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Harrier Man

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Everything posted by Harrier Man

  1. If everything worked as it should, I think it should show the location but if I had just stolen a car, I would do something so that you couldn't look me up, such as disconnecting the battery. A hidden, independent tracker would hopefully buy me (or more probably the police) more time to try and recover my car.
  2. I should add that I recently sought online quotes for car insurance and, with those companies that asked (presumably to give a discount), the tracker I mentioned above wasn't listed amongst the options. Guess it hasn't been through some recognised testing that meets their standards.
  3. Yes, you do need to have a mobile phone sim card (contract or PAYG) but what I meant was that there is no subscription to either the hardware manufacturer or their software service. Some companies offer all sorts of graphical, live, multi vehicle tracking and other features - all for a monthly fee of course. Could be valuable if you're tracking a fleet of, say, delivery vehicles or taxis but I only need the ability to locate the tracker if the host vehicle is stolen, I've forgotten where I've parked my car, or I'm checking to see if the mechanic is using my car to fetch his pizza. I don't want to be paying a subscription (other than the SIM charge) every month for these rare occasions.
  4. I bought a TKStar tracker back in 2018. Chinese but it still works absolutely fine. What I like about it is that there is no subscription. You send a code via your mobile phone and it sends you a google map reference link that shows where it is, plus things like the state of charge of the battery. It has a different name now but still available on Amazon for £50. I also bought a 12-24V charger for it: but this is currently unavailable. The tracker was purchased to fit to a mobility scooter and worked (and still does) fine with no attention needed when used with the charger. Not sure that I trust the integrity of the charger for use in my car though, but as the tracker stays charged up for several weeks, it hasn't been a problem to charge it using my phone charger every couple of months.
  5. I was looking at this too. Lexus 'forward priced' my old car anticipating a long wait. Normally this would have been an okay deal but second-hand prices are strong at the moment so I looked at the online alternatives. One offered over £1000 more but I was saving the best (Motorway according to some comparison reports) until last. However, before I approached the other online companies, a friend of a friend snapped it up. He was very happy as it was still about £2k less than he would have had to pay on the forecourt. I was happy that it was going to a good home and a had got a bit more than the Lexus deal. Incidentally, at one point, Lexus said they would be happy to revise the offer they had made me back in February but I never took them up on this.
  6. I've had the Lexus Link app on my tablet for a few months and used it to track the progress of my car through build etc. Tonight, I thought it was time to download the app onto my phone. I went to the Play Store as usual, entered 'Lexus Link' into the search bar and was offered the Lexus app. I noticed something was off and started looking deeper. The default app I had been offered was the US version instead of the European version! Looking back at earlier comments in this thread, it would seem that most, if not all, have the correct app but given that the US version was offered first and the icons for the two versions are identical, it is possible that somebody out there has the 'wrong' version - and that might be causing additional problems for their vehicle.
  7. Nextbase offer a fitting service. See Currently on offer for £119, usually £139.
  8. I agree Peter and the Weber University video that describes the RAV4 Hybrid transaxle clearly shows the parking pawl that engages with the ring gear when the vehicle is put in park (approx 14mins into the video). Why Lexus therefore makes the statement I quoted, I don't know but it remains their documented advice. As it is easy to chock wheels, it seems sensible to follow the advice.
  9. I would normally agree with the suggestion to leave the parking brake off if leaving the car for an extended period (LenT) but p225 of the manual reads, "If the vehicle is parked with the shift position in P but the parking brake is not set, the vehicle may start to move, possibly leading to an accident". I would still suggest leaving the parking brake off but I would amend LenT's advice to, "Always chock the vehicle". I also note p225 reads that the parking brake cannot be applied if the 12v battery is discharged. I assume and hope for safety reasons the parking brake wouldn't gradually release as the 12v slowly discharged but it is conceivable that you could return from holiday to find that the parking brake won't release until it has sufficient charge. A good reason to adopt a system that keeps that 12v battery charged. Can anyone else add words of wisdom or reassurances to my thinking?
  10. I read (in Car magazine) that BMW believe that the next battery revolution and the advantages that entails is about 4 years away, 2026-2028.
