cordless headphones go thru battery's quickly , I got brand new ones from Lexus Sheffield when I bought my car last year and one of them has already failed... So bought a corded one as a replacement.... (Personally don't like the size of original ones)
  4. Lol so reading inbetween the lines your no happy with Lexus and want to degrade yourself to a jaguar I had a hiccup years ago and bought a 2yr old jag and within 24hrs regretted buying it.... Uncomfortable noisy and you feel the gear changes lurch.... Your call but you'll regret getting a jag You bought a 2003 car 18mths ago and have problems.... Welcome to the world of 2nd hand cars wearing out... Please point us all in the direction of a car 12yrs old that doesn't/hasn't a problem
  5. Malcolm ....... I saw that post about the low mileage minted mk4 LS400 as well, maybe been deleted as he wasn't a gold member but can't see why as he was only asking a opinion on its value and POSSIBLE sale......
  6. I concur with what tulpen says about battery's... I Had a low voltage battery problem which threw up loads of error which in end had to be reset by Lexus and because of these error messages it changed the characteristic of my braking system which to me made car unsafe to drive so had to get recovered to garage.... Problem ended up being low voltage battery and knackered cell.... Due to low usage by myself of car and car drawing power for all he systems whilst my car was not in use (I was ill for a time and car was laid up in my garage) thes a thread on here somewhere about the issues I had ... But all rectified by a new battery ....
  7. SE-L and buy yourself a ski rack, I wouldn't miss out on extras just for twice a year ski trip ..... As the meerkats say ...SIMPLES
  8. I personally would go the SE-L.... I always go for the top spec in cars my GS450h was a SE-L and my LS600hl with full relaxation pack, reason I go for top range as thes nowt worse than buying a car then later wishing it had this this n that on it like the SE-Ls etc, dark cars do look great but will show up dirt swirl marks scratches etc etc more than a light color ,,, I know I've had the expierience of having a black Lexus which looks the dogs dangly bits when clean but ohhhhhhhhhh the swirl marks show up so badly I ended up putting it to a detailer to remove all marks (not cheap) but made me happy (I'm just so pernickety) hence the reason I've now a silver car (will never ever by a black car again in my life) next black car I'll be in will be a hearse but unfortunaly I'll be the passenger (quiet one tho) End of day which one do you like the most (as said in earlier posts don't worry to much on mileage on these cars).. Which car will suit your purpose and do what you want and gives you the biggest grin ..... That's what it's all about GRIN FACTOR, I'm still grinning a year and 2days of my ownership of my latest Lexus
  9. My LS had its MOT yesterday...... Pass no advisorys but I did put on 4 new tyres a hour before hand
  10. Did you buyer off a private seller....garage or Lexus dealer..... 3yrs ago I bought a 08 GS450h SEL from a garage in Bournemouth and Lexus contacted me on something unrelated to recalls so they have a way of knowing who owns it if a recall is called..... Think you will find the vosa (or whatever there called know) are involved when recalls are announced and will get details via dvla ..... Just phone up a Lexus dealer and inquire about recalls and the ball will start rolling from there plus they'll ask for your details and will be logged on their database
  11. The only recall I see on the site is for a fuel delivery pipe and its gasket..... I had mine done on my LS600hl last month effects numerous Lexus models gs450h included...... This is a. 3hour job and they put £25 of fuel back into your car as a bonus..... You must have a recall letters of confirmation before Lexus will do the recall.... On the Lexus site put in your reg n vin No and this will let you know if your GS450h is affected.....
  12. Lol now I'm the total opposite from you, I think it's because LS is in my blood 3yrs ago I bought a 08 GS450h sel and I liked the car but from week 2 yearned to get back into a LS, this time last year I sold my GS and bought a LS600hl and to this day I still smile every time I pop outside and see it in he garage or driveway, I have never struggled to park my LS600hl which is the long wheel base (no I don't use the self parking switch) tried it once and scared the hell out of me lol... I prefer to be in control im not slating the GS in anyway at all as I LIKED my ownership of it but did find the seat uncomfortable on long journeys and found myself shuffling about after awhile coz of numb bum lol as did my mrs in the front passenger seat Now I said I LIKED my GS?... But I LOVE my LS... And only fault I can find in the design of it is the drop down telly screen as once it's down I can't see out my rear view mirror, now I'd of thought they would of had 2 either side for rear passengers (it's the relaxation pack 4 seat LS I have) intially I was going to replace headrests with DVD ones like I had fitted in my GS but due to the way the headrest on passenger seat folds away when rear passenger uses the relaxation seat, I can't fit them or the wiring would be stretched every time it was operated ... .... I have 2 kids at different ages who want to watch their own programs hence needing 2 tellys so on long journeys one watches his DVD whilst the other watches his downloaded DVD on iPad Attached is a pic of the rear DVD/games system fitted on my GS I had, all blue toothed wireless headsets etc plus they could watch their own DVDs or switch over and watch each other..all equalled to no squabbling and silence from the back lol
  13. That's bull....... Excuse my language , when I had my GS450h I put it into my Toyota dealer to read on their computer due to a fault no problems with gaining access, Also I was advised by the Lexus dealer I bought my LS600HL off to put car into nearest Toyota dealer to get a spare key programmed as my nearest Lexus dealer is 185mls away, Warranty work NO servicing and fault diagnosing YES
  14. Saw one 5minutes ago when I went outside for a cigarette in my garage hahaha sorry couldn't help myself, Took my eldest son for a drive today to Aberdeen in it today (1st time he's been in it since I bought it 11mths ago) He now wants me to leave it to him in my will lol he jumped in drivers seat when we stopped for something to eat and took selfies n sent to his mates saying I'd let him drive it (not a chance and only in his dreams) then the smart arse sat in back for journey home with seat fully reclined giving the royal wave to passer by lol Ps he's 22 but acted like a 12yr old 😂😂😂😂😂😂
  15. Brian..... My 400 is gold and my 600 is silver...... Spooky lol
  16. Mine says I've a small willie and cars compensating for it...... either that or I'm a pimp daddy or drug dealer
  17. Glad to see your sorted with another LS and yes a brilliant colour... My 400 is amberley Gold and if the had been a gold 600 I'd of got a gold one instead of silver.......
  18. I use it for live bait as well.... I opened up my doors and all the lady's come round thinking its a lady's toilet coz the smell of fish.... Ma bad and going straight to hell for that
  19. Personally the last thing I'd be putting into fridge in main cabin of a Lexus Is fresh fish, unless it's vacuumed packed I work in the haulage industry (long distance lorry driver) and 99% of my loads are fresh fish landed straight off boats and IT STINKS (I hate fish) lol I'd use a cool bag with a bag of ice and place in boot Fish smell lingers for along long time Here's one I caught earlier 😉
  20. Ochhhh that'll polish out But on a serious note I'm gutted for you... I once came across a 430 that had been in a pile up all panels severely damaged and looking at car you'd think serious injurys ... Everyone front and back ok and like you just a bit of whiplash
  21. 3-4wks ago my LS went on a journey 370mls and didn't use a drop of fuel...... Oh wait it was on the back of a recovery truck hahahahaha sorry couldn't resist
  22. Staind, def leppard ,acdc , full volume windows wide open as I cruise around ok waft around in the 600 around the quiet villages up my way hahahahaha... Well cars that quiet they don't hear it and causally walk in street so I need to get their attention to get th m out of road somehow 😂😂😂😂
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