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Steve ( West Mids )

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Everything posted by Steve ( West Mids )

  1. You can find plenty of these GS450h cars on Autotrdaer website for just under £30k. As you say the don't have MM but do have a Garmin or equivalent satnav. I noticed they are all SE models and say 2008 in the title although they are 2009 59 reg.
  2. So I believe. Also if you have official SKY HD you can now get ITV HD unofficially on the SKY box whistling.gif, I only found out this morning :)
  3. I wasn't talking about "freeviw" but the boxes yopu can get to view for free ;) Try ebay for some ideas ( Dreambox DM800 HD ) as an example.
  4. If you have the satellite dish installed and cabling already in, you could always use one of the "freeeview" type boxes to get the majority of services you already get. You'd just have to take out phone and broadband with someone else.
  5. You have a 2004 car, presumably not under warranty. Don't understand why they would replace stuff or are you paying for it? It's well accepted that if you replace items on the suspension, steering or brakes then you replace them in pairs to ensure the handling is not impaired.
  6. But they have cameras so can prove you were the driver. This has happened in my town recently with B&Q and Tesco. Been in the local papers.
  7. Looks good, tidy brickwork :) I still can't understand what's going to happen to the white soil pipe, if it doesn't go how will you open the door? Also there will be no room against the house wall so are you sure you have enough room to get the car in and get out? I make it nine bricks which equates to less than 8 foot and that's without the frames for the door.
  8. You need to put the sim card in a more user-friendly phone to send it across. Try a search on here there are a few recommended ( Nokia etc. ).
  9. Somebody told you earlier on your other post, you know the one that has probably been deleted as you were trying to sell it in a round about way. In fact a bit like this one.
  10. Was it a 30mp limit? I can't see that amount of damage from 30 mph. If you went rou the rounabout at 30mph and then floored it then I'd guess it was 50 to 60. Only my opinion. What have the insurance said?
  11. Hope the 8 foot is inside then with no pillars in the side wall ;) I'm assuming your house is on the left, in which case I hope you are going to move that white soil pipe otherwise you will struggle to get the car in let alone you getting out.
  12. Clue is above, it's accident damaged to some degree or at least has been.
  13. I'm assuming that if the accelerator was stuck you would have depressed the clutch. Did the brake pedal not move at all, was it was solid at the top of it's travel? If the pedal is snot moving then suerly the master cylinder piston ( s ? ) must have siezed? As otherwise it would have a choice of four calipers to push against and give. In a case like that gears may be the only way to slow it down ..................... but as you know you get very little time to make a choice / decision. I never did get an answer back on mine ( master cylinder failure ) after Lexus supposedly sent it to Japan for examination.
  14. The oher thing to do is each time you wash the wheels ( with shampoo and water ) then when they are dry put on a good wax, the AutoGlym Gold ( Autoglym Extra Gloss Protection ) is especially good.
  15. Have you checked your tyre pressures? Mine did this on collection - pressures 44 to 45 after PDI :(
  16. I still wouldn't want to drive round with it missing, did you buy it from a dealer? If so I'd be inclined to take it back and ask them to fix it, in fact even if it was private I'd go back and get them to sort it. It's not going to be easy to get another one made.
  17. Within Itunes, just double check before you click on YES ;)
  18. You can do almost anything you want once they are unlocked and jailbroken. Thing you must remember is not to let iphones update the software. It did this on mine when I didn't realise and the repairers siad it was bricked. But I found a way to sort it from the net.
  19. Ask away, I think there are a few of us here. Is it in connection with us in the Lex?
  20. Or if they do phone you and ask for you , say I'll just get him, then just leave the phone in your drawer or another room for an hour or two, they may then get the message :)
  21. You need to get it diagnosed at a dealer / garage with a gas test on the radiator and / or a compression test. That will confirm if it's the head gasket.
  22. Welcome to LOC and with a good write up too :) If you go "Gold" you can save money at most Lexus dealers on servicing and parts. You should be able to upload photos in the attachments part of the post / reply ( not fast reply ). Not sure if this is onlt for Gold Members - give it a try, it's below the box you type in.
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