  11. What is it that I am supposed to be watching and listening to? Is there a link missing?
  12. And here is what Lexus said ... "According to Technical Communications Lead Chris Pedregon, the decision to only show one thing at once was to highlight the new natural voice command functionality and to "minimize the touch-touch-touch" of using a touchscreen. She also noted that people did not like that the old Lexus NX only had a split screen. Another Lexus representative noted that secondary information, say that radio information, can be shown in the instrument panel." The full article appeared on
  13. You are not alone in wanting this feature.
  14. I have been tracking my car in MyLexus and using the Lexus Link app without knowing the VIN. I only know it now because I asked the dealer for it earlier this week (my car is currently at Derby). Both MyLexus and the Lexus Link app accurately reported the stage the car was at, save that it arrived at Portbury late on a Friday and the information wasn't updated until Monday. In my head, I imagine an intern at Lexus UK HQ has the job of updating the computer but he or she doesn't work weekends!
  15. Hi, yes that's the video I was referring to. Thank you for finding and posting the link.
  16. I did think the age of the car might be a problem and was aware that the video referred to navigation. However, my thought process (at least for newer vehicles) was that the distance covered would be stored as a encrypted string on some computer within the car and that by selecting a preference for miles or km, mph or km/h, mpg or l/100km, etc might display that string for distance covered in the selected units; thereby negating the need to swap the entire cluster. It was just a thought.
  17. Does this help in any way? Obviously this is a new model and generation but I don't know enough about older Lexus and what they had fitted.
  18. Do you know if there is a way to make 'off' the default to save me from the faff of turning the key off by pressing the buttons every time I leave the vehicle? It takes very little effort to press the unlock button when approaching the car or pressing the lock button on the fob when leaving it. I have to do this now and a default off mode would bring peace of mind. I already have to worry if I turned the gas hob off before I went into town; I don't want to double my worry quotient!
  19. Interesting question with lots of angles and obviously a high degree of personal choice in your decision. I chose a 450h+ because its electric range covered my daily commute whilst its petrol engine would cover a weekly 200 mile trip and a 500 mile trip every other month in an area where chargers are far from readily available. Had my journeys been mostly under 200 miles, I would have gone for an all electric BEV. There are some videos on YouTube from people with more knowledge than I have that advocate regular running of the petrol engine, even if you might otherwise get away with electric only. Engines like to be run and not sitting around for weeks or months on end when oil drains away from bearings and corrosion can start to set in. In particular, people mention the now higher ethanol content of petrol as a potential issue because ethanol is corrosive when left to stagnate. Not sure what evidence there is to show if this a problem in real world conditions and not a problem when a petrol engine is run regularly. Maybe you could employ a heavy right foot technique if you go for the 450 so that the engine cuts in and keeps everything running smoothly!
  20. Thanks for the tale of woe. I'll never forget your experience and if I have a similar conundrum, it might save me hours of anguish at some point in the future.
  21. I think it is important to understand some history here. Older CVT systems used cones and belts which were 'whiny'. Many reporters still hold onto this view. However, what we are talking about here is an eCVT and this is very, very different; as Marinleg reported in his first post - once the reporter had looked at in more detail, he changed his mind for his second review. The YouTube reporter in question made reference to a detailed examination by a university lecturer at, I think Weber University. His video is well worth watching. Not a cone or belt in sight; it's all planetary gears and electric motors. As a transmission system it will have a certain level of noise in its own right but also the Toyota system is designed to keep the combustion engine in an efficient operating range. That range is at higher revs than one might normally expect for a given speed and this contributes some additional noise to the system. Whether you describe this as harsh depends on your experience and point of view but personally, I think of it as different, not harsh, and Lexus have done a good job to give us a quiet and very efficient vehicle.
  22. London is about 11m above sea level and, depending on where you are, Hampshire is anywhere between 0m and 297m above sea level. Could it be as simple as your run to London is downhill on average whereas your run home is uphill?
  23. By chance my local Lidl had a set of car trim tools for sale from yesterday, £9.99. Bought myself a set to hopefully make the process of installing my dash cams a bit easier.
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