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2 hours ago, toffee_pie said:

LenT and Bluemarlin will probably say, well I usually fly out of Heathrow and live 15 minutes away..

Just to reassure you, Eric - and I can only speak for myself in this respect - this something I have never said and indeed never will!  😊

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Dont know why but i had to think of the ghost rider screaming on the top of his voice ' i see hundreds of ghost riders whats wrong with these people!!'  

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6 hours ago, toffee_pie said:

So, the question is, it's still a conspiracy is it? 

When you have convinced people that buying a 2 tonne electric car with half a tonne of lithium batteries can change the weather, well anything is possible.

LenT and Bluemarlin will probably say, well I usually fly out of Heathrow and live 15 minutes away..

Driving at 10mph reduces greenhouse gases dramatically, don't you know.

Plans to introduce a 10mph speed limit on a section of Richmond Park have been criticised by local cyclists, who claim that people on bikes will be unable to comply with the proposed restriction while riding downhill

Oh dear, where to start.

I guess I'll lead with the fact that yes, I do usually fly out of Heathrow and, on a good day, can get there in 15 minutes 🙂

That said, regarding your question about whether it's a conspiracy theory, well it would seem so. What you present as breaking news is a report published 4 years ago, in 2019, by a bunch of academics, saying that airports should close from 2020-2029. Well, it's 2023 now and they didn't close. So yeah, unless by between 2020-2029, they really meant between 8.20pm and 8.29pm, and airports are secretly closing at these times, it's more scaremongering.

As for the 10mph limit in Richmond Park, that has nothing to do with either driving, or greenhouse gasses, and is aimed specifically at cyclists. I cycle in Richmond Park, and the restriction is planned for only one tiny strip of road, which features a very steep hill. The overall speed limit in the park is 20mph, but many groups of cyclists use it as a racetrack, often exceeding the limit and overtaking cars. On that particular stretch it's possible for cyclists to reach speeds of 30-40mph+. For a long time reckless cyclists have posed a hazard to walkers, traffic, deer and themselves, and the Royal Parks have long been trying to find ways to mitigate this.

So, once again it seems like a couple of stories have been taken out of context, to paint a false narrative, that's easily debunked in the never ending game of conspiracy theory whack-a-mole 🙂

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5 minutes ago, Bluemarlin said:

but many groups of cyclists use it as a racetrack, often exceeding the limit and overtaking cars.

Oh my, there's a whole thread somewhere here about cyclists and knocking 'em off their bikes ............... and I suffer this activity here in Q'boro too where we have a 20mph speed limit along several roads and sadly, neither cyclists nor motorists, nor delivery drivers heed this .......... I really am likely to cause some mayhem at some stage, bashing one or several with me walking stick as they chase past .........

 ............. it's ok, I'll take more coffee to calm me down .... or not !  😇


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10 hours ago, Malc1 said:


 ............. it's ok, I'll take more coffee to calm me down .... or not !  😇


Just add some adrenaline to the coffee Malc, I have found it aids reaction speed and the walking stick becomes ever more effective.

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10 hours ago, toffee_pie said:

Here we go, before the WEF pull it down.

These internet scam artists certainly know their market.

Iman Gadzhi is a well known social media personality who makes his money by promoting a wealthy lifestyle in order to sell online get rich quick schemes and courses. A kind of Andrew Tate lite, without the s*x trafficking. He, and Tate, know full well that the kind of people that buy into these things are also prone to conspiracy theories, and both have done well out of talking about nefarious forces, desperate to shut them down for telling the truth.

Funnily enough, Gadzhi did have some videos removed, which he claimed proved that dark forces were out to get him.  Unfortunately for him though, it was later proven that he did it himself, as a stunt to try and prove his conspiracy theories, which he eventually admitted to.

So, as I keep saying, you reallly need to check your sources before posting, as he's not the kind of guy I'd be trusting for my information. Although I think he'll selll you some crypto currency if you like.

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lucky i don't follow nor get involved with social media ( personally ) 

My on-line business seems to have to and thankfully I try to have zero input .  there's far more savvy people than me doing this stuff .  well, that's everyone tbh 🤣


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11 hours ago, Bluemarlin said:

These internet scam artists certainly know their market.

Iman Gadzhi is a well known social media personality who makes his money by promoting a wealthy lifestyle in order to sell online get rich quick schemes and courses. A kind of Andrew Tate lite, without the s*x trafficking. He, and Tate, know full well that the kind of people that buy into these things are also prone to conspiracy theories, and both have done well out of talking about nefarious forces, desperate to shut them down for telling the truth.

