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Phil xxkr

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Everything posted by Phil xxkr

  1. Ah, Hindsight, the only precise science there is 🧑‍🎓
  2. Phenomenal vehicle Steve, I am sure you will get great enjoyment from it. So on a PCP you have/are effectively renting the car. And I would guess your last two years have cost around 10/12k equivalent in round figures to £1 per mile which does not seem so bad for such a chariot. Incidentally has your VED changed? Also be interested to know what the dealer has your old car up for. I personally think more and more of these financially aggressive deals will become available as the post pandemic effects bite such as ending of furlough in September. I have just read about Barclay card reducing its debt exposure, guessing again it won't be the last.
  3. Intriguing offer Steve, you need a cash flow spreadsheet 😎are you HP or PCP? If the former, you have effectively been renting the vehicle and covering off depreciation. Money is very cheap today providing your Experian rating is there even 3.9% is expensive. What's the offer on a service plan?
  4. But the thing is Rowley it does make for lively debate🤭 and how good is that for the forum? The fact that Linas believes in some form of insurance premium entropy is appealing. But could it please be extended to include car ownership? You see as a person of pensionable age I don't think its fair that I can't have a brand new RX. I mean, why should people half my age be allowed to? Something must be done 🤢🤢🤢 Oh, and Linas, if Insurance companies are "hiding" their ill-gotten gains they must have a pretty big bed! But I think I may have found it, so, next time you look at your pension statement ask your provider which insurance companies have they put your money in because you clearly need a good return. 💰💰💰
  5. If you are a one-fingered typist like me, Crikey! For the odd "deposit" on my car I keep a packet of baby wipes from Lidl, 40p and very efficient 👍
  6. This is good advice for sure, and I always but always commit it to paper, bother email and physical paper with copies to appropriate parties. In all cases annotate the time lines so far. That way it's a chronological series of actions you have pursued should you wish to take it further
  7. Martin, it's true to say police numbers in absolute terms have fallen from a peak in 2009 but its also true to say numbers are increasing. What is also really hard to find is the the number of civilian staff employed, I suspect its a substantial number. Ultimately one could get quite cynical about possessions since it appears thieves abound for your tangible assets and government for anything else you may have. But if you have neither, as Del Boy might say, the world is your (entitlement) lobster
  8. Is it possible to get lexus dealer to battery check for £59? Just a thought
  9. The numbers Ian are staggering, £770 million for cable theft. 45,000 houses in Wakefield left with no power after cable theft. Cars contain, Platinum, Palladium Rhodium and can be worth hundreds of pounds. And with increasing demand worldwide for precious metals not sure how to resolve this in the short term.
  10. Ian, despite the various regulations theft of copper communications cable still goes on and is somehow disposed of! And wasn't a huge bronze Henry Moore lifted not that long ago? I am reliably told certain elements of society, found all over the country, believe they have a right to your property be that your dog or your cat 🤯 And because they are not in your "swim" it's a culture that defies understanding unlike Fermat's last theorem.
  11. No, not just yet. I am waiting for my release papers 😎
  12. You do raise John the interesting psychology of perception and how long-lasting llusions can be as in the case of MB. By coincidence the German chap Nietzsche said"all things are subject to interpretation. Whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth"
  13. You are right my friend, I considered Cayenne but the cost of ownership was a non starter. Initiall acquisition manageable, after that too many unknowns. And its just not the costs its the sheer inconvenience of things going wrong.
  14. Really? Be interested to be updated as to how it performs? It's perfectly understandable why a temperature sensor may need location 🤔 but a battery monitor? Get outa here!
  15. That's an awful lot of words Linas, do you get paid per syllable? 🤑
  16. So firstly, the question was about Covid safe transactions not an ultra safe way of protecting your car from thieves for which there is, ultimately none. On the question of contraventions, yes, I agree, but look, ask the question, do you have a valid licence with no endorsements. Yes they can fib but use your God given judgment - does this person feel right? Secondly, re accompanied driving entirely your call. CV-19 makes things temporarily not as they were. So, don't advertise your car right now, or make a judgement call on your adherence to CV regs. Not difficult really - make a decision its as simple as that.
  17. No, but their quotes for a replacement exhaust and catalyst is amazing. And, for what it's worth I have asked if they have considered making a CatLoc? With their expertise in non-imported stainless it should be a breeze. 🤔
  18. Chap in my village is a small car dealer his advice is; 1-insist on sight of insurance document. 2 - insist on sight of driving licence with minimal contraventions. 3 - insist on holding the keys of the car they came in. 4 - agree the length of time if unaccompanied.
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