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  2. SK number plate = first registered in Edinburgh...
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  4. Glad you got it sorted 🙂 Personally I found the HUD and touch sensitive buttons second nature after about 30 minutes driving the car… all very straightforward in my opinion!
  5. Thinkware F770 but it’s an old model now. But still getting speed cam updates. Can’t recommend any newer ones as I’ve not tried them. I worry lots of new models come with unnecessary features like cloud storage and probably some AI nonsense. I helped a friend fit a budget Garmin dash cam recently. He had the hardwire kit that cost £20 and as part of that kit, it included a voltage protection setting on the hardwire kit control box. No extras and only £20 for the whole hardwire. Spending serious money on battery protection seems unnecessary in 2024, and comes across as exploitative to me. Manufacturers charging top dollar for extras that aren’t complicated at all!
  6. Apparently not! I found this explanation on the website: BlackVue X-series models (DR770X and DR970X) have in-built power management circuitry that ensures that your camera will never deplete your vehicle’s battery when operating overnight, switching-off should the car’s battery level drop below a pre-set level. BlackVue models such as the DR750-2CH LTE and DR750S/900S/590 require the addition of the optional Power Magic Pro to provide battery protection. This was the distributor’s web address that I bought from many years ago, but they were then called Boros Technology. I think it also now has a different name and physical address, so cannot really comment about them as they may have changed personnel as well as location. I do recall that were also a distributor at that time. You.could always contact them directly to clarify the situation.
  7. Clip starting at 3.39 apparently involving a black IS220d.
  8. I had a test drive in one today, VERY UNDERWHELMED , no rear wash wiper , cheap interior, no glovebox , and £67,000 for the Takumi Electric Model, they must be kidding, these cars going to depreciate QUICKER than the 300 UX electric, they are now £20,000 at dealers circa 2 to 3 year old, they cost £57,000 NEW WOW Thats horrendous depreciation 😂😂😂
  9. Thanks, yes some physical buttons are there and some have been removed as punishment for buying premium plus and Takumi. Not sure what Japanese were thinking by removing the phone buttons and a few more useful ones. Yes they have given more options to Premium plus and Takumi but who is going to use the touch pad on steering wheel to go through all of that!! If you want to make a phone call you need to use the touch to select phone option by staring at Head up Display … Thank God at least they got rid of that old fashion touch pad/mouse and replaced it with touch screen. Touch screen is what I always use for making phone calls and answering phones.
  10. I had the same issue when I changed from my GS300 to the 450H. Was easier on the 300. This vid shows how on the newer remote:-
  11. Mine is at times quite bad, other times it will be OK for hours. It’s definitely related to going over bumps. One thing I considered was having a setup where I could connect my phone via Bluetooth to a separate device which is connected directly into the amplifier. This would bypass the whole audio unit.
  12. For parking mode yes it needs to be hardwired to the fuse box. Surprised no stock on Amazon/Ebay Quick Google search found these sellers
  13. Thanks to Colin, David and Scotlex. Yes I will have to get a diagnostic check. I keep the aircon on auto permanently. When it reaches the set temperature it used to maintain it and the on/off switch stays illuminated all the time. Now it goes out around half hour after driving (having a reasonable attempt at cooling) then with little cooling until manually switched back on.. Then it goes out again after 10 mins or so with no cooling and so on. Hopefully it just needs gas.
  14. That's amazing! What model did you get? I was actually looking for dashcams where we don't have to get that extra battery protector box. Would also love to hear your experiences with Thinkvue? @LenT @IS300FSPORT I was thinking of getting BlackVue Dash Cam DR750X-2CH. Do I need to get the Power Magic Pro in order to use the dashcam in parking mode? I can't find any reputable place that sells it though?
  15. Haha.. Thought that on the Volvo thread
  16. Good point, I think I have mis-linked the two, and the noise is normal, but good through all your tips actually found a/the real problem!
  17. Most definitely. 99% of people have no idea what it is - I’ve been asked if it’s electric numerous times! The other 1% absolutely ‘get it’… and they’re the real car enthusiasts. Roughly the same price as a knackered Mclaren or dancing donkey but there’s no negativity or OTT photography like you’d get with something more ubiquitous. Suits me perfectly.
  18. Hankook Kinergy 4S2 is the way to go
  19. Can I ask how you rust proofed the holes you did? Both sides, what product and what locations? I'm tempted to go down this route as a fail safe, I assume noise ingress isn't a worry that far back and under the layers
  20. Just renewed my insurance with Saga. Gone up to £621 from £520 last year. Bizarrely the excess has reduced to £200 from £600 last year so reasonably happy.
  21. That's a shame and not indicative of my experience either. I am london based but ended with a car from Lexus Leeds. Looking at that car in question, it looks like a pre-AVS and pre-widescreen infotainment car
  22. I use silicone grease in a squeezable tube for door seals and sunroof seals (essential to prevent sunroof seal deteriorating). I dab in a finger and rub into the rubber all round. For door hinges, I remove most of the old grease and just lightly reapply lithium grease from a tin, wiping off the excess.
  23. Just so you know. The inverter coolant and engine coolant have completely different water circuits. The pump driven by the belt is the engine coolant pump you check the level of engine coolant by looking at the reservoir bottle on the front above the radiator(red in pic below). The pump making noise from your original post is the inverter coolant pump. This is a plastic electric pump not driven by the belt and is meant to cool the inverter. The level of this coolant can be checked looking at the bottle near the throttle body (blue) So if your engine coolant water pump is leaking that won't reduce the inverter coolant. Also that wont impact draw from the 12v battery as nothing critical runs off the 12v battery. Its only function is to start the car and power the alarm, security system, lights etc. BTW that noise from your original post may not necessarily be the inverter coolant pump and could also be the high pressure fuel pump (for direct injection) building pressure. Anyway good that you caught your warepump leaking. Get it replaced under relax.
  24. Nice one nothing like abit of Internet Diagnostics (guesswork) haha Out of interest what mileage has yours done? You probably already know this but as a precaustion just to be on the safe side avoid driving it unless necessary you may run into overheating & other problems, unless you can source abit of coolant temporarily to top it up.
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