Funnily enough, Gadzhi did have some videos removed, which he claimed proved that dark forces were out to get him.  Unfortunately for him though, it was later proven that he did it himself, as a stunt to try and prove his conspiracy theories, which he eventually admitted to.

So, as I keep saying, you reallly need to check your sources before posting, as he's not the kind of guy I'd be trusting for my information. Although I think he'll selll you some crypto currency if you like.

Check sources, LoL 

Have you watched this and it's nothing about Iman, because as I said over a month ago.. 

Anything that goes against the narrative is blacklisted, abolished or frowned upon because it's well known politicians have your best interests in mind, correct?

Whether it's Iman or any other person who does such a video they are all conspiracy theory's - I'm still waiting for a government video or official sources if you like on covid deaths from vaccines btw. I'm waiting since well over two years and I will keep waiting but don't expect anything, maybe because I'm deluded and actually nobody died at all from vaxes and them 4 thousand per month excess deaths post vax roll out are all just imagined... What do you think.?

Trust the science have got into your head to ensure that is the case

When the Brecon beacons gets renamed over violation of net zero climate change rights don't you think we have a problem as much as the 4 airports that are scheduled for 2030 and 15 minute commutes appearing in 2024.

You folks are brainwashed into a trance so much I'm amazed that you actually survive on a daily basis, do you not think of staying in bed all day? As you clearly have lost the intelligence to ask questions of what's happening around you and with what you are told and listen to attentively this world seems a bit too much to handle.

BTW, your sources are behind all of the above... Renaming historical landmarks, 15 minute commutes, ULEZ zones, LTNs, cycle lanes, 4 airports.

It's all perfectly normal to you, how is that?



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12 hours ago, toffee_pie said:

Check sources, LoL 

Have you watched this and it's nothing about Iman, because as I said over a month ago..

Yes, nothing original in it. It seemed to be a rip off/rehash of Zeitgeist, which is years old.

Now, whilst there's doubtless some truth to it, I suspect that's not his goal. Interestingly, he starts his video by saying that the only way to shield yourself from all this global financial shenanigans is to get rich, have multiple bank accounts, and have lots of properties in different countries, ideally caribbean islands. No doubt by the end of his video series, after he's scared people enough, he'll offer to sell you a course on how to get that rich.

It's quite possibly true that things aren't always what they seem, and so of course it makes sense to ask questions. However, these internet conmen aren't the trusted sources you seem to think they are, and don't have the answers. Instead they're just smart enough to know that it's possible to make money as an online guru, using any permutation of fear, greed & s*x.

I mean, ask yourself this. If people like this, and Alex Jones, are all just good hearted truth seekers, with the forces of evil stacked against them, then how come they're multi millionaires?

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13 hours ago, toffee_pie said:

BTW, your sources are behind all of the above... Renaming historical landmarks, 15 minute commutes, ULEZ zones, LTNs, cycle lanes, 4 airports.

You're not thinking ahead and seeing the positives Eric, as there's a logic to 15 minutes cities and cycle lanes.

When the governement send an emergency text alert to your mobile, warning of imminent disaster, it will only take you a quarter of an hour to get back to the safety of your bunker 🙂

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World on brink of financial crash as BoE warned it's days away from sparking recession

• A global financial crash is on the cards if interest rates continue to rise, an expert has said

• It comes as the Bank of England is warned another interest rate hike will tip the UK into recession.

Everything looks to be on track for a CBDC...



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4 hours ago, toffee_pie said:


what does this stand for  ?


7 hours ago, Malc1 said:

what's this please  ?


oh and this too please    LTNs


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On 4/19/2023 at 11:51 AM, toffee_pie said:

World on brink of financial crash as BoE warned it's days away from sparking recession

• A global financial crash is on the cards if interest rates continue to rise, an expert has said

• It comes as the Bank of England is warned another interest rate hike will tip the UK into recession.

Everything looks to be on track for a CBDC...

The "expert" is a university professor, and went on say : "I am not too convinced it will be global like the 2008 one, though some countries such as the US, Spain, Germany, some in Asia, seem to have dealt with inflation quite well and they are now on quite a strong recovery journey."  So not really a global financial crash.

