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Everything posted by abs66

  1. When these blades are worn out I will be buying proper Lexus blades next time.
  2. Normls has a set on dhp's for sale fella but be quick they won't hang around long. Look for the thread "Dhp alloys/tyres "
  3. Haha I take your point. Shame though I think it would work but no doubt people would balk at the idea of change.
  4. I don't suppose anyone has a picture of a 400 with original 16" alloys BUT with 225/55 as opposed to the 225/60 originals fitted. My thinking is, I have a belting set of tyres on the gs300 alloys I have and might as well use them if it doesn't look too stupid. Also I expect there might be speedo issues but the one thing that worries me is that someone who has never given me a bum steer before said it could knacker some gearboxes ! Any truth in this does anyone know?
  5. I would quite like a system where we had our own plates for life with an add on piece at one side which is changeable to display year of manufacture not registration. Problem solved imo.
  6. Update. Well the bar keepers friend helped but the screen wasn't the problem. The rain held off long enough for me to investigate. It looks like the spring on the drivers side is a bit weak so not all the blade was touching. The shaving a bit off the connector mod might work for that very reason allowing the arm to be closer to the screen. I bought a cheap temporary replacement to test my theory and it wipes fine. I will further investigate as weather and time allows.
  7. @plastic orange Thanks for the pics its much appreciated that you took the time to do that for me thanks. They look similar blades to the ones I have on so I will double check that in a minute. @mudguts I too tend to buy German stuff for quality reasons (My Lexi being the exception), The screen wash I currently use is the concentrated stuff from Lidl as it was the ONLY stuff I tried that wouldn't freeze in the poorly designed wiper system on a Merc Sprinter I was driving in the cold conditions a couple of years ago. In fact Lidl's are hard to beat quality wise on an awful lot of their German products and the prices help too. I can absolutely recommend the Welsh butter as a treat, Not German I know but well sourced Lidl's well done. With the regard to the Bar Keepers friend, purchased some earlier and have cleaned the windscreen and so far, no juddering but lets see how I get on tonight in the rain. Had a bit left over so tried it on an old pan, damn that stuff cleans well ! Thanks for all the tips guys, very very helpful. If anyone has been following my experiment with the BG44K fuel additive, I can confirm that it feels like the engine is smoother and more responsive and the tickover which I didnt think was lumpy before seems rock steady now and I've not experienced that stalling problem when coming off a motorway run since but that might be luck as I cant see how it could clean the throttle body, or does it? Anyway I have purchased a gasket for the throttle body so will strip her down and have a look when the weather allows.
  8. You might be onto something there with shaving the plastic bit as the same aero blade worked fine on another car ( trial and error method ). Do you have picture of the offending bit to be removed by any chance?
  9. Brilliant thanks for all the advice, I will try them all it never hurts to have spares.
  10. Mine didn't have originals on when I bought it so I think I will pop down to the local Toyota dealer and see how much they are.
  11. Cheers guys for your helpful responses, I will get on with it as soon as it stops sodding raining!
  12. Hmm polish that might be worth a try I do have some of that under the sink. I will give that a go when I have a look at my suddenly chirping heater fan, problems problems lol All I need to do is try and work out if the lower glovebox can be removed.
  13. Are the Lexus ones the flat blade design or the older style? How much were they if you don't mind me asking?
  14. That's what I've got on there at the moment, they were quiet for 1 day! Maybe I'm just unlucky lol
  15. After trying 3 brand new wiper blades on the drivers side I'm still experiencing a nasty rubber scraping sound. I wonder, has anyone else got this problem or had it in the past and managed to find a solution?
  16. You could always try a can of bg44k it might clean a few items up you never know your luck. My car seems to be running a little better and its about half way through the treatment cycle.
  17. The problem I have had on my mk3 is the size of the calipers not the discs. Are the discs bigger on the mk 4? Good luck with your search and beware alloys that will fit a mk 1 or 2 won't necessarily fit the mk 3 or 4 I've found.......doh!
  18. Well I've done half a tank with the 44k in and the pick up is definitely better in my opinion and a flat spot seems to be nearly gone. I also believe I'm getting a bit more mpg but will check over time as no fancy computer in the mk3. I also found a nice dry clear stretch of road last night and floored it up to the speed limit, that's improved too again in my opinion. Will feed back as and when I have more info.
  19. Thanks for the link I might just give them a call. Please let us know how much they quote you price and time wise. Its a shame they are in Brighton as I'm in the north west too.
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