Another "expert" added: "While the probabilities of an economic recession are now higher, the depth of a likely recession is expected to be modest."

So it seems like it's cherry picking season again, as the claims aren't as extreme as presented, and are about calls for the BofE not to raise interest rates from the current 4.25%, and nothing to do with digital currencies.

And before you say it, yeah, yeah, I know, "join the dots, sheeple" 😉


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It speaks volumes about EVs that the only way to get people to buy one is to ban the alternatives, it also shows the contempt that the government has for the free market economy and the consumer. These vehicles are only suitable for those living in a city who do a limited mileage, for those of us elsewhere it again shows the scant regards our government has for us all.

Replacing every car in the UK, and just the UK with an electric one would use up 75 to 80 per cent of the all the world's nedynium, cobalt, copper and lithium. It will NEVER happen.

The fascist globalist establishment know this. The intention is simply that none of us will have personal transport (only the elites) hence the push for 15 minute cities and all the mind numbing controlling measures taking shape in cities.

The agenda is malevolent, manipulative and has absolutely furk all to do with saving the planet.

when that famous phrase popped up, you will own nothing.. and Iman has explained it to a tee.. it means that the government will own you - his YT video on over a million views now, it had 30 thousand when I saw it a few days ago, people waking up to the lies.

Everything is about control and always was, getting people to wear masks was the point when governments realised it was easier than they imagined.

It was around 2 or so years ago I said that EVs only are beneficiary to three select group of organisations

1. The government itself

2. Auto manufacturers as they have control of IP and planned obsolescence like never before

3. Banks 

LenT and co, you lot really need to cleanse out your heads with the bs 

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ERIC, I'm not quite wised-up as to why you're in such a weird mindset ............ the update is that NO Govt in the world is now seeking a ban on petrol cars .....  EVER .... as all this European nonsense by 2035 has " gone " 

and as for owning nowt, well, we all come into this world with nowt and will sure leave that way ....  how we deal with the wealth we individually have during our lifetime is a matter of good education and parenting methinks

                   might you change your tea and coffee to  decaff .  that might help a little 

Best wishes


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18 minutes ago, Malc1 said:

ERIC, I'm not quite wised-up as to why you're in such a weird mindset ............ the update is that NO Govt in the world is now seeking a ban on petrol cars .....  EVER .... as all this European nonsense by 2035 has " gone " 

and as for owning nowt, well, we all come into this world with nowt and will sure leave that way ....  how we deal with the wealth we individually have during our lifetime is a matter of good education and parenting methinks

                   might you change your tea and coffee to  decaff .  that might help a little 

Best wishes


Eh, combustion engine cars aren't made anymore beyond 2030 or at least that is what they want, good luck running a Subaru or Lexus on bio fuel.. it's only recently was there a push back about this ban with Germany and Italy pushing back - two countries who have built up a stellar history in making petrol cars realising that maybe these EVs aren't so good after all and you can bet Govs will tax your petrol car to the graveyard until you finally give up 

Governments want control of your wealth as much as they want you off the road, you need to stop listening to bs that's all.

You need to remember it's 2023, call back in 2030 and see how all these theories panned out.

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5 minutes ago, toffee_pie said:

Governments want control

Govts in the western world are usually voted in by the people, for the people and thrown out again when it all goes awry ...............  so don't get too wound up by it all .  it's all a little transcient and much good stuff will emerge so don't worry too much that you won't live to see better times ahead ..  at least here in the UK

Where Govts do have control it's often the people have a really hard and bad time of it  .  vide Russia right now

AND on the other side there's the wondrous benevolence of oil power with the Sultan of Brunei ...  a really good guy to his people for sure .. and yes, he owns them effectively but treats them all quite well methinks  .  summat to do with the aeons of British influence no doubt

Just chill ERIC, we don't want you having a heart attack 



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20 minutes ago, Malc1 said:

Govts in the western world are usually voted in by the people

You mean like Rishi Sunak?

If you watch Iman's video you will see what he said, the shots are called by the UN, specifically the WEF and they have no right to do anything because they aren't even visible in democratic countries but they are a separate entity and they can make things happen as we are seeing with net zero. Govs have been corrupted for years whether you like it or not it is what it is 

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59 minutes ago, toffee_pie said:

Rishi Sunak?

brilliant honest trustworthy guy with conviction and dedication to the People ...............  Hindu and very very clever and probably the best PM this country has ever, or will ever see in peacetime

Just imho  🤩


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